提升GRE阅读理解能力先做意群训练, 3个例句彻底掌握练习正确方法,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
提升GRE阅读理解能力先做意群训练 3个例句彻底掌握练习正确方法
The primary method previously used by paleontologists to estimate climatic changes that occurred during Pleistocene glacial cycles [新世纪冰川周期] was the determination of 18O/16O [18O与16O分别为氧元素] ratios in calcareous fossils.
本句主干:Method[主语] Be[系动词] Determination [表语]
四个意群分别为:1) The primary method previously used by paleontologist; 2) to estimate climatic changes that occurred; 3) during Pleistocene glacial cycles; 4) was the determination of 18O/16O ratios in calcareous fossils. 在这句话中,意群的划分依据为词语与词语之间的联系紧密度,意群1应解释为: method前有The primary, 后有previously used by paleontologist,分别起到修饰method的作用,而意群2则在此处用作动词use的目的状语,用来说明这种方法的用途所在, 意群4为系动词表语结构,整个句子的结构也随之开始变的清晰起来。
In the Weary Blues, Hughes chose to modify the traditions that decreed that African American literature must promote racial acceptance and integration, and that, in order to do so, it must reflect an understanding and mastery of Western European literary techniques and styles.
这段话中出现了,三个That,往往考生会在这几个that之间踌躇不定,尤其是第三个that后面的意群,in order to do so作为一个插入成分将that与紧跟that后的宾语从句分隔开来,第一个that起引导定语从句的作用,且第一个that可用which 来替代,而第二与第三个that起引导宾语从句的作用,第三个that前省略了动词decreed。当句子当初出现复合句时,尤其是宾语从句或定语从句,会以that为标志出现,而只要将that及其所引导的成分视为一个意群进行分析,读时才不会出现那种不得要领的阅读感觉。
The petition asked that during June, July, and August the working hours be changed from 8 to 5 with an hour off for lunch to 7 to 3:30 with a half-hour for lunch
如果能够分清此句的意群,就不会读不懂整句话,本句结构为:The petition [主语] asked[谓语] that[后接宾语从句]。当我们看到be change时,便会一眼看到change 后的from...to...to...to,这时,问题便出现了,这里存在两个意群:1. 8 to 5 with an hour off for lunch; 2. 7 to 3:30 with a half-hour for lunch, 当理清这两个意群以后,整个句子开始变得流畅了许多。
Meggers argued that agriculture depends on extracting nutrients from soils into edible crops, so premodern societies in Amazonia could never grow large because underlying soils are impoverished. In Meggers’ view the population size that a culture could reach depended upon the agricultural potential of its environment. Meggers accepted that fish and turtle resources of the Amazon made possible the long riverside villages the explorer Orellana described in 1542, but she dismissed as exaggerated Carvajal’s estimates of tens of thousands of people in those settlements, and she was sure those settlements did not have inland counterparts. Supporting this point, the Omagua, a riverbank people and one of the greatest chiefdoms observed by Carvajal as a member of Orellana’s expedition, regarded hinterland forests as unpopulated wilderness.
1. In the context of the passage the highlighted sentence serves to
A. explain the broader rationale for a conclusion described in the preceding sentence
B. suggest some of the drawbacks of the riverbank location of the villages described in the following sentence
C. acknowledge information that appears to undermine a description attributed to Orellana
D. introduce a principle that appears to be contradicted by the agricultural development of premodern Amazonia
E. give a reason for an upward revision in earlier estimates for premodern Amazonia
2. From the passage it can be inferred that Omagua depended on
A. overland transport to communicate between villages
B. foraging inland to obtain foodstuffs not available locally
C. some form of fertilization to boost agricultural production
D. fish and turtles for at least part of their diet
E. trade with other peoples for some raw materials
Meggers argued that agriculture depends on extracting nutrients from soils into edible crops, so premodern societies in Amazonia could never grow large because underlying soils are impoverished.
M 指出,农业依赖于庄稼从土壤中吸收营养物质,所以亚马逊河流域的前现代社群永远无法壮大,因为当地土壤贫瘠。
In Meggers’ view the population size that a culture could reach depended upon the agricultural potential of its environment.
在 M 看来,一种文化能滋养的最大人口,受其所在环境的农业潜力约束。
Meggers accepted that fish and turtle resources of the Amazon made possible the long riverside villages the explorer Orellana described in 1542, but she dismissed as exaggerated Carvajal’s estimates of tens of thousands of people in those settlements, and she was sure those settlements did not have inland counterparts.
M 同意亚马逊河的鱼和龟作为一种食物来源,可能哺育了狭长河岸地区的村落,正如探索者 O 在 1542 年描述的那样,但她不同意 C 认为这些定居点人口已经上万的估计,认为这种估计过于夸张了,她也确信内陆地区没有类似规模的定居点。
Supporting this point, the Omagua, a riverbank people and one of the greatest chiefdoms observed by Carvajal as a member of Orellana’s expedition, regarded hinterland forests as unpopulated wilderness.
河岸地区的 Om 族人,同时是 C 研究过的 O 长途考察中最大的酋长统领地区之一,认为内陆林地是无人活动的荒野,这也印证了 M 的观点。
酋长领地 [chiefdom]
社会政治组织的形式,在此组织中一个人(或一群人)对许多群体行使政治和经济的权力。它意味着牺牲地方和自治团体的利益把权力和权限集中起来。在西非或波利尼西亚建立的那些酋长领地里,政治权威与经济权力是不可分割的,包括统治者索取贡赋和税收的权利。酋长领地头目们的一个主要经济活动就是促进经济盈余的生产,然后他们在各种场合把盈余重新分配给他们的臣民。参阅社会文化演化(sociocultural evolution)。
hinterland 内陆地区,内地,腹地)
1. In the context of the passage the highlighted sentence serves to
A. explain the broader rationale for a conclusion described in the preceding sentence
B. suggest some of the drawbacks of the riverbank location of the villages described in the following sentence
C. acknowledge information that appears to undermine a description attributed to Orellana
D. introduce a principle that appears to be contradicted by the agricultural development of premodern Amazonia
E. give a reason for an upward revision in earlier estimates for premodern Amazonia
选 A
rationale 根本原因,基本原理
2. From the passage it can be inferred that Omagua depended on
A. overland transport to communicate between villages
B. foraging inland to obtain foodstuffs not available locally
C. some form of fertilization to boost agricultural production
D. fish and turtles for at least part of their diet
E. trade with other peoples for some raw materials
选 D
让我们根据文段对 Om 做一些推测,首先 Om 出现在句 4:
Supporting this point, the Omagua, a riverbank people and one of the greatest chiefdoms observed by Carvajal as a member of Orellana’s expedition, regarded hinterland forests as unpopulated wilderness.
根据 C 和 O 以及 M 对 Om 都有涉及,我们把范围扩大到句 3:
Meggers accepted that fish and turtle resources of the Amazon made possible the long riverside villages the explorer Orellana described in 1542, but she dismissed as exaggerated Carvajal’s estimates of tens of thousands of people in those settlements, and she was sure those settlements did not have inland counterparts.
综合两部分内容,选 D。
A 在村落间做横跨大陆的贸易运输。鬼扯。
B 去内陆收集本地没有的食物。未知信息,文中只能判断 Om 人认为内陆没有人定居,至于他们自己去不去找食物,无法判断。
C 用某种肥料给农作物增产。哈哈,欢乐的鬼扯。
E 与其他民族或部族进行原材料贸易。下一段。
Many theorists now doubt that heat loss from Earth’s core and radioactive decay are sufficient by themselves to produce all the energy driving the tectonic plates whose movements have helped shaped Earth’s surface. This leaves a loose end in current geological theory. Herbert Shaw argues that because scientists have underestimated the input of substantial amounts of energy from extraterrestrial impactors (asteroids and comets striking Earth), they have difficulty accounting for the difference between the quantity of energy produced from sources intrinsic to Earth and that involved in plate tectonics. Whereas most geologists have treated the addition of energy through the bombardment of Earth’s surface by such impactors as a process separate and independent from the movement of Earth’s tectonic plates, Shaw asserts that these processes are indivisible. Shaw’s revolutionary “open-system” view recognizes a continuum between terrestrial and extraterrestrial dynamics, whereas modern plate tectonic theory, like the classical geology developed during the nineteenth century, is founded on the view that Earth’s geological features have changed through gradual, regular processes intrinsic to Earth, without reference to unique catastrophic events. Classical geology borrowed a decisive, if unspoken, premise from Newton—the independence of Earth’s processes from any astronomical context.
1. The author’s primary purpose is to
A. identify the influences informing a particular geological theory about the processes that have shaped Earth’s surface
B. identify differences between two views of the extraterrestrial impactors and argues that the phenomenon has influenced the development of plate tectonic theory
C. argue that an explanation is based on a dubious evidence and propose an alternative explanation
D. discuss an explanation and place that explanation under theoretical context
E. suggest that apparent discrepancy poses a serious problem for a particular theory that many have believed
2. The author of the passage mentions the “continuum” in order to
A. point out a relationship between plate tectonics and the nineteenth-century geology
B. explain how a theory of Newton’s could influence geology and plate tectonic theory.
C. distinguish between two sources of energy that contributed to the development of Earth’s surface.
D. point out a similarity between the surface of impactors and the surface of Earth.
E. identify a feature of Shaw’s view that deviates from current scientific theories.
3. The passage suggests which of the following about tectonic theory?
A. It has led scientists to overlook an important contribution to classical geologists from Newton.
B. It has been more successful than was classical geology in accounting for heat loss from.
C. It is based on premise about Earth’s processes discerned in Newton’s thought.
D. It has correctly explained the effects of extraterrestrial impactors on Earth’s surface.
E. It corrects a fundamental flaw in classical geology.