GRE写作过渡词句有多重要?官方评分标准了解Transition价值。今天小编给大家带来GRE写作过渡词句有多重要 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
Panda bear is a kind of docile lovely animal in the southwest of China. Its cherubic appearance and awkward movement appeals to not only children but also adults. It symbolizes the spirit of peace and harmony, which is cherished by Chinese people. Expansion of human activities to wild areas has caused a sharp decrease in the number of panda bears.
1."displays unity, progression, and coherence, though connection of ideas may be occasionally obscured" (iBT Independent Writing 3分评分标准)
2."develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily but may notconnect them with transitions"
(GRE Argument 4分评分标准)
3."is limited in its organization or focus, or may demonstrate some lapses in coherence or progression of ideas" (Sat Write an Essay 3分评分标准)
那么到底甚么是Transitions呢?在GRE考试中又被称作Transitional devices,连接元件。笔者尝试对之做出定义:Transitions是出现在文章中的一种词,短语甚至句子,其目的是用来表明它前后两部分之间的逻辑关系的,它的用处是能够帮助读者自然地从作者的一个idea转移到下一个idea,使用的结果可以使文章的逻辑性更强,更加连贯。打个比方来说,它很像道路上引导旅者的标志牌(They are like the road signs that guide travelers-College Writing Skills)。之所以说"前后两部分",是因为Transitions的前后可能是两个段落,两句话,甚至两个单词,它们彼此之间都会存在各种各样的逻辑关系,比如:
.ddition: and, in addition, additionally, one, another, first of all, secondly, furthermore, moreover.
.ime: then, after, before, since, once, until, meanwhile, now, during.
.pace: next to, across, above, below, nearby.
.hange-of-direction: but, yet, however, otherwise, nevertheless, although, in contrast, on the contrary.
.onclusion: because, so, therefore, as a result, consequently, thus, in summary, conclude.
其实还有很多其他关系,其他的词,这几种是比较常见的。我们发现这种transitions的出现方式非常多样,包含了很多词性:连词,介词,副词,动词等等,还有很多短语,所以把它称之为Transitional devices是非常恰当的。
针对Transitional devices前后可以是段落,句子以及单词,我们分别举几个例子:
.mong paragraphs:
In the first place, human always like exploring the world around, especially mysterious fields……
Besides human's curiosity, to explore dangerous fields draws them away from daily routine and boredom.……
Finally, although these dangerous activities may not bring us any material reward, they bring forth a lot of psychological benefits.……
这是一篇作文的三个中间段的topic sentence,可以看出三段分别论证了人类参加危险运动的三条理由(好奇心,找刺激以及精神的愉悦),彼此之间的并列关系,是通过In the first place, Besides,Finally这三个Transitional devices来体现的。
jaded a疲惫的;厌倦的;(胶卷)暴光过分的
jagged a锯齿状的,不整齐的
jamb n门窗的侧柱
jar v冲突,抵触;震惊;发刺耳声
jargon n暗语;行话
jarring a声音刺耳的
jaundice n偏见;黄疸
jaundiced a有偏见的
jaunt n/v短程旅游
jaunty a愉快的,满足的
jazz n爵士乐;喧闹
jealousy n猜忌,嫉妒
jeer v嘲笑
jejune a空洞的;不成熟的
jerk n/v突然猛拉
jeopardize v危及,危害
jeopardy n危险
jest v/n说笑,玩笑
jettison v(船)向外抛弃东西;n抛弃的货物
jibe v与…一致,符合
jigsaw puzzle n拼图游戏
jingoism n沙文主义;侵略主义
jockey n骑师;v用计谋获取
jocular a滑稽的,诙谐的;嬉戏的
jocund a快乐的,高兴的
jog v慢而平静地前进
jolt v颠簸着移动;n震动,摇晃
jot v摘要记录
jovial a愉快的
jubilation n欢快,欢庆
judicial a法庭的,法官的
judicious a有判断力的;明智的
judiciousness n明智
juggernaut n摧毁一切的强大力量
jumble v混杂,掺杂n混杂,掺杂
junction n交叉路口;连接
jurisdiction n司法权,审判权,裁判权
justifiable a有理由的,无可非议的
justification n正当理由,好的(正义的)原因;辨护
justify v证明…是正当的
juvenile a少年的,似少年的
limerick n五行打油诗
limestone n石灰岩
limited a有限的
limn v描写;画
limousine n大型轿车,大客车
limp v跛行;a软弱的,松软的
limpid a清澈的;透明的
lineage n宗系,血统
linear a线的;成直线的
linen n亚麻织品,亚麻布
linger v逗留,留恋
linguistic a语言的
linguistics n语言学
linoleum n油毡
lint n绷带用麻布,皮棉
lionize v崇拜,看重
liquefy v(使)液化,(使)溶解
liquid a清澈的
liquidate v清算;清偿
lissome a姿态优雅的,柔软的
list v/n倾斜
listless a无精打采的
literal a字面上的;忠实原义的;精确的
literate a有读写能力的;有文化修养的
literati n文人;学者(复数)
lithe a柔软的,易弯曲的;敏捷的,轻快的
litigant n诉讼当事人
litigation n诉讼
litter n垃圾;一窝(动物)
loaf n一条(面包);v虚度光阴
loath a不情愿的,勉强的
loathe v憎恨,厌恶
lobby n大厅,休息厅
lobe n耳垂;(肺、肝等的)叶
locale n事件发生的现场、地点
locomotion n运动,移动
locomotive a移动的n机车,火车头
locus n地点,所在地
lode n矿脉
lofty a崇高的,高尚的
log n/v日志,记录;n一段大木头;圆木
logistics n后勤学;后勤
loll v懒洋洋地坐或卧
longevity n长寿
longing n渴望
long-winded a冗长的
loom n织布机;v(威胁性)隐约出现
loon n愚人;疯子
loop n圈,金属线圈
loophole n枪眼,小窗,换气孔
loosen v变松,松开
lope n轻快的步伐;v使大步慢跑;跳跃
lopsided a倾向一方的,不平衡的
loquacious a多嘴的,饶舌的
lot n签;命运;v抽签,划分
lottery n彩票,抽彩给奖法
lounge v懒散地斜靠;n休息室
loutish a粗鲁的
low v牛叫
loyal a忠诚的,忠贞的,忠心的
lubricant n润滑剂
lubricate v润滑
lucid a表达清楚的,明白易懂的
lucrative a赚钱的,有利可图的
ludicrous a荒.唐可笑的
lug v/n拖,拉
lukewarm a微温的,不热心的
lull n活动的暂停;v使平静
lullaby n摇篮曲
lumber v蹒跚而行,笨拙地走;n杂物;木材
lumberjack n伐木工
lumen n流明(光通量单位)
luminary n杰出人物,名人
lump n一块,肿块;v形成块状
lunar a月亮的
lunatic n疯子;a极蠢的