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GRE阅读提升读文章速度先打好基础 积累阅读量是根本解决方法
Some attine ants carry vegetation into their nests and add fungal material, thereby creating “gardens” in which fungal food for the ants grow. Because the ants play the behaviorally active role, it seems compelling to say that they cultivate and control the passive fungi. But even if that is true, the symbiotic association has existed for so long that cultivar traits may have evolved in the fungi that benefit the fungi but not necessarily the ants. Furthermore, many microorganisms have developed sophisticated mechanisms to manipulate the physiology and behavior of their symbiotic animals. It is not implausible, therefore, that the ants’ fungi have evolved chemical and physiological schemes that alter ant behavior to serve the fungus’ reproductive interests, possibly even compromising the reproductive interests for the ant hosts.
1. The passage points out which of the following in order to explain the appeal of the notion that some attine ants cultivate and control fungus?
A. The ants play the behaviorally active roles in the symbiotic relationship.
B. The ants purposefully carry vegetation into their nests for their own consumption.
C. Fungus is physiologically a passive substance.
D. Other organisms are able to manipulate their symbiotic partners.
E. The chemical and physiological properties of the fungus are subject to ant influence.
2. In the context in which it appears, the word “manipulate” most nearly means
A. influence
B. oversee
C. coerce
D. deceive
E. outmaneuver
Some attine ants carry vegetation into their nests and add fungal material, thereby creating “gardens” in which fungal food for the ants grow.
一些 A 蚁把植物带回巢穴,再加入真菌材料,于是创造出一个生产真菌的 “ 菜园 ” 供养蚁群。
(attine ants 没查到比较准确的译法,也许可以译作 “ 真菌培育蚁 ”,也许指的就是 “ 切叶蚁 ”,待定。)
Because the ants play the behaviorally active role, it seems compelling to say that they cultivate and control the passive fungi.
But even if that is true, the symbiotic association has existed for so long that cultivar traits may have evolved in the fungi that benefit the fungi but not necessarily the ants.
(cultivar 栽种品种
trait 遗传特征)
Furthermore, many microorganisms have developed sophisticated mechanisms to manipulate the physiology and behavior of their symbiotic animals.
It is not implausible, therefore, that the ants’ fungi have evolved chemical and physiological schemes that alter ant behavior to serve the fungus’ reproductive interests, possibly even compromising the reproductive interests for the ant hosts.
1. The passage points out which of the following in order to explain the appeal of the notion that some attine ants cultivate and control fungus?
A. The ants play the behaviorally active roles in the symbiotic relationship.
B. The ants purposefully carry vegetation into their nests for their own consumption.
C. Fungus is physiologically a passive substance.
D. Other organisms are able to manipulate their symbiotic partners.
E. The chemical and physiological properties of the fungus are subject to ant influence.
选 A
题目问我们第一种解释的根据,定位句 2,Because the ants play the behaviorally active role,选 A 。
2. In the context in which it appears, the word “manipulate” most nearly means
A. influence
B. oversee
C. coerce
D. deceive
E. outmaneuver
选 A
influence 影响,支配
oversee 监督,监视
coerce 强制,逼迫
deceive 欺骗,误导
outmaneuver 以计谋、智力取胜(对手)
The editors of the essay collection Romantic biography tell us repeatedly that biography is an invention of the Romantic period in British literature (late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries), yet we are never shown that process of invention motion. Hazlitt, the most prominent example of the Romantic biographer, is almost invisible. The Romantic period was not just the period in which biography was invented---or, rather, the period in which some of its informing principles were invented, since biography could just as easily be said to have originated in the scandalous memoirs that formed part of the pre-Romantic culture of the novel. It was also the period in which biography, through its sheer ubiquity, became an object of major ideological significance within British culture.
1. The passage mentions the "scandalous memoirs ” that were written prior to the Romantic period primarily in order to
A. indicate an alternative account of the origins of biography
B. compare these memoirs to Romantic biography
C. explain how biography became ubiquitous in British culture
D question the ideological significance accorded to biography
E. suggest that biographies were not as popular as memoirs
2. According to the passage, biography attained great significance within British culture during the Romantic period because biographies
A. were associated with scandal
B. were easy to read and comprehend
C. were so widespread in Britain at the time
D. challenged conventional British ideologies
E. contributed to the development of the novel
The editors of the essay collection Romantic biography tell us repeatedly that biography is an invention of the Romantic period in British literature (late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries), yet we are never shown that process of invention motion.
文集 R B 的编辑们一再告诉我们,传记是英国文学浪漫主义时期(十八世纪晚期和十九世纪早期)的独创,却从未向我们展示创造的过程。
(我推测 Romantic biography 是个 typo,应写作 Romantic Biography,是书名;如果 biography 小写无误,则 Romantic biography 指的是 浪漫主义时期的传记,那么关于这一主题的文集,应该写为 essay collection(s) of / about / concerning (the) Romantic biographies。
Hazlitt, the most prominent example of the Romantic biographer, is almost invisible.
The Romantic period was not just the period in which biography was invented -- or, rather, the period in which some of its informing principles were invented, since biography could just as easily be said to have originated in the scandalous memoirs that formed part of the pre-Romantic culture of the novel.
浪漫主义时期并非传记文体被创造的时期,—— 更确切地说,不是我们熟悉的那些原则被确立的时期,因为传记据称起源于 scandlous memoirs,后者是 前浪漫主义 时期小说文化的一部分。
(scandalous memoirs 意会吧,没查到权威或公认的译法)
It was also the period in which biography, through its sheer ubiquity, became an object of major ideological significance within British culture.
(sheer 十足的,完全的
ubiquity 无所不在
object 直译,应取 “(受关注、欣赏等)的对象、客体 ”,或理解为 “ … 的目标 ” 。意译跳跃比较大。)
1. The passage mentions the "scandalous memoirs ” that were written prior to the Romantic period primarily in order to
A. indicate an alternative account of the origins of biography
B. compare these memoirs to Romantic biography
C. explain how biography became ubiquitous in British culture
D question the ideological significance accorded to biography
E. suggest that biographies were not as popular as memoirs
选 A
scandalous memoirs 出现在句 3:
The Romantic period was not just the period in which biography was invented -- or, rather, the period in which some of its informing principles were invented, since biography could just as easily be said to have originated in the scandalous memoirs that formed part of the pre-Romantic culture of the novel.
文章前三句,一直围绕着 Romantic biography 的来源,句 1 出现的编辑们 editors 说,biography is an invention of the Romantic period in British literature,但作者认为他们一直拿不出证据,we are never shown that process of invention motion,可推测作者的态度。
综合句 3,给出了另一种说法,an alternative account 。
2. According to the passage, biography attained great significance within British culture during the Romantic period because biographies
A. were associated with scandal
B. were easy to read and comprehend
C. were so widespread in Britain at the time
D. challenged conventional British ideologies
E. contributed to the development of the novel
选 C
句 4 出现的 sheer ubiquty 对应 widespread 。