
托福口语表达技巧讲解 ,类常见数字表述例句整理汇总,今给大家带来了托福口语表达技巧讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福口语表达技巧讲解 各类常见数字表述例句整理汇总
1. There were fifty people present, not counting (excluding) the children.
出席者达五十人, 儿童未计算在内。
2. There are fifty and odd (or and more) students in our class.
3. The job was finished at a sitting (a stretch)。
4. We were fifteen, all told.
5. The delegation consisted of 15, inclusive of (including) two interpreters.
6.It takes me three clear / cleanly days.
7. We take a rest at intervals of two hours.
8. I ask you to teach me every other day.
9. Beijing is ten times as big as my home town.
10. The sun is a huge blazing ball, a million times larger than the earth.
11. By comparison with 1992, the foreign trade turnover of that country in 2003 increased (to) 3.5 times.
与1992年相比,这个国家2003年对外贸易总额增加了2.5 倍(增加到3.5 倍)。
12. That table measure s three feet by three.
13. He valued the house for me at -,500.
14. His coat is rated at 20 yuan.
托福独立口语高频话题应对模板和高分范文分享:What do you do to keep healthy?
What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explain how it helped you.
Please include reasons and detail s in you explanation.
Well, I think there are several ways to keep myself healthy.
As for physical health, I'll do some exercise regularly. For example, I'll work out in a gym or play ball games with my friends, such as basketball or volleyball and I will try to keep a healthy diet which mean s to avoid eating fast food that are high in oil, sugar and salt. And I will try to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
And as for my mental health, I think I will try to listen to some light music before going to bed. It will help improve the quality of sleep. And when I run into some bad things I'll complain to my close friends or parents rather than keep all the pressure to myself.
1. 先概述理由,再举出例子。提出理由的方法是分类法。将health分成了physical health and mental health,这样的拆分方式在独立写作中也经常用到,希望大家可以学习一下。
2. 句型变换。上述口语中各种长短句结合,定语从句熟练应用,比如这个“比如”的句子For example, I'll work out in a gym or play ball games with my friends, such as basketball or volleyball and I will try to keep a healthy diet, 【which means to avoid eating fast food 【that are high in oil, sugar and salt.】】,可以看到,其中包含了两个定语从句。
1. work out in a gym在健身房锻炼(请注意work的发音)
2. keep a healthy diet 保持健康饮食
3. run into some bad things 遇到什么不好的事
4. complain to my friends 向我的朋友抱怨
5. listen to some light music 听轻音乐
关于轻音乐,你还可以说:gentle music/ tranquil music, 同时可以用这样的词来形容【让人感到心情舒缓、情绪平静的】音乐:soothing, peaceful, calming and relaxing music
6. go to bed 去睡觉
7. help improve the quality of sleep 有利于提高睡眠质量
8. complain about the daily life to one’s friends 向朋友抱怨日常的生活
9. keep all the pressure to oneself 把压力都留给自己
Well, I take several ways to keep myself healthy. As for physical health, I do exercise regularly. For example, I go to the gymthree times a week and play ball games, like basketball and volleyball, with my friends at weekends, all of which enable me to build up my body. (And I'm trying to keep a healthy diet. I hardly have any fast food cause it's high in oil, sugar and salt. Instead, what I eat the most are fresh fruits and vegetables, which are rich in vitamin)(括号中可以不说)
And as for my mental health, I usually listen to some light music before going to bed cause it will help improve the quality of my sleep. And every time when I run into some bad things, I'd complain to my close friends or parents rather than keep all the pressure to myself.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:ask a person for advice
Describe a person whom you would like to turn to for advice.
Someone from whom I'd like to turn to ask for help is my best friend Mary because she is such a calm person that she never lose temper. In stark contrast whenever I encounter difficulties, I'm too emotional to figure out how to get things done. For example, last week, I was overwhelmed by mountains of the assignment. So I turned to Marry for help. And she firstly calmed me down and then helped me to list all assignment and to give priority to them. So I could efficient ly get my assignments done step by step. So that's the reason I turn for Mary for help.
1 never lose temper————never loses her temper
2 mountains of assignment————moutains of assignments
3 helped me to list————helped me list
1 so…and…so (break the sentence)
2 firstly————first
3 all assignment————all of my assignments
4 turn for————turn to
Someone from whom I'd like to ask for help is my best friend Mary, because she is such a calm person that she never loses her temper. In stark contrast, whenever I encounter difficulties, I'm too emotional to figure out how to get things done. For example, last week I was overwhelmed by mountains of assignments. So I turned to Marry for help. She first calmed me down and then helped me list all of my assignments and give priority to them. This way I could efficiently get my assignments done step by step. That's why I turned for Mary for help.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:listen to music or stay quiet...
When they are studying or working, some people prefer to listen to music while others prefer to stay in a quiet place. Which do you prefer and why?
I prefer to stay in a quiet place to study. Because only in that way, I can be more concentreated on my studies. As a law school student, I have too many legal terms and provisions to recite. Music, noisy or things like that may divert my attention. Music for me is more like an entertainment. When it plays the music that I like, I may be immersed in it. So it's not a good choice for me to listen to music when I'm study.
1 study
1 noisy————noise
2 When I'm study————When I study
1 I prefer to stay in a quiet place to study. Because only in that way, I can be more concentreated on my study.————I prefer to study in a quiet place, because that's the only way I can concentrate on my studies.
2 too many————many
3 recite————memorize
4 When it plays————When I play
I prefer to study in a quiet place, because that's the only way I can concentrate on my studies. As a law school student, I have many legal terms and provisions to recite/memorize. Music, noise or things like that may divert my attention. Music for me is more like entertainment. When I play the music that I like, I maybe immersed in it. So it is not a good idea for me to listen to music when I study.
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