
托福 综合口语阅读部分主旨句如何记录?
1. Anestablishing shot is an image shown brief ly at the beginning of a scene,usually taken from far away.
2. Psychologistshave found that when people make important decision, they often choose to stayin their “Comfort Zone”; that is, they prefer remaining in comfortable,familiar situations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones. Thistendency is often referred to as the comfort zone bias.
这个例子里主旨句太长,我们不可能全都记下来,所以只需要记有用的内容,一些“虚词”和重复的内容都可以省略。比如,Psychologists have found that只是起一个导入的作用,真正重要的是心理学家发现了什么,所以这几个词是空话,是废话,所以我们不记。
接下来,文章对they often choose to stay in their “Comfort Zone”做出了解释,也就是they prefer remaining in comfortable, familiarsituations, rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones,所以这两句意思一样,我们只记后一句更具体的解释,所以目前我们需要记的就是when people make important decision, they preferremaining in comfortable, familiar situations, rather than entering into new,unfamiliar ones。学过语法和逻辑的同学知道,rather than表示这个词组之前的内容重要而之后的内容不重要,所以我们没有时间的话就可以省略rather than entering into new, unfamiliar ones这些内容。这么一来,我们最终需要记录的就只剩下when people make important decision, they preferremaining in comfortable, familiar situations,我们的任务就简单多了,复述起来也不浪费时间了。
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:When you travel next time...
When you travel next time, would you like to go somewhere you have never been to before or the places you have?
Personally speaking, I prefer to travel a place I never been to. Because, as for me, I'm kind of a explorer. I'd like to try new things. You know travelling in a place you have never been to is like kind of a adventure. I will meet many new things, new people, and enjoy the beautiful sceneries I have never seen before. I think that's awesome. Besides, travelling to a new place can abroad my horizon during the whole process. You know have a better, I can learn more about local culture and custom. It's definitely would abroad my horizon.
1 explore
2 kind
3 better
4 before
1 travel a place——travel to a place
2 to a place I never been to——to a place I have never been before
3 a explorer——an explorer
1 Because,——as for me (redundant)
2 abroad my horizon——broaden my horizons
3 culture and custom——culture and customs
Personally speaking, I prefer to travel to a place I have never been to before. I'm kind of an explorer. I like to try new things. Travelling to a place you have never been to is kind of adventure. I will see new money, new things, new people and enjoy beatuiful scenery I have never seen before. Besides, travelling to a new place can broaden my horizons. During the whole process, I can learn about local culture and customs.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:the best way to spend this money...
Your friend has suddenly received a lot of money. What do you think is the best way for your friend to spend this money?
I think my friend can divide his or her money into three parts. The first part he can use to improve his quality of life. Such as buy a clothes, or buy a book that he eager to own. Or use money as a fee to travel to somewhere that he hasn't been there. And the second part he can help people around him. or establish a foundation that arose people's attention to envrionmental protection and so on. And the third part, he can use money to investment, so that his money can increase. So in this way he and environment around him can be better.
1 quality
2 friend
3 second
4 bettered
1 a clothes——clothes
2 buy a clothes——buying clothes
3 he eager to own——he is eager to own
4 arose people's attention——raises awareness
5 use money to investment——use the money to invest/ use the money as an investment
6 this way——these ways
7 and so on——and any other issue that's important to people
1 can divide——should divide
2 use the money as a fee to travel to somewhere that he hasn't been there.——use the money to travel to a place he has not been to before.
If my friend suddenly received a lot of money, I would suggest he should divide it for three specific purposes. The first can be to increase his quality of life. He can buy new clothes or a book he is very eager to read. He could also use the money to travel to a place he has not been to before. The second way to use his money would be to start a found ation to raise awareness for issues that are important to the world today, such as environmental protection. The third way he should use his money is to invest in the stock market or the currency exchange . In this way, he is able to grow his money , and he will be able to use it longer and he will have more money to use. In these ways, he can improve both himself and the people around him.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:facing serious environmental problems...
We are facing serious environmental problems. What can we do to save the planet?
Facing serious environmental problems, we should take many measure s. One effective way is to improve the education standard, because education is a akin to some of these problem. We should inform more people with the importance of environment and the effect ive way to protect it. And another way is to encourage people to live in environment friendly ways. For example, people should plant trees in their spare time and take public transport instead of driving private cars. So our environment will be better.
1 problems
2 plant
3 trees
4 measures
1 inform more people with the importance of environment and the effective way to protect it————inform more people of the importance of the environment and effective ways to protect it
2 education is akin to some of these problem————education is akin to some of these problems
1 Facing serious environmental problems, we should take many measures————While we are facing serious environmental problems, we need to take a lot of/many measures
2 environment friendly————encironmentally friendly
While we are facing environmental problems, we should take a lot of measures to solve these problems. First, we need better education. We need to inform people the importance of the environment and the ways that we can protect it. We need to teach people how they can contribute to protect the environment. We also need to encourage people to live environmentally friendly lives and develop environmentally friendly habits. We need to encourage people to plant trees in their spare time, and we need to encourage people to take public transport instead of driving, so the environment will be better. By educating people and encourage them to live encironmentally friendly lives. We can save the planet.