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托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:If the following classes are offered...


If the following classes are offered in your community on weekends for free, which one will you choose:a finance course, a car maintenance-and-repair course, or a music-review course?


I think I would choose finance class if this finance class is offered in our community because I think finance or the economy is a very mysterious subject. Because I have seen economy has been up and down over the last three decades. Since I'm not in the economy related major . So I think it is very very mysterious but also mesmerizing. So I would like to choose the finance class.




1 mesmerizing


1 I would choose the finance class.

改正:I would choose a finance class.


1 economy has been up and down

改正:economy has been going/fluctuating up and down



Personally, I think I would choose to take a finance class if I could choose one course in my community, because I find it to be very mysterious subject in a way. It's something I don't really understand, unlike, for example, cars. I don't have any idea about finance. I think it is very difficult. I'm also interested in it, because economy has been going up and down these days. And an financial course would probably explain to me at least a littble bit of why that could be. And lastly, I would probably enjoy finance a lot because I really like math, it is probably my favorite subject. So I think learning finance would be another fun class for me to use my mathmetical brain.

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:Describe a special experience...


Describe a special experience that has changed your life.


One special experience I have is that last summer vacation, I participated in a program to be a community sponsored teacher in a mountain area. Though life there was very tough. The time I spend there, I will never forget. From the light in the children's eye I knew that, not every one in this world could have the good condition like us to be well educated. so we should treasure what we have now to study hard and to be a useful person for the society.




1 World

2 Study

3 It costs?


The time I spent thre I never forget I will never forget

改正:the time I spent there

2 light in children's eye

改正:light in children's eyes


1 To be a useful person

改正:To be a contributing member of society



One special experience that I had was last summer vacation when I participated in a program to be a teacher in a mountain area. The life style there was very tough, but I will never forget the light in the children's eyes. Seeing the children, I realized not everyone has the opportunity to receive a good education. Because of this, I realized we should treasure our opportunities and we should stuy hard and be a contributing member of society.

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:Some people play games for fun...


Some people play games for fun, while others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?


For me, playing games is one of the most useful ways to get relaxed. Having worked for the whole day, I'm always exhausted, and eager to get rid of this bad feelings by having some fun. Playing game is so helpful that it enable me to forget the worries and the stress in the day. However, if you play games just in order to win, you will be irritable, especially when you lose the game. People around you will take you as a person who are difficult to get well with. This will make it hard for you to know more friends.




1 fun

2 whole

3 win

4 feeling

5 take

6 worked

7 irritable


1 a person who are difficult to get well with

改正:a person who is difficult to get along with

2 it enable me to forget the worries

改正:it enables me to forget my worries


1 one of the most useful ways to get relaxed

改正:one of the best ways to relax

2 to know more friends

改正:to make friends



When I play games, I play for fun. I believe that playing games is one of the best ways to relax. After working all day, I'm always exhausted, so playing games and having fun enables me to forget my worries, and not be so stressed. Some people play games just to win, but I beleive if you play games to win, and you don't win, you will be irritable. And people will think you're difficult to get along with. So it will be a lot harder for you to make friends. So that's why I prefer to play for fun because there is no pressure involve d. I can help myself relax, and it's just more fun that way.

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:play sports or watch others playing sports..


Some people prefer to play sports. Other people prefer to watch others playing sports. Which do you prefer and why?


As for me, I prefer to play sports, instead of just watching them. , watching others play. Here‘s two reasons. First, I think experience is always better, and I don't get to understand the spiritual? of them. Like I'm a huge fan of basketball, and I love to play the NBA games, but you'll get these real things by experience it. Like the team spirit and team work and also provide you an opportunity to make a friend. And second is that those sports thing always makes your body healthy, fit and makes you more athletic. I think that will be good for you.




1 understand the spiritual?

2 spirit

3 basketball


1 here's——here are

2 And second is——Second


1 As for me, I prefer——I prefer

2 you don't get to understand——you don't get to understand... if ...

3 you'll get these real things by experience it——you wouldn't get the full experience that way.

4 team spirit, teamwork, opportunity to make friends.——by playing the game, you could experience team spirit, teamwork, opportunity to make friends.   5 those sports thing——sports



There are two reasons why I perfer to play sports instead of just watching others play. First, I think experiences are always better than observation. You don't get to understand what the sports feel like unless you play. I am a huge fan of basketball, and I love to play the NBA games, but you will not get the full experience that way. By playing the game, you can experience team spirit, team work and opportunity to make friends. Second, sports make you body healthy and athletic. I think that will be good for you.


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