




新托福 口语考试的时间为20分钟,看似很简单的时间安排,但是对考生来说真所谓是“过了这个村,就没了这个店”。很多考生在答题录音的过程中会出现时间不够,或者剩余时间过多的情况。但凭借以往的经验来看,前者出现的几率会更大一些。这是因为考生在录音过程中综合了多种技能于一身。具体来说,在独立任务当中,学生要在15 秒内完成一道论述或者描述题的快速构思。录音开始时要将内容适当的拓展,否则不可能达到45 秒答题时间的要求。那么在这个过程中还要注意发音,单词,时态,句子连贯性和内容的逻辑性等等。对于我们大陆的考生来说,除了在学校与老师进行练习之外,几乎没有太多的时间来练习口语,所以对英语的语言使用一直处在“懵懂”的状态当中,这就是为什么很多学生在答题过程中会出现很多的“犹豫,迟疑,吞吞吐吐”,甚至是“思维断档”。这些诸多因素都会造成考生在规定的时间内无法完成录音。


托福口语考试当中的另外一个挑战莫过于话题所涉及的面很广。除了独立任务和综合任务中的第三题和第五题,第四题和第六题所体现的学术性是非常强的。这样的题型分布无疑是检验国际学生是否能真正的融入到了北美的校园生活和学术课堂。学术话题涉及到了social science, life science, physical science。就科目来划分的话,包括了biology , archeology, psychology,education, history , art 等等。虽然包含了众多的学术话题,但是托福口语考试的目的是考察考生的语言能力,并非是你的知识储备,所以考生大不必去翻阅那些英文版的生物,地理,心理学的书籍和月刊,只需要扎扎实实的积累相关学科的基础词汇就可以。但话又说回来了,如果考生之前所涉猎的知识面很广,考试的时候万一遇到了一个自己比较熟悉的有关动物的话题,那么这个考生不需要太费神就可以掌握这段阅读或者听力的大概内容,这肯定也会达到事半功倍的效果。

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:pursuing further education abroad...


What are the advantages of pursuing further education abroad? Please give your answer with specific examples and detail s.


(Introduction) Students can learn advanced science and technology abroad. The book resources are more up-to-date, and teaching standard is much higher. For example, I'm a law school student, and I want to further my study in America. We all know that American legal stystem is sounder than china, andnd the academic atmosphere is also better. So I have easy access to the first rate facilities and latest development in the field of law. Also, different education can broaden my horizon and make me think in a different way. (Conclusion)



1 second

2 America

3 atmosphere

4 horizon

5 technology

6 further

7 access

8 example


1 The teaching standard is much higher————The teaching standards are much higher

2 The latest development in the field————The latest developments in the field

3 access to the first rate facilities————access to first rate facilities


1 further my study————further my studies


There are a lot of advantages to studying abroad. I myself want to study abroad. When people studay abroad, they can learn about advanced science and technnology. Because, abroad book resources are more up-to-date than in China, and teaching stardard are higher than those in China. I want to studay abroad to study law in America. America has a legal system that is much sounder than China's. Everybody knows this, but I would also have access to first rate facilities and the newest development in law, and overall a better academic atmosphere. Studying abroad can open my mind and broaden my horizons.

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:a day you enjoy the most...


Describe a day that you enjoy the most or is the most special to you.


I still remember the day I got my college entrance exam result. That day is very special for me, most importantly, that's because it's a good proof that allthe hard work in my high school is deserved. I have worked more than 15 hours a day in the last year of my junior high. It's very tireless and exhausted to me, but I insisted it and I finally got the good score, what's more, I think it is also mean s I will have a very bright future, because I can go to the best university in our country. That would give me a better chance to find a good job.



1 for me————to me

2 the good score————a good score


1 most importantly, that's because————more importantly, it is …

2 good proof to prove————proof

3 the hard work in my high school is deserved————the hard work in high school was rewarded

4 junior high————high school

5 tireless————tiresome

6 insisted————persevered


I still remember the day I got my college entrance exam result. That day is very special to me. Most importantly, it is proof that all the work in high school was rewarded. I have worked more than 15 hours a day in the last year of high-school. It was very tiresome and exhausting to me, but I persevered and I finally got a good score. What's mroe, I think it also means that I will have a very bright future, because I can go to the best university in our country, and that will give me a better chance to find a good job.

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:the goal of college education...


Ensuring students a good job or improving their overall abilities, which one should be the goal of college education?


Well, I definitely think that the college education should be aimed at improving the students' overall abilities, because you know teaching a student about all the skills and the knowledge that could help them overcome all the difficulties they will meet in the rest of live. We'll just help them pave the way for success in the future career. Moreover, just getting a job after graduation doesn't garantee a long-term success in the career. For instance, high GPA and the skills in interview may just ensure the students a good job. But without all the social skills and work ability , it hard for them to be promoted to a high position.



1 overall abilities

2 guarantee

3 career


1 the college education————college education

2 because (delete)


1 you know (delete)

2 rest of life————rest of their lives

3 the skills in interview————interviewing skills


I definitely think that college education should be aimed at improving the students' overall abilities. Teaching students about all the skills and knowledge that can help them overcome the difficulties they will need in the rest of their lives will help pave the way for the success in their future careers. Moreover, just getting a job after graduating doesn't garantee a long-term success in their career. For instance, a high GPA and interviewing skills may ensure a good job, but without all the social skills and work ability, it is hard to be promoted to a high position.

托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:What to do to help elderly people...


What would you like to do when you work as a volunteer to help elderly people?


If I have a chance to volunteer to help old people, I will throw a party for them. Because, firstly, I think a party is a good place to show talent of old people. Many old people have great talent, some of them can sing every well, some of them can dance very well. If you hold a party for them, they will have an opportunity to show that talent. It will make them more confident and also make their life more colorful. Secondly, If I throw a party for them. They will have more chances to meet new people and make friends. Because old people are always very lonely. They really need someone to be their side and to listen to them.



1 party

2 colorful


1 Because, firstly————Firstly

2 Because old people————Old people


1 some of them can sing every well, some of them can dance very well.————some of them can sing or dance very well

2 are always very lonely————can get very lonely


If I have a chance to volunteer to help old people, I will throw a party for them. Firstly, I think a party is a good place to show talents of old people. Many old people have great talents, some of them can sing or dance very well. If you hold a party for them, they will have a place to show their talents. It will make them more confident, and also make their life more colorful. Secondly, if I throw a party for them, they will have more chances to meet new people and make friends. Old people can get very lonely. They really need someone to be at their side and to listen to them.


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