
托福综合口语TASK2标准句型模板分享 答题时这些细节请注意,今天小编给大家带来了托福综合口语TASK2标准句型模板分享,望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
托福综合口语TASK2标准句型模板分享 答题时这些细节请注意
1. 话题
A. The notice/announcement isabout…
B. The topic is thenotice/announcement is…
C. The main point of thenotice/announcement is…
2. 看法
A. The woman agrees with…
B. The man approves of…
C. The woman is upset about…
D. The man thinks that…is unfair.
E. The University's plan to…makesthe woman angry.
3. 对比
公告中的信息与学生的看法可能形成对比。对话中的两个学生之间的看法也可能形成对比,可以用but, however, on the contrary 等词或词组。
A. The university believesthat…However, the man feels…
B. The man thinks that the newpolicy about …is…, but the woman thinks that…
C. The announcement asks …On thecontrary, the students discuss ways of…
4. 引用
就像答其他综合任务题一样,需要指出观点的来源,是来自公告本身还是来自哪个学生。表示引用的表达方式主要有according to和say。
A. According to the announcement, …
B. According to the woman, …
C. The man says that…
1. 公告话题
2. 公告要点
3. 学生看法
4. 持此看法的两大理由
The notice tells about___. It says that____. (The announcement also lists…)
The man says that he agrees with____. The first reason is that_____. The second reasonis that_____.
大家要根据具体情况做调整,比如有时阅读是一封信,所以首句可以改为“ a student wrote a letter to suggest that…”;有时主要讲话人为女性;另外阅读中的要点可根据个人语速,有时间就提,没时间就重点复述听力部分。
1. 第一句话就交代阅读小段落的话题。(阅读小段落是背景,不交代会导致后面不知所云)
2. 尽可能参考自己记录的阅读与听力部分的笔记。(可以使回答完整准确)
3. 陈述学生的意见并阐述持此意见的两大理由。(一般都是两大理由)
4. 使用引用语言和表示阅读与听力关系的语言。(给评分老师减轻负担)
5. 不要发表自己的看法。(只能总结,转述,综合阅读与听力部分的内容)
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:most important lesson can't be learned
Do you agree or disagree with the opinion that the most important lesson can't be learned in class?
I agree with statement that the most important lesson can not be learned in classes. The lessons we have learned in class is fundamental knowledge instead of application. Take me for example, I major in material science and engineering. What I have learned in school is what is a polymer and what is metal. However, if we were in the society we would learn much more practical which is necessary for acquiring skills. We must know how to put those knowledge into practice. For the more, the society is changing constantly, sometimes the fundamental knowledge we have learned in class is out of percise.
1 the most important lesson————the most important lessons
2 the lessons…is————the lessons…are
3 what is a polymer and what is a metal————what polymers and metals are
4 those knowledge————that knowledge
1 in the society————in society
2 much more practical————much more practical information
3 is out of percise————is no longer percise
I agree with statement that the most important lessons can not be learned in classes. The lessons we have learned in class are fundamental knowledge instead of application. Take me for example, I major in material science and engineering. What I have learned in school is what polymers and metals are. However, in society, we would learn much more practical inform ation which is necessary for acquiring skills. We must know how to put that information into practice. Futhermore, society is changing constantly, sometimes the fundamental knowledge we learn in class is no longer percise.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:handle many assignments at same time
What would you do to handle many assignments at the same time?
If I have many assignments at the same time, first I need to make a list of those assignments in case that I have forget some of them. And then it is time to set the priorities. I need to figure out which assignments are the urgent and which are the less urgent. Of course, I would do the urgent assignment firstly. And during the process, patience is extremely important. I could make mistakes if I am too irritable. I need to arrange the time appropriately and try my best to improve the effeciency.
1 and then————after that
2 the urgent/the less urgent————are urgent/are less urgent
1 first I will————first
2 in case that I have forget————in case that I forget
3 firstly————first
4 and during————but during
If I have many assignments at the same time, I will first need to make a list of those assignments in case I forget some of them. After that it is time to set the priorities. I need to figure out which assignments are urgent and which are less urgent. Of course, I need to do the urgent assignment first. But during the process, patience is extremely important. I could make mistakes if I am too irritable.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:students take economic classes...
Should all high school students take economic classes?
Well, I do think it is quite necessary for our high school students to take some classes about economics . The first reason is our society if full of economic knowledge, like when we are going to buy some daily supplies here in the supermarket or our parents received salary shares every month . If we can not handle the balance between the incomes and expenses, we are going to bancrupt some day. The second reason is, it is quite good for our self-development to know how to use money, to make money. My father have told me there are two things we should learn to handle, the money and the time. Therefore, I do think it is quite a good idea to let all high school students to take economics classes.
1 well (delete)
2 The first reason is our————the first reason is that our
3 or our parents————or when our parents
1 economic knowledge————economic influence/factor s
2 the incomes————income
3 is, it is quite good————is that it is quite good
4 told me there are————told me that there are
5 the money and the time————money and time
6 quite a good idea to let all high school students————quite a good idea for all high school students
I do think that it is quite necessary for a high school student to take some classes about economics. The first reason is that our society is full of economic influence, like when we go and buy daily supplies in the supermarket or when our parents receive their salary shares every month. If we can't handle the balance between income and expenses, we are going to bankrupt some day. The second reason is that it is good for our self-development to learn how to use money to make money. My father had told me there are two things we should learn how to handle: money and time. Therefore, I think it is a good idea for high school students to take economic classes.
托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解: university education is more important now...
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that university education is more important now than it was in the past?
I think university education is more important now than it was in the past. In the past, only a few people can enter university. But now, college graduates are all over the world. So university education has become a necessity to find an idea job. And also, our society is in need of qualified talents in all fields?. With university education, we can make contributions to our society.
1 People can enter————People could enter
2 So————Due to this
3 And also————Another reason
1 idea job————ideal job
2 qualified talents————qualified individuals
I think university education is more important now than it was in the past. In the past, only a few people could enter university. But now, college graduates are all over the world. Due to this, university education has become a necessity to find an ideal job. Another reason is that our societty is in need of qualified individuals in all fields. With college education, we can make contributions to our society.
