1. 快速阅读基础:熟悉GRE的文本水平、开发结构和串联逻辑。GRE考试的文章基本上分为三种结构:一段、两段和三段左右的篇幅。
2. gre考试准备速读的重点:深度掌握美语文章的细节思维、语境体会能力与每句话中重要意群点gre考试分数多少比如这道GRE备考资料: By the 1920s, the weed was rampant. What e ters worse was that its proliferation coincided with sweeping changes in agriculture and a sive shift from sheep farming to dairying. 涉及到美语中很重要的『代词指代思维』,its在这里指代上句话提到的杂草蔓延,代词起到串联的作用,而这种串联与发展带动了整篇文章的重心变化,『串联的思维是英文的核心思维。』
4. 快速阅读:逐句阅读。
(3)Unfortunately, it also e the selling price of Black papers much higher than that of general-circulation dailies.
(4)Often as much as two-thirds of publication costs had to come from subscribers or subsi from community politicians and other interest groups.
5. gre考试准备快速阅读能力:快速提炼、分解、总结长句的能力,如GRE阅读备考资料:
In a plausible but speculative scenario, oceanrapher Douglas Martinson suggests that temperature increases caused by global warming would not significantly affect the stability of the Antarctic environment, where sea ice forms on the periphery of the continent in the autumn and winter and mostly disappears in the summer.
gre考试分数多少本篇文章第一句首先需要看透句子架构,由三个逗号组成,重点内容在中间这个部分,因为句子的主谓宾信息,核心是caused by这个因果联系构成的观点主题词,GRE经常出现由介词by引导的成分,by可以引导方式,时间,原因。第三是关系副词where引导的定语从句修饰前面的先行词Antarctic environment。在美语中,关系代词(which, who, whose, that, whom)和关系副词(where,when,why),大部分结构关系和修饰指代是严谨慎重的,很讲究对先行词的指代作用的限制。
(5)The forion of sea ice causes the concentration of salt insue waters to increase; less sea ice would mean a sler increase in the concentration of salt.
(6)Less salty sue waters would be less dense and therefore less likely to sink and stir up deep water.
(7)The deep water, with all its stored heat, would rise to the sue at a slower rate.
7. 速读的本事:善于通过关键词、核心意群迅速找到文章的思路与情感色彩 比如备考资料中的这句话:Unfortunately, it also e the selling price of Black papers much higher than that of general-circulation dailies.
再比如这句话:And despite their editorial African American publishers often felt compelled to print a disproportionate amount of sensationali sports, and society news to boost circulation.
作者最后用了一个动词词组对全文进行总结,『美语中动词的表现力和感染力是很有价值的』:feel compelled to 感到被迫做某事,不仅强调了非裔美国出版商们的无奈,也是整个意群的态度概括。
8. 速读的语境化:美语的深层次思维要求的是你必须在具体语境与语态中识别意义。 Often as much as two-thirds of publication costs had to come from subscribers or subsi from community politicians and other interest groups.
bevy n.一群(少女或鸟)
drove n.畜群,人群
flock n.羊群,鸟群
gaggle n.鹅群
herd n.兽群v.聚集,放牧
horde n.群众,一大群
shoal n. 程病 浅水处,一群(鱼)
swarm n.(蜜蜂)一群,一群(人)
school n 鱼群
flora n.(某地区或时代的)植物群
fauna n.动物区系
cluster n.串,· 束,· 群,· v.成群,· 成串
congregation n.集合在一起的群众
constellation n.星座,· 星群
galaxy n.(银河)星群,· 显赫的人群
archipelago n.群岛
gregarious adj.群居的,· 爱社交的
legion n.兵团,· 一大群
ruck n.皱褶,· 普通群众,· 大量
throng n.一大群,· v.拥挤
menagerie n 兽群,· 动物园
cline n 渐变群,生态群
colony n [生]集群,群体
crew n 全体人员,群众,全体机员
group v 聚合,成群
exodus v.大批离去,成群外出
heresy n.异端邪说
heretic n.异教徒
heretical adj.异端邪说的
heterodox adj.异端的,非正统的
heterodoxy n.异端邪说
infidel n.不信教者,异教徒
pagan n.没有宗教信仰的人,异教徒
paganism n.异教(信仰)
heathen n 异教徒,不信教的人
corrugate v.(使)起波浪形,起皱纹
corrugation n.波浪形状,起皱纹
crease n.折缝,· 皱痕
crinkle v.(使)变皱,· n.皱纹
crumple v.弄皱,· 扭弯
furrow n.犁沟,· 皱纹
pucker v.起皱n.皱褶
ruck n.皱褶,· 普通群众,· 大量
ruffle v.变皱,· 弄皱,· 激怒
rumple v.弄皱,· 弄乱
shrivel v.枯萎,· 皱缩
wizened adj.干皱的,· 干巴巴的
wrinkle n.皱纹,· 窍门
pursy adj. 皱起的
pleat n.(衣服· 上的)褶
tuck v. 卷起,· 隐藏 n. 缝褶,· 活力
hem n.(衣服· 或裙子的)褶边
compunction n.懊悔,良心不安
contrite adj.悔罪的,痛悔的
contrition n.悔罪,痛悔
lamentable adj.令人惋惜的,悔恨的
penitent adj.后悔的,忏悔的
impenitent adj.不悔悟的
remorse n.懊悔,悔恨
repent v.懊悔,后悔
repentance n.悔恨
repentant adj.对…感到悔恨的
rue n.后悔,遗憾.
rueful adj.后悔的,· 遗憾的
guilt n.罪行,· 内疚
