GRE 阅读理解想读得快,咱先得看看人是咋读书的。这叫追根溯源,由道及术,圣人之道也。人的读书过程是一个左右脑配合的过程--左脑负责集中注意把焦点放到一个或数个单词上,右脑负责周边注意,好的阅读者会在读书时让左右脑充分协调配。GREverbal复习资料怎么使用才科学 5本资料现身说法为你解答
GRE 阅读的方法,读书时在脑子中有两种过程--默读(subvocalisation)和思维之流(stream of thoughts)。GRE考试中默读速度比较慢,在克服默读的过程中你要达到临在的状态--即充分的意识和放松,认识到自己那虚伪的自我感。
The Eye and its Movements先说眼,有一个概念是不得不提的,那就是中央窝(fovea),它在视网膜上,负责视觉注意力的集中。也就是,你现在注意看啥,它在视网膜上的投影就在中央窝上。现在说重点--眼的运动。
GRE课外阅读材料大补充 规律的睡眠时间与儿童智力成正比
Regular sleeping hours really are good for children—if they are girls.IN THAT mythical era when children were seen and not heard, and did as they were told without argument, everyone knew that regular bedtimes were important.Dream on! most modern parents might reply.But research by Yvonne Kelly of University College, London, shows that the ancient wisdom is right—half the time.
有规律的睡眠时间对儿童真的有好处—如果她们是女孩在那个孩子们被看见却不被倾听,没有任何异议顺从地去做被告知的事的神话般的年代,人人都知道有规律的就寝时间很重要。大部分现代家长可能会这样回复:怎么可能,做梦吧!但是伦敦大学学院的Yvonne Kelly 的研究表明,古老的智慧有一半是正确的。
Daughters, it seems, do benefit from regular bedtimes. Sons do not.Dr Kelly knew of many studies that had looked at the connection between sleep habits and cognitive ability in adults and adolescents.All showed that inconsistent sleeping schedules went hand in hand with poor academic performance.Surprisingly, however, little such research had been done on children.
She and a team of colleagues therefore examined the bedtimes and cognitive abilities of 11,178 children born in Britain between September 2000 and January 2002, who are enrolled in a multidisciplinary research project called the Millennium Cohort Study.The bedtime information they used was collected during four visits interviewers made to the homes of those participating in the study.
These happened when the children were nine months, three years, five years and seven years of age.Besides asking whether the children had set bedtimes on weekdays and if they always, usually, sometimes or never made them, interviewers collected information about family routines, economic circumstances and other matters—including including whether children were read to before they went to sleep and whether they had a television in their bedroom.
The children in question were also asked, at the ages of three, five and seven, to take standardised reading, mathematical and spatial-awareness tests, from which their IQs could be estimated.Dr Kelly's report, just published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, shows that by the time children had reached the age of seven, not having had a regular bedtime did seem to affect their cognition, even when other pertinent variables such as bedtime reading, bedroom televisions and parents' socioeconomic status were controlled for.
在三岁,五岁和七岁时,孩子们也会被要求去做标准化阅读、数学还有空间感测试,通过这些测试来评估他们的智商。Kelly 博士的报告刚在《流行病学和公共健康杂志》上发表,其报告显示在儿童到了7岁的时候,即便在睡前阅读,卧室电视还有父母社会经济地位等相关变量被控制的情况下,没有一个有规律的就寝时间似乎的确会影响他们的认知能力。
But that was true only if they were female. On the IQ scale, whose mean value is 100 points, girls who had had regular bedtimes scored between eight and nine points more than those who did not.Boys were not completely unaffected.Irregular bedtimes left their IQs about six points below those of their contemporaries at the age of three.But the distinction vanished by the time they were seven.
This difference between the sexes is baffling.Dr Kelly did not expect it and has no explanation to offer for it.As scientists are wont to say, but this time with good reason, more research is necessary.Meanwhile, in the going-to-bed wars most households with young children suffer, the sons of the house have acquired extra ammunition.Mind you, those with the nous to read and understand Dr Kelly's results are probably not suffering from their sleep regimes anyway.
As it was published in 1935, Mules and Men, Zora Neale Hurston's landmark collection of folktales, may not have been the book that its author first had in mind. In this anthropological study, Hurston describes in detail the people who tell the stories, often even inserting herself into the storytelling scene. Evidently, however, Hurston had prepared another version, a manuscript that was recently discovered and published after having been forgotten since 1929. This version differs from Mules and Men in that it simply records stories, with no descriptive or interpretive information.
While we cannot know for certain why Hurston’s original manuscript went unpublished during her lifetime, it may have been because publishers wanted something more than a transcription of tales. Contemporary novelist and critic John Edgar Wideman has described Black literature as the history of a writing that sought to escape its frame, in other words, as the effort of Black writers to present the stories of Black people without having to have a mediating voice to explain the stories to a non-Black audience. In this, Hurston may have been ahead of her time.
Select the sentence that suggests a possible reason why Hurston wrote the version of Mules and Men that was published in 1935.
The passage suggests that Hurston may have done which of the following in preparing her original version?
A. Discussed her mode of presentation with her publisher before writing the first draft, in order to reduce the possibility of misunderstanding.
B. Shortened her presentation of the stories to the bare minimum in order to be able to present more folklore material.
C. Put it aside for several decades in order to maximize its potential audience when it was published.
D. Reluctantly agreed to reshape it in order to take out various elements with which her publisher had been dissatisfied.
E. Chose not to include editorial commentary, in order to present the stories on their own terms.
第一题:第二段第一句 第二题: E
第二题,问H如何准备最初的版本。答案是E, 依据原文首段最后一句,说的最初版本的特征。
A decrease in face-to-face social contact can precipitate depression. Time spent using the Internet cannot be spent in face-to-face social contact, so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression. Studies of regular Internet users have found a significantly higher incidence of depression among those who had recently doubled the amount of time they spent using the Internet than among those whose use had not increased. Hence, the psychologists’ speculation is correct.
1. Which of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?
A. In general, the reason that the people in the studies had doubled their Internet use was not that they had earlier experienced a significant decrease in opportunities for face-to-face social contract.
B. A sharp decrease in face-to-face social contact is the only change in daily activity that can lead to an increased incidence of depression.
C. Using the Internet presents no opportunities for people to increase the amount of face-to-face social contact they experienced in their daily lives.
D. Regular Internet users who are depressed will experience an immediate improvement in mood if they sharply decrease the amount of time they spend on the Internet.
E. Before they doubled the time they spent on the Internet, the people who did so were already more prone to depression than are regular Internet users in general.
文章中心结论是中间这句:so psychologists have speculated that sharply increasing Internet use can cause depression 增加上网时间会引起抑郁。
对啦!问题是:即使用来上网的时间不能用于面对面社交,但是否能增加每天其他时间的面对面社交机会呢?比如,俺上网用来dating, 上网之后意犹未尽,相约面对面热聊啦!如果出现这种情况,原文推理就不是我们需要的严密推理啦!所以,文章推理依据的假设就是要排除这种情况。就是C选项啦!
Thediscovery of subsurface life on Earth, surviving independently from surfacelife, refuted the belief that biological processes require not only liquidwater but sunlight as well, thus greatly enhancing the possibility of lifebeyond Earth. Take Jupiter’s moonEuropa. Space probes show a body covered with a thick layer of ice. AsEuropa orbits its planet, however, it flexes due to the gravitationaltug-of-war between it, its sister moons, and Jupiter. Through friction, thisflexing produces heat in the moon’s interior capable of melting ice. Indeed,observations suggest liquid water exists beneath Europa’s icy crust.Photosynthetic life is impossible there because sunlight is completely absent,but life such as the microbes that flourish deep within earth may still bepossible.
The highlighted sentence “take Jupiter’s moon Europa” serves tointroduce
A. aninstance that allows a hypothesis to be tested
B. speculationgrounded in empirical discovery
C. a deductionfrom a newly advanced hypothesis
D. alarge-scale effect of an apparently insignificant contingency
E. thederivation of a contradiction to refute a claim
要看文章结构呀!文章首先说地球上的一个重要发现,接着说该发现提高了天外星体存在生命的可能性。然后就是这句高亮句:take Jupiter’s moon Europa。这确实是一个例子,但后文对其描述用的是“may still bepossible”这样的文字。所以B选项speculation ,结合前文的empirical discovery是对其更准确的概括。A选项to be tested 原文是没有依据的。