在所有的GRE备考科目中,写作其实是投入产出比最高的,GRE官方练习题的存在,让考生可以更加轻松的进行备考。经统计GRE高频练习题可以浓缩为Argument 和Issue各50道题左右,所以考生可以有侧重的备考。
5 、"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."
language, mathematics, science, history, computer, form the same education background fundamental skills and knowledge, children grow up as informed and productive members of society.easier for college to build curriculua suitable for all freshmen
谁来决定课程,regulators quirky notions of what should be taught provinces;communities;schools;parents 对教育的看法不同,不会完全同意国家课程
3、实施主要国家课程的同时还需要设置地方性课程,符合地方需求,keep local culture
business courses suitable for children live in metropolitan, unsuitable for those live in hinterland;
course on farming
local culture,language,tradition,arts learn literature, works related with local life easier to understand, to preserve local culture and language
4、 使学生获得起码的知识水平与思想比如统一学习国家的历史与文化,可以 can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors比如学习数学,物理,化学这些学科,培养足够的逻辑思维和认知能力cognitive skill
B 有助于大学设置课程 provide a predictable foundation upon which college administrators and faculty could more easily build curricular and select course materials for freshmen, 如果学生素质差别太大,很难找到一个合适的起点。Q 保证教材的质量全国同一的教材可以请专家来编写,教材质量有保障,而一些地方可能没有条件来编教材
但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may possess some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of th e nation, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system.)。还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程。比如艺术学校的学生,就需要学习艺术类相关课程而重点不在科学知识上 传输教条 facilitate the dissemination of propaganda and other dogma—which because of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true education: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power. 比如国家间意识形态不同,各自通过统一的课程来攻击,贬低彼此,不利于培养思想完善的人
5、 "A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."
【翻译】 一个国家应该要求所有的学生在进入大学之前都学习由国家统一制定的课程,而不是允许由国家不同地区的学校去决定课程的安排国家统一和地区单独安排课程
1 为了保证在大学入学考试时的公平性,以及培养一个人生存所必备的能力,国家需要制定统一的必修课【比如数学培养logic ability in order to form rigorous thought; history makes people get a general view of a nation•••】
2 考虑到一些特殊情况,地区可以根据需要开设一些有自己特色的课;(例子,比如艺术院校的学生,除了学习国家规定的课程外,还必须学一些专业方面的知识;还有一些少数民族地区可以开必要的语言课程以及了解自己民族发展历史的课程;还有就是为特殊学生开设特殊的课程,包括 handicapped one and generous one【这点不晓得有没有偏题】)
3 以统一课程为主,地方辅以需要的地方课。
6、 国家统一课程
二、国家统一的好处 It is true that uniform courses ha ve some merits with three aspects
a.基础技能 b. 国家政治、地理等课程能更好把握整体,编写教材 c. 一个社会的成员需要共同的背景
三、国家统一课程的优点地方学校也可以做到 However, the regional schools can also provide core courses as same as the national curriculum, and even provide some special co urses that combine with regional characteristics
a. 为了吸引学生,要把家长和学生看重的加入课程
b.而且有地方特色的课程,比如 local culture
四.不能把课程的决定交给官僚 it's ill-conceived to delegate decisions about education to a few bureaucrats.
2. 选择变少,控制思想,降低创造力
5T"A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum until they ente college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic course to offer."
① 高质量:A 向学生们灌输相同的价值观能够确保所有的学生都学到传统价值观念中的优点 can ensure all of our students be favored with the opportunity to learn all merits of the traditional values that have been created and tested for a long time by our ancestors B 著名专家编撰,local 可能不具备能力或实力
② 公平:A 使得他们能够站在相同的起跑线上scratch line 。B with the same national curriculum, it is convenient for educationist of different parts of the nation to scientifically arrange and prepare the classes of the curriculum.
③ A nation rather than the schools in different parts of the nation determine the national curriculum for the students, however, it does not mean that the local schools have no freedom to choose any course for local students. 但是对于某些特殊民族和地区,统一的国家教材可能难以满足他们的需要,甚至可能破坏他们的传统习俗和生活方式 pose certain amount of detrimental effects. On the first place, in some special regions where local persons may posse ss some kind of traditions and customs totally different from the rest of the na tion, unduly emphasize the application of the national curriculum may ruin their culture and value system. 。如:中国宣传无神论antitheism, 但伊斯兰教徒信仰安拉Moslem believe in Allah
④ 传输教条 facilitate the dissemination of propaganda an d other dogma—which because of its biased and one-sided nature undermines the very purpose of true educatio n: to enlighten. Might wish to suppress – as some sort of threat to its authority and power.
⑤ 对学生个人而言,可能不能因材施教 teach students in accordance of their aptitude
7 、"The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."
1、承认摄象机可以生动而真实地记录发生事件 trip to Europe; Wedding ceremony; robbery in bank; stealing in supermarket; traffic rule violation
2、有些信息不适合仅用摄象机记录,特别是需要存档以后使用的信息,如复杂事件、会议 complex legal case; conference;
3、抽象信息摄象机无法记录,如数字信息,人的内心世界 quantitive information; people's mind, thinking, feeling
1. 数码相机好。首先,后代可以更清楚地了解以前的事情. 此外,数码媒体占地更小 。这些对于文字来说都是不可能的
2. 文字媒体好
3. 最后,两者各有所长,还能取长补短:需要再现场景(scene )用照片;需要记录相关事实,挖掘内在含义,用文字;很多情况下,照片和文字结合使用,图文并茂(the picture and its accompanying essay are both excellent)才能完整的描述一件事情。
1 分别定义“图象记录” 和“文字记录”
2 人类为什么要“ 记录” -创作+传播+记录史实(创作就是记录人类对万物的主观感受,因为都有表达的欲望;传播就是用来让更多的人交换彼此的知识;史实就是记录当时历史传给后代)
3 如何满足这样的需求?要求记录的工具必须-可以记录+可以传播+可以存储(可记录指的是要有一个介质来承载,传播指的是可以被移动,被携带,存储是可以长期的留存,而不是一会就没了)
4 从这三个基本要求出发,对图象记录和文字记录分别进行优劣比较
5 比较 1-可记录方面,VIDEO可以录声画,完全再现,缺点成本高,拍摄者的主观视角;文字,只有文字,理解时容易误差,然而最广泛的应用,所以各种流派各种思想都会被记录,比较全面客观
6 比较2-可传播方面。VIDEO要求要用放映的基本设施,文字作品轻便得多,随时随地可以看
7 比较3-可存储方面。拷贝的存储要求一些特定的要求,温度,湿度,等等;书籍就相对简单,而且复制起来也便宜
8 除此之外,VIDEO有一个致命的缺点,就是无法表达人内心的思想和一些抽象的东西。而文字是可以表达的。所以无法代替文字,但 100 年后如何,谁也不知道
【题目】"The video camera provides such an accurate an d convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of documentation than written records."
【翻译】Position :balance ,两者配合使用
1. 摄像机优点:准确、生动、真实、能够记录瞬间、移动物体 (摄像机纪录的优点是显而易见的. 认它能生动、充满细节的记录事情。对当时场景的百分百重现,包括图像声音,这使得接受者更直接的获得信息( 在诉讼过程中作证据) ,而文字记录的阅读着还需要在脑中重现,并且由于记录者的原因可能产生误读。)
eg. Video surveillance cameras ar e objective witnesses with perfect memories, thus play a vital evidentiary role in legal proceedings, such as those involving robbery and motor vehicle violations
2. 摄像机缺点:记录时间短暂、成本高、不灵活- 携带不方便、无概括提炼 (然而,摄像机纪录的缺点也是难以弥补的。首先是时间广度不够,不能记录时间跨度很大的事件。其次是概括性不强。只能记录下具体的画面,不具概括性。三,成本过高。与纸笔纪录比起来,而且不灵活。)
3、纸笔纪录的优点:经过思考、提炼、加工;随时记录;大众方式- 摄像机没普及
(For certain other purposes written records are advantageous to and more appropriate than video records. To the extent that person al interpretation adds dimension and richness to the record, written documentation is actually more important than video.)
.ideo 和Written Records
二、录像机的好处 It is true that video records are more convincing and vibrant.
1.记录recount 大事件,卫星发射,新年音乐会,奥运会开幕式
2. 视觉效果 visual scene,文学作品最多只能 mental picture
3.生活中的瞬间, surprise party, baby born process, grad uate ceremony, clues for capturing droplets along our life river
三、录像机不能记录详 complex逻辑的clauses, 和statistical and quantitative 数据。as we know, video records are of little use in documenting complex, lo gical clauses and statistical, quantitative data.
2.我体会 data的重要性 GDP,失业,CPI
四、录像机贵、不方便 the speaker ignores the obvious differences in costs and portability of video and written records.
3. On the basis of the scant resources, Net outcome 最大化, 恰当选择
7T "The video camera provides such an accurate and convincing record of contemporary life that it has become a more important form of do cumentation than written records."
Our life has gone through great changes since the video camera came into being, which provides a totally new and different way of recording life to the traditional written methods.
摄影机的优点:Compared with written records, video documentation is much less influenced by the one who took record and the one who interpreted it.
Another conspicuous advantage of video records is its生动lifelikeness 。People can see what happened by themselves.如:看 Olympic
摄影机的缺点:Yet it’s rash to say that video camera has already won over traditional written documents and become the new domination of do cumentation field since video record is limited in several aspects
A 过去的历史事件没有记录 restricted by time. B 价格高昂,不是所有人都能承受。
We cannot say whether video camera or the written document is more important than the other in that each one has its irreplaceable merits and values. Video camera offers the accurate and convincing method of recording which can revive life in before while traditional written document can provide a more detailed and rational record in lower cost.
2 、"Competition is ultimately more benefici al than detrimental to society."
3、不良竞争对社会带来问题,如压力,不正当竞争,学生成绩竞争;工作岗位竞争;immoral 竞争,slag off behind the back
2T "Competition is ultimately more beneficial than detrimental to society."
①使得更有效率。A 同事之间竞争 B优胜劣汰
Through competing, the one who is most eligible is put on the right place, and then will produce much more values than those who are not competent as he or she.
While, on the other hand, if a competition is fraught with adulteration and illegality, it will bring deterioration to the society rather than progress. A case in point is related to market economy.