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此gre写作考试步骤主要的作用是使整篇文章既有“骨架”,又有“血肉”。需要注意以下两点:一是要 注意全文的时态运用,保持一致性;二是要讲究布局谋篇。恰当的段落划分,前后语句的连贯,句型的选择,连接词的运用都是考生需要考虑的内容。
19"If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual citizens."
社会成功首先体现在个体的 well-being,个体利益得到满足后(research; invention; business) 才有动力促进社会利益
2 、如果只注重社会整体的成功,而忽略社会成员的幸福,整体的成功也不会久远。比如,一个国家倾尽所有财力(impose high taxes)去研究外太空,而不去发展经济,导致人民生活困苦,即使研究很成功也不能说这个国家是繁荣的,相反还有可能造成社会的不稳定。
business; economy 个人成功后有 drive and resources for social sucess
19T "If a society is to thrive, it must put its own overall success before the well-being of its individual
③长远来看,必须把个体利益放在社会利益之上。A 社会的发展是由一个个的个体所做出的。有责任使他们生活幸
福。否则,会引起暴乱 B 存在risk ,政府以社会的整体利益为借口来满足个人利益。
The achievement of social entire success owns much to ceaseless an d assiduous hard work of every citizen.
If a country overemphasizes the priority of its overall success in the process of thriving, it risks to obtaining the achievement at the expense of individual’s interest.
However, not every individual’s interest accords with th at of society.
Tim: A society is a community comprised by the members. It exists because its members exist. In my opinion, its overall success entirely depends on the welfare of its individual citizens. Such welfare should be prioritized.
Prior to our analysis, we need to agree upon the definition of "overall success". Hypothetically, if we eliminate the elderly, the weak, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the unfit, then clearly our society consists of only healthy and intelligent members. It will likely become productive, and thus make considerable advancement.
Does this considerable advancement mean overall success? If it does, then we should indeed adopt a policy of master race, such as the one advocated by Nazis. We should place our emphasis on the society's success ahead of the welfare of individual members.
My definition of overall succe ss, however, is different. Rather, happiness of its members is the main criterion. If members are stressful throughout their life, this society is not deemed successful even if it enables its members to land on Mars.
Again, hypothetically, let us say that our world population is reduced from 6.2 billion to 100 million. All the unfit have been annihilated. These 100 million people are good looking, tall, smart, young, and healthy. Their earth is filled with bountiful food and is equipped with advanced technology. Now, let us examine the likelihood that they will be happy.
First, this master race still cannot defy agin g and death. The members will age and die. But according to their own regulations, people at the age of, say, 50 must be phased out. So, what do you think that those reaching ages of 35, 40, or 45 will feel?
Second, other than aging, the members do not dare to show any sign of weakness. If they are sick, they'd better pretend to be well. If they do not understand something, they will pretend that they are bright. If they are unable to accomplish some tasks, they will appear to be competent. So they constantly live in pretense and anxiety.
Finally, how will these cut-off limits of unfitness be defined? It is law of nature that nobody on earth is perfect. Nobody can possibly possess every nice attribute in him. If he is bright, but physically weak, will he be eliminated? The society will become chaotic, as there will be constant debates over the definition of unfitness.
In summary, based on three reason s stated above, members of this society will not likely live happy lives. If they will not, the society, deemed by me, is not successful. If I am allowed to uphold my own definition, then clearly we should accept every member, weak and strong alike, as he is, and prioritize his well being. The society does not necessarily have to make progress.
20"National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults."
20 部分同意
孩子和成人都很重要,但不可能付出大量精力,所以要平衡;assign priority according to the importance of the program; 失业服务项目优先于儿童after-class activity program; 儿童健康项目优先于garbage recycling programs
【Position 】: 尽管儿童的成长关系国家发展可持续性,但成人才是社会的中流砥柱,因此国家应该优先为成年人提供服务。
20T "National governments should devote more of their social programs and services to children than to adults."
①成人是社会财富的创造者,是社会的中坚力量。Adults, who make up the major work force of our society, are where the fortune and power of the nation lying, thus the premise of the social stability. 如:从古代的埃及金字塔、长城到现代的农民、工人或是白领阶层。从公平原理上来说,应该回报给他们一定的 programs and services.
②另一方面,许多社会问题的存在都是由于成人所引起的。如:老龄化,失业。要解决这些问题,就要给予成年人足够的关注。反面说:如果没满足,会引起人们对于政府、社会的不满。Faraway from the superficial impression that national government has set enough social programs and services to help adults, the fact is that, such help still can not meet the request and even worse is that some of them are not adequately conducted to bear the assumed outcomes.
③小孩应该给予足够的关注,A 因为是社会的未来。B 许多现在社会问题的解决要依靠今天对他们的教育。As we have to keep sufficient notice on adults’ affairs, we shall absolutely never fail to provide children a safe, clean and nice environment for them to grow happily and robustly.
21"Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are really in earnest about reforming a government, an educational system, or any ot her institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."
1、只顾自己的 reputation and social standing 的人无法带来真正的革命
rebellion instigated by farmers; finally yield to the governer who garentee the head of the rebels official oppsition and wealth
2、真正带来革命的人不关心自己的 reputation and so cial standing
Martin Luther King
Mahatma Gandi
21T "Reform is seldom brought about by people who are concerned with their own reputation and social standing. Those who are re ally in earnest about reformin g a government, an educational system, or any other institution must be willing to be viewed with disdain by the rest of the world."
① 因为改革总是对于利益的重新分配,因而不可避免的会引起一部分人的不满,所以想要改革的人不可避免的要接受一部分人的蔑视。如:对贵族 noble 权利的剥夺
② 在乎自己声望和社会地位的人是不能带来改革的。一方面,他们可能只是想被选举上,没想过要改革;另一方面,当改革遇到困难时,他们会倾向于退缩
③ 当改革的长远效果显示出来时,真正英明的人的声望会加倍。如:Gandhi, Roosevelt
Though no explicit static data, it’s not difficult to find that earnest in seeking personal reputation is always bound with eagerness to involve in social affairs such as reforming.
Then there seems to be a paradox, since earnest in social affairs always goes with ardor for personal reputation, how one manages to sacrifice the latter for the former?
Yet it’s unfair to ignore the contribution to any beneficial reforming of common people who may not show so much care for earnin g reputation or standing.
