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有些考生写GRE文章,喜欢用专业性的逻辑用语,其实没有必要,就事论事比较好。在批驳的时候为了显得有力,可以多用用for example、it is possible that、it is likely that之类的句型,因为Argument就是挑错与找茬的过程。如果实在觉得错误不好找,那么就根据每一句话批,基本上,每一个表示原因的句子中都可能存在逻辑错误。





例如Issue里的这样一道真题:“Truly profound thinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time and their society。”(真正影响深远的思想家和具有高度创造力的艺术家总是与他们的时代和社会步伐不一致)。这个题目如果没有必备的那些思想家和艺术家的例子,文章必然缺乏说服力。因此读历史积累写作素材,具体说就是论据素材是拿高分的一个重要环节。










Consciously Reconnecting

There may be times when we feel like our connection to the universe is closed. Maybe things don’t seem to be going well in our day, or our lives, or we may feel out of our element. The truth is, the universe is always there for us. We know that we create our experience with our thoughts, and this is another way we need to make a conscious decision about how we want to experience life. It is up to us to do the work of making the connection, because nobody can do it for us, though sometimes the universe may send us wake-up calls.

You can think of it as getting some fresh air. We are always breathing and the air is always around us, surrounding us, moving through us. But we may need to step outside of where we are in the moment—physically, mentally, or emotionally—and make the conscious choice to take a deep breath in order to feel the air coming in and going out. Whether this means stepping outside physically or merely shifting our thoughts, it is only our perception that changes; the air remains the same.

It is just as easy to reconnect with the universe. Using the same technique as a breath of fresh air, a deep breath can bring us back to our center. As we inhale, we fill our bodies with the oxygen needed to replenish our most basic physical needs, allowing the air to circulate within us. Exhaling, we release the stale, the used, the potentially toxic air, removing any blocks that may keep us from going deeper into the stillness that lies at our center where we connect to the universe. Feeling closed off does not need to be a negative experience. When we become conscious of it, we can think of the wholeness of a closed circuit, which allows electricity to connect and flow properly. Our bodies work the same way, and when we make that connection in our minds, it can help bring us back to the connection we seek.



Many old building are protected by law because they are part of a nation‘s history. However, some people think knocked down to make way for new ones because people need houses and offices. How important is it to maintain old buildings? Should history stand in the way of progress?


Old buildings sometimes conflicts with social advancement. Appealing as it is in the eyes of business people, tearing down old architect to make room for real-estate development is not a wise idea in many ways.

The primarily reason is that old buildings, like our native language, forms our cultural identity and keep a unique record the history of a country. From this aspect, old buildings are considered very valuable as one of the symbols of the culture of a nation. For instance, the traditional Chinese residence in Beijing, Siheyuan, are once seen as the remains of the Old World, and were destroyed by people shortly after the founding of People‘s Republic of China. Until recently did the people and policy makers as well realize that it is an inexcusable and stupid idea to commit such a terrible deed because old buildings, once gone, are not restorable. But their economic values and aesthetic appeals have just caught the attention of Chinese people.

Moreover, old buildings, if planed and preserved properly, could coexist with modern real-estate development. In France, aged buildings bring millions of dollars of revenue for the government and amazed thousands of tourists. Yet no one thinks the high-rising office buildings and apartment buildings make the old architect a sore of the eye. By contrast, the new learn from the old, a fact that makes them more attractive.

We admit that not all old buildings should be treated equally and some of them do need to be torn down for various reasons such as safety and new buildings. However, we should not be too blind to see their value too. If only the real and practical factors are being considered, the country will be sorry for its loss in years to come.

As we have discussed, old buildings are part of a country‘s history and are valuable in many ways. We should plan well and be wise enough to see their value. But the same time, we should also do our best to find solutions to make the old and the new coexist in harmony.



The following appeared in a magazine article about planning for retirement.

"Clearview should be a top choice for anyone seeking a place to retire, because it has spectacular natural beauty and a consistent climate. Another advantage is that housing costs in Clearview have fallen significantly during the past year, and taxes remain lower than those in neighboring towns. Moreover, Clearview's mayor promises many new programs to improve schools, streets, and public services. And best of all, retirees in Clearview can also expect excellent health care as they grow older, since the number of physicians in the area is far greater than the national average."

Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.






