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GRE阅读切忌通篇文章都看 如何抓住重点快速读文章有技巧
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3. GRE机经真题
Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills rapidly is called pillow lava. This rapid chilling occurs when lava erupts directly into water (or beneath ice) or when it flows across a shoreline and into a body of water. While the term "pillow lava" suggests a definite shape, in fact geologists disagree. Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses. Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected flow lobes. Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations of the original configuration of pillow flows from two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings. Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses. Adequate three-dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin. Indeed, the term “pillow,” itself suggestive of discrete masses, is probably a misnomer. (165 words)
1. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in
(A) analyzing the source of a scientific controversy
(B) criticizing some geologists‘ methodology
(C) pointing out the flaws in a geological study
(D) proposing a new theory to explain existing scientific evidence
(E) describing a physical phenomenon
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
2. The author of the passage would most probably agree that the geologists mentioned in the fourth sentence have made which of the following errors in reasoning?
□A Generalized unjustifiably from available evidence.
□B Deliberately ignored existing counterevidence.
□C Repeatedly failed to take new evidence into account.
3. The author implies that the “controversy” might be resolved if
(A) geologists did not persist in using the term “pillow”
(B) geologists did not rely on potentially misleading information
(C) geologists were more willing to confer directly with one another
(D) two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows were available
(E) existing pillows in land outcroppings were not so badly eroded
Volcanic rock that forms as fluid lava chills rapidly is called pillow lava.
This rapid chilling occurs when lava erupts directly into water (or beneath ice) or when it flows across a shoreline and into a body of water.
While the term "pillow lava" suggests a definite shape, in fact geologists disagree.
Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses.
Others describe pillow lava as a tangled mass of cylindrical, interconnected flow lobes.
(flow 此处做名词
a mass of material which has flowed when molten (MWC)熔融状态时可流动,凝结后成为固体块
a curved or rounded projection or division specifically : a usually somewhat rounded projection or division of a bodily organ or part (MWC)
指人体器官时,lobe 经常被翻译成“垂”,比如耳垂,或“叶”,如额叶、肺叶等,此处译作“岩叶”是不严谨的、权宜的、闭门造车的译法,会意即可,勿举一反三。)
Much of this controversy probably results from unwarranted extrapolations of the original configuration of pillow flows from two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows in land outcroppings.
(outcropping 也可以写作 outcrop,指石头、岩层等露出地表的部分。
露出地表的枕式熔岩被侵蚀,也许一些“枕头”从整个岩体上剥落下来了,就给人一种 discrete ellipsoidal masses 的误解,正如句 4 那种观点。
Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses.
Adequate three-dimensional images of intact pillows are essential for defining the true geometry of pillowed flows and thus ascertaining their mode of origin.
Indeed, the term “pillow,” itself suggestive of discrete masses, is probably a misnomer. (165 words)
实际上,“ 枕 ” 这个字面上就暗示了彼此离散块体的说法本身,可能是不恰当的。
1. In the passage, the author is primarily interested in
(A) analyzing the source of a scientific controversy
(B) criticizing some geologists‘ methodology
(C) pointing out the flaws in a geological study
(D) proposing a new theory to explain existing scientific evidence
(E) describing a physical phenomenon
选 A
分析一起科学争论的缘由,也就是句 4、5 两种观点之间的争论。
For the following question, consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply
2. The author of the passage would most probably agree that the geologists mentioned in the fourth sentence have made which of the following errors in reasoning?
□A Generalized unjustifiably from available evidence.
□B Deliberately ignored existing counter evidence.
□C Repeatedly failed to take new evidence into account.
选 A
我们先回到句 4:
Some geologists argue that pillow lava is characterized by discrete, ellipsoidal masses.
综合句 7:
Virtually any cross section cut through a tangled mass of interconnected flow lobes would give the appearance of a pile of discrete ellipsoidal masses.
错在通过现有的证据(二维断面)做了错误的归纳,文中用的说法是 unwarranted extrapolations (句6)。
所以选 A 。
3. The author implies that the “controversy” might be resolved if
(A) geologists did not persist in using the term “pillow”
(B) geologists did not rely on potentially misleading information
(C) geologists were more willing to confer directly with one another
(D) two-dimensional cross sections of eroded pillows were available
(E) existing pillows in land outcroppings were not so badly eroded
选 B
Biologists have long maintained that two groups of pinnipeds, sea lions and walruses, are descended from a terrestrial bear like animal, whereas the remaining group, seals, shares an ancestor with weasels. But the recent discovery of detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all three groups undermines the attempt to explain away superficial resemblance as due to convergent evolution-the independent development of similarities between unrelated groups in response to similar environmental pressures. Flippers may indeed be a necessary response to aquatic life, turtles, whales, and dugongs also have them. But the common detailed design found among the pinnipeds probably indicates a common ancestor. Moreover, walruses and seals drive themselves through the water with thrusts of their hind flippers, but sea lions use their front flippers. If anatomical similarity in the flippers resulted from similar environmental pressures, as posited by the convergent-evolution theory, one would expect walruses and seals, but not seals and sea lions, to have similar flippers.
According to the passage, it has been recently discovered that
A.there are detailed skeletal similarities in the flippers of pinnipeds
B.sea lions, seals, and walruses are all pinnipeds
C.pinnipeds are descended from animals that once lived on land
D.animals without common ancestors sometimes evolve in similar ways
E.animals that have flippers do not all use them in the same way
The author implies that which of the following was part of the long-standing view concerning pinnipeds?
A.Pinnipeds are all descended from a terrestrial bear like animal.
B.Pinnipeds share a common ancestor with turtles, whales, and dugongs.
C.Similarities among pinnipeds are due to their all having had to adapt to aquatic life.
D.There are detailed similarities in the skeletal structure of the flippers in all pinnipeds.
E.Convergent evolution cannot account for the similarities among pinnipeds.
The author implies which of the following about the fact that turtles, whales, and dugongs all have flippers?
A.It can be explained by the hypothesis that turtles, whales, and dugongs are very closely related.
B.It can be explained by the idea of convergent evolution.
C.It suggests that turtles, whales, and dugongs evolved in separate parts of the world.
D.It undermines the view that turtles, whales, and dugongs are all descended from terrestrial ancestors.
E.It is the primary difference between turtles, whales, and dugongs, on the one hand, and pinnipeds, on the other.
In presenting the argument in the passage, the author does which of the following?
A.Contends that key terms in an opposing view have been improperly used.
B.Contends that opponents have purposely obscured important evidence.
C.Shows that two theories thought to be in conflict are actually complementary.
D.Shows that advocates of a theory have not always stated their view in the same manner.
E.Shows that an implication of a theory is contradicted by the facts.
正确答案:A C B E