快速批量记忆GRE词汇, 高分不再遥不可及,一起来看看吧,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
快速批量记忆GRE词汇 高分不再遥不可及
GRE 不同于托福、雅思等语言考试,其以为大学研究生院选拔合格的候选人为目的,着重于考查学生潜在的学习能力。面对 GRE,已经开始备考的同学一定知道,最大的难关、也是最重要的基础部分之一就是单词。从某种程度上来说,GRE 高分是非常依赖于词汇量的。在背单词这件事上,不要以为只有你自己背了就忘,绝大多数人在记忆过程中都会有遗忘,而且这个比率通常高达20%,也就是说即使你很用心的背了10个单词,转眼忘掉2个单词也是人之常情。然而同样是20%这样一个概率,基数的不同则会导致结果的不同,背10个 GRE 单词和背100个 GRE 单词成效自然不同。
其实100个 GRE 单词看似很多,但是如果分组来背诵,其实也没什么。例如这样分配者100个 GRE 单词:上午30个 GRE 单词,中午10个 GRE 单词,下午30个 GRE 单词,晚饭后再背30个 GRE 单词。这样一来,每天轻松拿下100个 GRE 单词。
disputatious: 好争辩的;fond of arguing; contentious; eager to dispute
1) argumentative; inclined to disputes
2) inclined or showing an inclination to dispute or disagree, even to engage in law suits
His disputatious streak eventually wore down his fellow parliament members. as
The child was so disputatious he needed to be removed from the room.
polemic : disputatious
= invective : abusive 好争论的:好争辩的=谩骂的:辱骂的
antediluvian:史前的;陈旧的;extremely old and antiquated
1) a very old (or old fashioned) person
2) prehistoric, before the flood
3) ancient;outmoded;(literally,before the flood)
4) antiquated;extremely ancient 、
5) ancient, obsolete, pre historic
6) antiquated;extremely ancient
flagrant: 不能容忍的;Conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible
1) glaringly wrong
2) extremely or deliberately shocking or noticeable
flagrant <> hidden, concealed, subtle
flagrant <> obscure
flagrant <> clammy
The flagrant foul was apparent to everyone.
plebeian:平民的,社会下层的: belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank
1) humble, one of the common people
平民的,社会下层的: belonging to the class of people of low social or economic rank
【例】 a man who rose to greatness but never forgot his plebeian past 一个仕途通达,但从未忘却自己平民出身的人
【近】 baseborn, common, humble, inferior, lowborn, lumpen, mean, prole, proletarian, unwashed, vulgar
【反】 aristocratic, genteel, gentle, highborn, highbred, lofty, noble, partrician, wellborn 上流社会的
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