托福写作词汇分类汇总 工作类常用词总结分享
焦虑 n. anxiety
分配 vt. assign
冲突 v.&n. conflict
热情地接受 v. embrace
尝试 n.&v. attempt
竞争激烈的 adj. competitive
技巧很高的 adj. accomplished
在……方面很出众 vi. excel in …
蓝领 n. blue-collar
白领 n. white-collar
谈判 n. negotiation
应试技巧 n. technique
胜利 n. triumph
反馈 n. feedback
工作非常勤奋的 adj. industrious
建设性的 adj. constructive
有压力的 adj. stressful
令人筋疲力尽的 adj. exhausting
高薪/底薪工作 high-paying jobs/ low-paying jobs
工资过高的 adj. overpaid
升级 vt.&n. upgrade
同事 n. colleague
同事 n. coworker
同事(蓝领) n. workmate
明确的目标 clear-cut/ specific goals
员工的热情 staff morale
可行的 adj. feasible
耗时间的 adj. time-consuming
妥协 n.&v. compromise
牺牲 n.&v. sacrifice
责任分配 delegation of responsibilities
工作量 n. workload
心理压力 psychological strain
裁员 n. layoff/ downsizing
尽职尽责的 adj. conscientious
当名词时是“做某事的途径”,当动词时是“靠近” n.&vt. Approach (to)
招聘 vt. recruit
激烈的竞争 stiff/ fierce competition
高水准的 adj. high-caliber
重大错误 n. blunder
有热情的 adj. enthusiastic
讨厌的人或东西 n. nuisance
自我表达 n. self-expression
自我印象,对自己的评价 n. self-image
自尊 n. self-esteem
远程会议 n. teleconference/ teleconferencing
一种很知足的状态 n. contentment
评价,评估 n. assessment/ evaluation
时间限制,时间上的制约 n. time constraints
不愿意去做某事 be reluctant to do sth./ be unwilling to do sth.
“工作”的正式说法 n. profession/ occupation
事业 n. career
天职 n. calling
敬业精神 work ethic
职业水准 n. professionalism
很高的专业素养 n. expertise
经验丰富的 adj. experienced
工作单位 n. workplace
白手起家的创业者 n. entrepreneur
事业心强的 adj. enterprising
艰巨的 adj. daunting/ formidable
睡眠严重不足的 adj. sleep-deprived
(人)闲着的,(物品)闲置的 adj. idle
重要的 adj. significant→essential→vital
狂热 n. zeal
十分投入的 adj. devoted/ fervent/ ardent
高尚的 adj. lofty/ noble
工作满意度 job satisfaction
稳定性 n. stability
非常难做的工作 back-breaking work
给人的精神压力很大的 adj. nerve-racking
和压力有关的疾病 stress-induced diseases
努力 exert oneself
满足感 n. gratification
合作 vi. collaborate (with)
就业技能 employable skills
人际交往能力 interpersonal skills
职业前景 career prospects
重复性的 adj. repetitive
自由职业者 n. freelancer
自雇的 self-employed people
人员,员工(集合概念) n. personnel
有竞争力的 adj. competent
完美的 adj. flawless
失眠 n. insomnia
加班 work overtime
工作狂 n. workaholic
激励物,奖励条件 n. incentive
奖励,回报 n. reward
以身作则 lead by example
团结 n. solidarity
一致 n. unity
苛刻的 adj. demanding
薪酬 n. compensation
抱怨 vt. whine
员工福利 fringe benefits/ perks/ employee benefits
偏执的 adj. compulsive
礼仪 n. etiquette
合作 n. collaboration
超级忙碌的 adj. hectic
Some people believe that if people are on vacation, they should leave their mobile phones at home ,to what extent do you agree or disagree? 有人认为人们在度假的时候应该把手机留在家里,你是否认同?
托福写作立场 人们在旅行的时候,携带手机是利大于弊
1. 手机的一些功能可以给旅行提供具体的帮助,例如手机的APP地图软件,就可以帮助游客在谋生的城市,准确定位,及时找到目的地。同样,游客们可以使用手机预订机票和酒店。
2. 携带手机可以随时和家人朋友保持联系,尤其是在发生紧急事件的时候。
3. 手机本身具有强大的娱乐功能,可以作为旅途中一种消遣的方式。例如,我在旅行的时候,喜欢使用手机听歌、照相和刷微信。
1. Vacation is a time for relaxation 度假是为了放松。
2. People’s preferences differ greatly in determining whether or not it is advisable to take a cell phone when they take a few days off in some hot scenic spots. 在一些热门的旅游景区度假的时候,是否携带手机,人们的喜好差异很大。
解析:People’s preferences differ greatly in determining whether or not it is advisable to do sth 关于是否做……是明智的,人们的喜好不同。
3. As for me,the merits of taking a phone outweigh its possible demerits. 对于我而言,我认为携带手机的利大于弊。
解析:the merits of …… outweigh its possible demerits ……的利大于弊
4. Taking a cell phone can help us keep in touch with our family members and friends, especially in time of emergency. 携带手机可以帮助我们和家庭成员和朋友保持联系,尤其是在发生紧急情况的时候。
解析:in time of …… 在……的时候
5. When spending holiday, people usually choose to visit some unfamiliar cities or countries,if they take a cell phone, then ,they can deal with crisis easily 度假的时候,人们喜欢选择陌生的城市和国家,如果他们携带手机,那么,他们很容易危机处理。
解析:if …… then …… 如果…… 那么……
6. Taking a mobile phone is of great necessity for us because it is a good source of entertainment 携带手机对于我们是必要的,因为,手机是很好的娱乐的源泉。
解析:It is a good source of entertainment 这是娱乐的源泉。
7. While travelling, people may have to spend great amounts of time on taking various public transit, seeking hotels or booking tickets,in this sense,using the various cell phone APP softwares can be time-saving and trouble-saving. 度假的时候,人们需要花费大量的时间乘坐公共交通工具,选择酒店,预定机票,因此,使用手机的APP软件可以省时省力。
解析:take various public transit v 乘坐各种公共交通工具
8. The mighty entertainment function of the cell phone can be used as a good stress-reducer. 使用手机强大的娱乐功能,是一种很好的缓解压力的方式。
解析:…… is a good stress-reducer ……是很好的缓解压力的方式
9. Playing on-line games, listening to favorite music or watching humorous movies can an ideal way to relax our bodies and ease our minds.玩在线游戏,听我们喜爱的歌曲,看相关的幽默电影还是理想的方式放松身心。
解析:…… is an deal way to relax our bodies and ease our minds ……是很好的方式来放松我们的身心
10. Indeed,I have to concede that taking cell phones on vacation is never without its demerits 我不得不承认的是,度假时携带手机不是没有其弊端。
解析:is never without 远非没有……
11. Constant phone calls may ruin our holidays不断地接听手机也许会毁掉我们的假期。
解析:ruin our holidays v 毁掉我们假期
12. The purpose of spending holidays is to temporarily to take a rest from stressful and arduous work度假的目的是为了暂时地放下工作中的压力。
解析:stressful adj 压力大
解析:arduous adj 繁重的;费力的
13. It must be quite annoying if an emergent phone call requires us to end our hardly earned vacation. 如果旅行中突然收到公司的业务电话,需要自己结束旅行,也是令人苦恼的
解析:It must be quite annoying if …… 如果……一定是令人苦脑的
解析:hardly earned vacation n 来之不易的假期
14. However, the incidence of this situation is very small because those who are on vacations, in most cases,will perfectly handle their problems in advance.但是,我认为这种情况发生的机会是很小的,因为度假者通常会事先做好工作安排。
15. Overall,I am still convinced that it is wise to take cell phones during the vacation. 总之,度假的时候带着手机是有利好的。
解析:Overall,I am still convinced that …… 总之,我深信……
解析:it is wise to do sth 做……是明智的
Art shapes our life, it also helps to preserve history, it serves as a reminder of yesterday, and a maker of tomorrow and it also conveys idea.
短语:stir up emotion
Art's ability to stir up imaginations and emotions about a subject that science might not be able to, and I am not saying that science is not important, I just think art is a necessary complement to science.
短语:bring comfort and hope, expressing their happiness,
Music can also bring comfort and hope to people, and it is important to people expressing their happiness, sorrow and even anger.
单词、短语:facilitate change, bind society, the most prestigious musician, defend against ;
X.X.X is a helpful tool to facilitate change, and even a device for comfort and security that helps to bind society, like the most prestigious musician Chopin created great music so his fellow countrymen could unite and defend their country against Russian invasion.
短语:a great part of our lives, X.X.X helps X.X.X to prosper, a good case in point
A society without art is not much of a society at all, for art is essential and a great part of our lives. Art is really about invention and expression, it helps a country prosper culturally. The Culture Revolution happened a few decades ago in China is a good case in point, music and art were stifled, and the country basically stopped functioning.