托福写作词汇分类汇总 休闲类常用词总结一览
短期旅行 n. excursion
观光 n. sightseeing
有导游的旅行 conducted tour/ guided tour
跟团游 package tour
自助游 self-conducted tour/ self-guided tour
异域风情的 adj. exotic
有益环保的旅游 n. ecotourism
背包族 n. backpacker
旅游景点 tourist attraction/ tourist spot
旅行社 travel agency
纪念品 n. souvenir
探索 vt. explore
古代留下来的东西 n. relics
城堡 n. castle
手工制品 n. handicrafts
文物 n. artifacts
珍惜 vt. cherish
收藏 n. collection
美术馆,画廊 n. gallery
开阔某人的眼界 expand one’s outlook/ vision
抽象画 abstract painting
具象画 representational painting
风景画 landscape painting
静物画 still life painting
人像画 n. portrait
油画 oil painting
壁画 n. mural/ fresco
雕刻 n. carving
萝卜青菜,各有所爱。 Different strokes for different folks.
业余的消遣 n. diversion/ pastime
休闲 n. recreation
释放压力 release stress
引领潮流的 adj. trend-setting
游乐场 amusement park
主题公园 theme park
消除担心 rid off the worries
从日常琐事中摆脱出来 get away from the daily grind
提振某人的精神 lift one’s spirits
精神消沉 one’s spirits sink
值得回忆的 adj. memorable
文化遗产 cultural heritage
民间传说 n. folktale
少数民族 ethnic minorities
外观 n. exterior
内部 n. interior
化妆品 n. cosmetics
业余爱好者,“票友儿” n. amateur
偏见 n. prejudice
虚构情节图书 n. fiction
以事实为基础的书 n. non-fiction
侦探小说 detective novel
传记 n. biography
励志书 motivational books
马赛克 n. mosaic
神话 n. mythology
乐器 musical instrument
音乐剧 n. musical
表演 n. performance
塑造某人的性格 mold one’s temperament
捕捉 vt. capture
让人放松 calm the nerves and restore the soul
芭蕾舞 n. ballet
电影n. flick
演员的(表演)或者演技 n. acting
看了开头就知道结尾的那种剧情 predictable storyline/ plot
大团圆结局 a happy ending
动画片 n. animation
特效 special effects
展览 n. exhibition
展览或者展品 n. exhibit
马戏团 n. circus
低强度锻炼 light exercise
中等强度锻炼 moderate exercise
高强度锻炼 vigorous/ strenuous exercise
越野摩托车运动 dirt biking
适度 n. moderation
健身 n. workout
有氧运动 aerobic exercises
血液循环 blood circulation
灵活性 n. flexibility
耐力 n. endurance
协调,(身体的)协调性 n. coordination
马拉松 n. marathon
田径 n. athletics
高雅的品味 exquisite tastes
古董;过时的 n.&adj. antique
超级好看的 adj. gorgeous
不好看的 adj. unsightly
巨丑的 adj. hideous
鉴赏家 n. connoisseur
爱慕虚荣的 adj. pretentious
攀比 keep up with the Joneses
涉及多种感官的 adj. multisensory
有吸引力的 adj. appealing/ attractive
极有吸引力的 adj. fascinating/ captivating
放纵自己于…… indulge in …
一个笑话最后的那句最逗的话 punch line
让人特兴奋的 adj. exhilarating
审美的 adj. aesthetic
艳俗的 adj. garish
(交响)乐团 n. orchestra
骑马 horseback riding
射箭 archery
铁人三项 triathlon
壁球 racquetball/ squash
室内自行车运动 n. spinning
美式曲棍球 n. lacrosse
Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth. Natural resources are being depleted and pollution is being created as a result of development of technology. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion to populate more people.
First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources. If we fell too many trees at one time to build
houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees before they grow to maturity, they can hardly grow back in time. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. With improved technology and greater drive for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted, reducing the biomass of some fish to the verge of extinction. Whaling seems a most irksome issue. While most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes. We often take it for granted that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner, bringing about great losses.
Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms. Factories pollute water and the air. Vehicles pollute the air. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in polluting the air, especially when we dispose of related waste carelessly. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.
Third, expanding towns and cities are taking up more and more land. As populations flood to cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.
In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of the Earth in various ways. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate the Earth.
While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth. Natural resources are being depleted and pollution is being created as a result of development of technology. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion to populate more people.
While the past few centuries have witnessed increasingly better quality of human life, (while引导词,表对比关系;主语是the past few centuries,要学会物化主语;这句话可以直接背下来套用在科技+政府+社会等话题开头段,“尽管过去的几个世纪见证了人们生活水平的不断提高)human activity is doing more and more harm to the Earth.
2. Natural resources are being depleted(耗尽) and pollution is being createdas a result of(由于=as a consequence of= due to=owing to) development of technology.
3. Natural areas are being damaged as a result of urban expansion(城市扩张) to populate more people.
First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources. If we fell too many trees at one time to build houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees before they grow to maturity, they can hardly grow back in time. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. With improved technology and greater drive for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted, reducing the biomass of some fish to the verge of extinction. Whaling seems a most irksome issue. While most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes. We often take it for granted that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner, bringing about great losses.
1. First, we harm the Earth by using more and more natural resources.
2. If we fell(砍伐树木,fell trees=cut down trees) too many trees at one time to build houses and make paper, or if we cut down trees(砍伐树木) before they grow to maturity(n.成熟), they can hardly grow back in time(及时).
自然资源1 - 破坏森林资源
3. As worrisome as overcutting of trees is overfishing. (as+adj+as A is B“和A一样adj的是B)
4. With improved technology and greater drive(动机=motive=motivation) for money, fish of all kinds are being over hunted(过度捕猎), reducing thebiomass(生物量) of some fish to the verge of extinction.(reduce the biomass of sth to the verge of extinction将...的数量减少到灭绝边缘)
5. Whaling(捕鲸) seems a most irksome(令人厌烦的=troublesome=worrisome) issue.
6. While(引导词“尽管”,表对比关系) most countries argue against it, some countries go whaling to extremes(go sth to extremes 做某事过火).
自然资源2 - 过度捕捞
7. We often take it for granted(take sth for granted把某事认为是理所当然的)that we have unlimited natural resources and use them in a wasteful manner,bringing about(带来) great losses.
Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms. Factories pollute water and the air. Vehicles pollute the air. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in polluting the air, especially when we dispose of related waste carelessly. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.
1. Second, we damage the Earth by producing pollution in all forms.
2. Factories pollute water and the air.
污染形式1 - 工厂
3. Vehicles pollute the air.
污染形式2 - 汽车
4. Nuclear-related and electronic products are playing an increasingly big role in(在...中扮演越来越重要的角色) polluting the air, especially when we dispose of(处理) related waste carelessly.
5. We take it for granted that Nature can help clean everything, but it can not.
Third, expanding towns and cities are taking up more and more land. As populations flood to cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.
1. Third, expanding towns and cities(doing做主语,扩大城镇) are taking up(占据) more and more land.
2. As populations flood to(涌入) cities, new houses and stores have to be built to accommodate their needs(迎合他们的需求).
解释句1: 人口增加-->建造更多住房和商店
3. Land that was good for farming has now become factories and apartment buildings.
4. We seem to take it for granted that we have unlimited land, but we do not.
In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of the Earth in various ways. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate the Earth.
1. In summary, human activity seems to be going at the expense of(以...为代价) the Earth in various ways.
2. However, our survival depends on the Earth, including natural areas and natural resources, so we have to venerate(尊敬) the Earth.
