我们以剑13的Test 1的第一篇阅读题为例来讲解填空题的审题要求。这一道阅读题的1-7是表格填空题,做题之前先审题。题目的要求有两点:1.不多于一个词(ONE WORD ONLY);2.从文章中找词(Choose ONE WORD ONLY from the passage)。基于这样的题目要求,我们在做题的时候就只能往空上填一个词,而且这个词必需来源于原文。看清了题目要求,就可以开始做题了。
我们以第一个空为例,讲解如何根据关键词定位文章位置。我们在题目的图表中看到,第1和第2个题都属于“Database of tourism services”这个分类之下,我们可以通过这个分类迅速将题目答案范围定位到第二段Database of tourism services的位置,然后回头看题目“allow businesses to information regularly”此时我们要在题干中选取定位词,可选的定位词有两个“business”和“regularly”,但是“business”太过宽泛,我们就用“regularly”来定位。然后根据这这个定位词,我们将答案出处定位在原文的这句话里“In addition, because participating businesses were able toupdate the details they gave on a regularbasis, the information provided remained accurate.”所以答案就出来了,空格上填“update”。综上所述,我们可以看到做填空题的时候要经历这几个过程,先确定定位词,再找到对应内容,然后在空格上填入合适单词即可。刚开始做填空题不要着急提速,先学会找关关键词学会定位文章位置,等到大家练习的多了速度自然就提上去了。
New research suggests some foods have the power to guard skin from the damage caused by the sun's UV radiation. While a salad is no substitute for sunblock, these healthy foods could add inner protection against sunburn and wrinkles at the cellular level.
Citrus Fruits 柑橘类水果
Citrus fruits have the potent ingredient limonene, associated with a whopping 34 percent lower risk of skin cancer in one University of Arizona study of 470 women and men.
Green tea 绿茶
This delicately flavored tea is full of antioxidants called EGCGs. Among their health-promoting capabilities: EGCGs stopped genetic damage in human skin cells exposed to UV light in one University of Wisconsin study.
Carrots 胡萝卜
Carrots—or any other red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables—are packed with carotenoids, and studies show they reduce sunburn intensity.
Red Peppers 红椒
Like carrots, red peppers are also especially helpful in reducing sunburn intensity.
Spinach 菠菜
Leafy greens, like dark green lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, are top sources of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which halted cell growth prompted by UV light in animal studies.绿叶蔬菜,如绿色莴苣,菠菜,甘蓝菜和唐莴苣均含有非常丰富的抗氧化剂叶黄素和玉米黄素,这些抗氧化剂可以阻止紫外线引起的细胞生长。
Salmon 三文鱼
This fish is a great source of oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In a small British study, fish oils guarded against sunburn and DNA changes that can lead to cancer.
Walnuts 核桃
Like salmon, walnuts are high in essential fatty acids that could guard against sunburn.
Should schools give children medicine without parental permission?
That's the question that has been reverberating in parental circles across China after news emerged that a string of kindergartens were allegedly dispensing antiviral drugs without parents' consent.
China's official Xinhua News Agency reported that four kindergarten programs--two in Xian in western Shaanxi province, one in central Hubei and another in northeastern Jilin--have been shut due to the problem, with some parents saying their children were suffering from leg pains, nosebleeds and genital inflammation after taking the medicine.
据中国官方媒体新华社报道,四所幼儿园因相关问题被关闭,其中两所位于中国西部 西省西安市、一所位于华中的湖北省,还有一所在东北的吉林省,一些家长说,他们的孩子在服药后出现腿痛、流鼻血、生殖器肿胀等症状。
Authorities are investigating the matter, and three people in Jilin have been detained in connection with the allegations, Xinhua said. Five others from schools in Xian have also been detained, Xinhua said.
The issue came to light Friday, after one parent in Xian found her daughter had brought home a prescription flu pill. Other cases came to light as the news spread.
Xinhua says that money appears to be a motivating factor. Some parents believe the schools were trying to ward off sickness to ensure students didn't take sick days, it said. Many private kindergartens and preschools in China charge by the number of days students attend school, so fewer sick days equals more money for the teachers.
Others have cited the fact that there is no law prohibiting the practice as a contributing factor.
'Although their actions were wrong, there is no ban based on law. In other words, it's not illegal for an immoral kindergarten to give children unauthorized medications,' Li Jing, the deputy head of Beijing's private Sunny High Scope Kindergarten told the China Daily.
The drugs given to students are cheap, just a few cents per pill, said Justin Wang, a partner and director in the Shanghai office of consultancy L.E.K. Consulting LLC, and economic incentives were likely high enough to convince teachers to take the risk.
咨询公司L.E.K. Consulting LLC上海办事处合伙人兼主管王景烨(Justin Wang)说,幼儿园给孩子吃的药很便宜,一片才几分钱,而经济刺激可能足够高,让老师愿意冒这个险。
Parents of school-age children say schools in China typically require parental consent before administering medication. However, health practices in China's education system vary drastically from the U.S. Some Chinese schools get parental consent to conduct health checks that involve procedures like blood and urine tests; school health checks in the U.S. are often limited to screenings for eyesight, lice and scoliosis.
Many parents in China say schools frequently inform them when their children are sick and before performing health checks. Still, schools usually provide only scant information, said Elaine Wang, a mother of two children in local Beijing schools.
很多中国家长说,在孩子生病时和接受体检前,学校经常会通知他们。有两个孩子在北京当地上学的Elaine Wang说,但学校通常只提供有限的信息。
'They inform you that there will be a health screening, but they don't say what happens during those screenings,' Ms. Wang said.
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