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A teenage girl from Zimbabwe is rearing an abandoned baby squirrel - in her hair. Abby Putterill, 16, says Hammy, a mopane squirrel, climbed into her tied-up hair one day and decided to stay.
The schoolgirl and her furry companion have been together for two months - and he is thriving. Hammy was just days old when he was found on the cold office floor of the Bally Vaughan Wildlife Sanctuary.
Abby's mother Debbie Putterill, who co-owns the park with husband Gordon, took the baby back to her home.
To the amazement of the family, Hammy made for her daughter, climbed on to her head and snuggled in to her hair. Abby wears her hair in a loose ponytail which she usually has tied up at the back, making a wonderful home-from-home for Hammy.
Barring sleeping and showering, the squirrel and the schoolgirl are practically inseparable. Mrs Putterill said: 'He's doing really well and is growing up so quickly.
'When we first found him he was lying on the concrete floor of the office. He must have fallen out of the thatched roof after being abandoned.'
'If we hadn't taken him in he would have died because he was only around ten days old.'
The youngster was nursed back to health on a diet of baby formula and cereal, regaining his strength and quickly becoming a member of the family.
Mrs Putterill added: 'When he was tiny he refused to sleep anywhere else but on the palm of your hand but as he got older he started treating us like trees, burrowing under our clothes.
'We've never had a squirrel do this before and it's really quite funny to see but he's happy enough to lie there and watch the world go by.'
Diners are being asked to sign a waiver before eating a fiery chilli burger - after it put five people in hospital.
The X.X.X Hot Chilli Burger - dubbed the hottest dish in Britain - is served to over 18s only at Burger Off in Sussex.
这款被称为英国最辣的热辣汉堡,是苏塞克斯郡汉堡店Burger Off 的料理,仅卖给18岁以上的成年人。
It is topped with chilli sauce worth a staggering 9.2million on the Scoville scale - a measure of the 'hotness' of foods. In contrast, the average chilli pepper comes in at just 500 Scoville Heat Units.
One diner was taken to hospital with a suspected perforated bowel after eating the spicy dish, while four others were admitted for treatment on the same night for suspected anaphylactic shock.
Now, restaurant owner Nick Gambardella is asking customers to sign a legal disclaimer that prevents them from suing him if they fall victim to the red-hot burger.
The document reads: 'I the undersigned accept all responsibility for any effects incured due to the consumtion of the above mentioned X.X.X Hot Chilli Burger and release Burger Off, its owner and staff from any liability.'
声明中写道:“我签署同意,在Burger Off食用热辣汉堡所带来的一切后果责任由我个人承担,餐厅和餐厅老板、服务员免责。”
Mr Gambardella, 55, said he was 'amazed' that he was allowed to sell such a spicy burger - adding: 'It has been a massive hit with the customers'.
'I have to admit I’ve not dared to try one of these burgers myself as they are so spicy,' he said. 'One guy came in and he was just a little bit cocky and when he left he was admitted to hospital because prior to eating the burger he had a stomach ulcerand we believe it perforated his bowel. He wasn’t in a good way but he pulled through.
The burger, which is on sale for only £3.90, features sauce based on a Piri Piri chilli concentrate, created through steaming and later infused with carbon dioxide.
So far, only 59 out of 3,000 challengers have succeeded in eating the entire dish. Many of the burger's conquerors have taken to Twitter and The Burger Off Facebook page to spread the word of their victory.
截至目前,3000名挑战者仅有59位成功吃完整个汉堡。许多挑战成功者在推特和Burger Off餐厅的脸书页面上炫耀自己的胜利。
Mr Gambardella said the burger had caused customers to adopt a number of undignified coping mechanisms, including stripping naked, begging for mercy, punching windows and vomiting.
It has also left many diners suffering from anaphylactic shock - a severe allergic reaction that can cause swelling, rashes and difficulty breathing.
'The burgers are cooked properly - it’s the sauce that is maybe too hot to handle,' said Mr Gambardella.
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