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indifference (漠不关心、冷淡),jocular (玩笑戏谑的)ambivalence(模棱两可)


condemnation (咒骂、侮辱),indignant(愤慨的),envious(嫉恨的), offensive(冒犯的,攻击性的),defiance(蔑视),cynical (愤世嫉俗的),spiteful(怨恨的)complete, entire, absolute (均为绝对的,完全的) unmitigated (不缓解的,绝对的), unrestrained (无限制的)



objective(客观的):concerned(关注的);confident(有信心的); optimistic(乐观的); positive(正面的); impressive(给人以深刻印象的)


Impartial(公正的);neutral (中立的);impersonal (非个人的);factual (根据事实的); detached (不含个人偏见的)


doubtful(不相信的);critical (批判的);suspicious (可疑的)




在文章当中,作者的态度主要分为三类:赞成、反对或中立。这需要我们从文章中找出一些旗帜鲜明的词来帮助我们判定:例如有一篇先容GMOs(转基因生物)的文章中,第一句话是:Genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) are a double-edged sword(双刃剑)。这句话是全文或至少是全段的主题句,表明出题者的观点是中立的,以为转基因生物给人类带来益处的同时也带来了危害。下文的论述则会围绕着两方面加以展开。在阅读这类文章时,考生应留意把住这两方面的论据在心里加以分类。


作者的观点和态度往往在雅思的文章中有一个先扬后抑的过程,会通过一些转折词表现出来,前面会列出很多幌子来迷惑考生。这些常用的有:although,though,while,on the other hand,however,rather,but,despite,in spite of等。从这些词中我们可以得知出题者表明的是与期待相反的情况。如:

While the conventional wisdom may be that all people who have reached retirement are enjoying a life of leisure,there are,in fact,a sizeable number of aged workers。Net population gains through interstate migration have been experienced in Queensland and Western Australia。In Victoria and Tasmania,on the other hand,net losses have occurred。

The main difference between the more recent and older teaching materials is that vocabulary and grammar are not longer taught by using long quotations from literatureorendless repetitions of isolated sentence。Rather,they are taught in the context of everyday situations。

In spite of his wealth,Mr。Jones lived very simply in a one-room cottage。



在阅读过程中,了解出题者解释某个事件或情况的原因是很重要的。因果关系是帮助考生理解文章的线索之一。因此,考生应把握下列词汇。解释原因的:because,because of,due to,result from,as a result of,be a consequence of,be attributed to;表示结果的:as a result,result in,lead to,cause,contributed to。



完成图表、示意图题型是雅思阅读题型中高频题型之一,那么辨别回答问题(short-answer question tasks)是怎么样的,又该如何解决此类问题呢,下面就来看看天道小编为大家收集整理的完成图表、示意图题型解题方法,希望对大家有所帮助,文中观点仅供参考。




1. 详细查看答题指引,以确定图表为何种信息。

2. 查看例句,了解图表内容及答题方式。

3. 查看图表题目栏中词语及数字符号。

4. 查看图表中的说明及注释部分。

5. 利用问句中的关键词语,在所给图表中寻找答案。



Almost everyone with or without a computer is aware of the latest technological revolution destined to change forever the way in which humans communicate, namely, the Information Superhighway, best exemplified by the ubiquitous Internet. Already, millions of people around the world are linked by computer simply by having a modem and an address on the `Net", in much the same way that owning a telephone links us to almost anyone who pays a phone bill. In fact, since the computer connections are made via the phone line, the Internet can be envisaged as a network of visual telephone links. It remains to seen in which direction the Information Superhighway is headed, but many believeit is the educational hope of the future.

The World Wide Web, an enormous collection of Internet addresses or sites, all of which can be accessed for information, has been mainly responsible for the increase in interest in the Internet in the 1990s. Before the World Wide Web, the `Net" was comparable to an integrated collection of computerized typewriters, but the introduction of the `Web" in 1990 allowed not only text links to be made but also graphs, images and even video.

A Web site consists of a `home page", the first screen of a particular site on the computer to which you are connected, from where access can be had to other subject related `pages"(or screens) at the site and on thousands of other computers all over the world. This is achieved by a process called `hypertext". By clicking with a mouse device on various parts of the screen, a person connected to the `Net" can go traveling, or surfing" through a of the screen, a person connected to the `Net" can go traveling, or `surfing" through a web of pages to locate whatever information is required.

Anyone can set up a site; promoting your club, your institution, your company"s products or simply yourself, is what the Web and the Internet is all about. And what is more, information on the Internet is not owned or controlled by any one organization. It is, perhaps, true to say that no one and therefore everyone owns the `Net". Because of the relative freedom of access to information, the Internet has often been criticised by the media as a potentially hazardous tool in the hands of young computer users. This perception has proved to be largely false however, and the vast majority of users both young and old get connected with the Internet for the dual purposes for which it was intended - discovery and delight.


1.Everyone is aware of the Information Superhighway.

2.Using the Internet costs the owner of a telephone extra money.

3.Internet computer connections are made by using telephone lines.

4.The World Wide Web is a network of computerised typewriters.

5.According to the author, the Information Superhighway may be the future hope of education.

6.The process called`hypertext"requires the use of a mouse device.

7.The Internet was created in the 1990s.

8.The `home page"is the first screen of a `Web"site on the `Net".

9.The media has often criticised the Internet because it is dangerous.

10. The latest technological revolution will change the way humans communicate.


Answer Keys

1.F 2.NG 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.F 10.T





