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Europe's largest data-protection authorities have launched a joint action against Google to force it to remedy alleged breaches of EU privacy rules by the search giant.

The move by data-protection authorities from Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands is the first co-ordinated and formal procedure by EU states against a single company on privacy, underscoring European frustration with Google.

European watchdogs can currently impose only fines below €1m but new EU-wide rules could soon empower them to inflict on companies penalties up to 2 per cent of their global annual turnover.

In Google's case that would add up to about $760m, based on its 2011 revenues. The new rules could be approved by the end of this year by EU lawmakers and member states.

The move comes five months after a probe led byCNIL, the French watchdog representing EU regulators, concluded that Google had failed to give users adequate information about how their personal data were being used across its multiple platforms.

Google responded that its privacy policy respected European law. "We have engaged fully with the data-protection authorities involved throughout this process, and we'll continue to do so going forward," it said in a statement.

The Mountain View-based group has faced intense criticism for its privacy policy since it first moved to merge customer data held across its various services such as Gmail and YouTube, which alone holds the data of more than 1bn users.

The US group said its new privacy terms, which combine 60 former policies into one for all its customers, would allow it to provide a better service. Google Now, which provides intuitive updates based on calendar entries, location patterns and e-mails, is one example of a service making use of the new approach.

The case is being closely watched by several US tech companies and in particular Microsoft, which is currently being investigated by European regulators on issues relating to its online services.


1.Word of the day

watchdog: A person or group whose job is to protect people's rights, especially in relation to large companies 监督人/组织


2.Phrase of the day

joint action: joint action指的是联合行动,joint有“共同,共有”的意思,比如:

ex:Have you and your husband got a joint account?


小编注:“合资公司”叫joint venture,“联合部队”叫joint force。和joint有关的还有一个习语:out of joint,直译为:脱臼。或引申为脱节,混乱,不协调等。比如:The time is out of joint. 时代脱了节;时代动荡不安。

3.Sentence of the day

The new rules could be approved by the end of this year by EU lawmakers and member states.


小编注:lawmaker解释为立法者,这并不难理解。英文中类似这样的构词形式有很多,比如违法者叫lawbreaker, 捣蛋鬼叫troublemaker。

4.Cultural point of the day

欧盟与谷歌 最新的消息是谷歌已经向欧盟提交了和解方案,正式作出妥协。众所周知,谷歌会收集一些用户的信息,比如你搜索了些什么,你对什么类型的网页有兴趣,甚至你所处的位置,这些信息是非常有用的,因为谷歌可以根据你的喜好为你提供搜索建议,对谷歌本身而言,也可以更精准的投放广告获得盈利。但类似的信息收集系统在欧盟眼里显然并不受欢迎,欧盟坚持认为谷歌的行为触犯了欧洲的隐私法律。这已经不是谷歌第一次在欧盟踩到钉子了,之前因为垄断和街景等问题已多次被欧盟起诉。你认为欧盟为什么要针对谷歌呢?对于谷歌和欧盟的矛盾,你有什么看法呢?

5.Translation of the day

The Mountain View-based group has faced intense criticism for its privacy policy since it first moved to merge customer data held across its various services such as Gmail and YouTube, which alone holds the data of more than 1bn users.



Europe's largest data-protection authorities have launched a joint action against Google to force it to remedy alleged breaches of EU privacy rules by the search giant.


The move by data-protection authorities from Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands is the first co-ordinated and formal procedure by EU states against a single company on privacy, underscoring European frustration with Google.


European watchdogs can currently impose only fines below €1m but new EU-wide rules could soon empower them to inflict on companies penalties up to 2 per cent of their global annual turnover.


In Google's case that would add up to about $760m, based on its 2011 revenues. The new rules could be approved by the end of this year by EU lawmakers and member states.


The move comes five months after a probe led byCNIL, the French watchdog representing EU regulators, concluded that Google had failed to give users adequate information about how their personal data were being used across its multiple platforms.


Google responded that its privacy policy respected European law. "We have engaged fully with the data-protection authorities involved throughout this process, and we'll continue to do so going forward," it said in a statement.


The Mountain View-based group has faced intense criticism for its privacy policy since it first moved to merge customer data held across its various services such as Gmail and YouTube, which alone holds the data of more than 1bn users.


The US group said its new privacy terms, which combine 60 former policies into one for all its customers, would allow it to provide a better service. Google Now, which provides intuitive updates based on calendar entries, location patterns and e-mails, is one example of a service making use of the new approach.

这家美国集团称,其新版隐私条款将以前的60项政策整合为一项面向所有客户的政策,使其能够提供更好的服务。基于日历条目、位置规律和电子邮件内容提供智能信息提示的Google Now,就是使用这种新政策的服务之一。

The case is being closely watched by several US tech companies and in particular Microsoft, which is currently being investigated by European regulators on issues relating to its online services.



Yahoo pays $30-million for an iPhone app that has no revenue and is made by a teenager and this is what counts as product buzz at the $25-billion internet giant? That is not to say the backstory is uninteresting. Nick D’Aloisio as a boy in London teaches himself to code. He then invents a program called Summly that truncates news articles for the impatient mobile phone set. Later the free-to-download program quickly attracts some glittering backers and ultimately 1 million downloads.

But Yahoo plans to shutter the app so why pay $30-million or $30 per user? (Recall a year ago Facebook paid roughly that price per user – $1-billion in total – for the photo app Instagram that also lacked revenue but did represent a growing and passionate community). For one, Yahoo gets the summarisation algorithm that Mr D’Aloisio created with SRI International, the Silicon Valley lab that had originated the Siri personal assistant technology embedded in iPhones. Yahoo also gets the services of Mr D’Aloisio for the next 18 months. Mostly, it gets to show momentum in mobile technology to users and investors, but also to the developer talent that must believe working for Yahoo is as cool as working at Google or Twitter or any currently unknown pre-IPO start-up.

Yahoo’s struggles in traditional internet search and advertising are well-documented but with the mobile environment still up for grabs, it has the chance to redeem itself there. The company does have strong content portfolio and its 186 million U.S. monthly unique visitors, according to comScore, surprisingly is ahead of Facebook and only slightly trails Google. And the stock is up 50 per cent since Marissa Mayer took the helm in July (though half of its equity value is tied to non-core Asian investments). It could be time to consider buying one of those web or mobile players, say Hulu, run by a full-fledged grown-up.


1.Word of the day

algorithm: An algorithm is a series of mathematical steps, especially in a computer program, which will give you the answer to a particular kind of problem or question. (尤指电脑程序中的)算法

2.Phrase of the day

counts as: If something counts or is counted as a particular thing, it is regarded as being that thing, especially in particular circumstances or under particular rules.(尤指在特定环境中或在特定规则下)将……看做,将……视为

ex1:No one agrees on what counts as a desert.


ex2:Any word that's not legible will be counted as wrong.


3.Sentence of the day

Yahoo’s struggles in traditional internet search and advertising are well-documented but with the mobile environment still up for grabs, it has the chance to redeem itself there.


小编注:up for grabs是一个英语习语,grab有“抢夺”“夺取”的意思,这个习语按照字面意思,就是有一个东西在那里,供人们随意抓取,谁抢到就是谁的。这里翻译成群雄逐鹿是非常合适的。需要注意的是这个短语总是以复数形式出现,不能说成up for grab。

4.Cultural point of the day

年仅17岁的CEO。17岁的英国男孩达洛席欧(Nick D’Aloisio)是这篇新闻的主人公,他开发出了新闻摘要软件Summly,一举成名,并创办了同名公司。这位令人羡艳的小伙子的成功并不是偶然的,在他12岁那年,Apple的iPhone应用商店开张,他便去询问工作人员如何学习开发应用程序。靠着网络视频的教程,他自学成才,每年暑假都会开发一款新的app,2011年他设计了可替用户裁切新闻的应用程序Trimit,登上App Store后累计3万人次下载。无论如何,Love&Passion永远是成功的必要因素。

5.Translation of the day

He then invents a program called Summly that truncates news articles for the impatient mobile phone set.


小编注:原文中用了一个修辞手法,mobile phone set原义为“移动电话设备”,但“设备”显然不会“impatient”,这里指的是用移动电话代指那些用移动电话的人群,译文根据句意翻译了出来。

Yahoo pays $30-million for an iPhone app that has no revenue and is made by a teenager and this is what counts as product buzz at the $25-billion internet giant? That is not to say the backstory is uninteresting. Nick D’Aloisio as a boy in London teaches himself to code. He then invents a program called Summly that truncates news articles for the impatient mobile phone set. Later the free-to-download program quickly attracts some glittering backers and ultimately 1 million downloads.

雅虎(Yahoo)斥资3000万美元,买下一位少年编写的尚未产生任何收入的iPhone应用。在这个市值250亿美元的互联网巨头眼中,这个小产品的价值真有这么高?这并不是说这一收购的幕后故事乏味无趣。伦敦少年尼克•达洛伊西奥(Nick D'Aloisio)通过自学学会了编程。他设计了一款名为Summly的程序,它可以替那些缺乏耐心的移动电话人群将新闻截短。这款免费下载的程序很快吸引了一些成功人士,下载量最终达到了100万。

But Yahoo plans to shutter the app so why pay $30-million or $30 per user? (Recall a year ago Facebook paid roughly that price per user – $1-billion in total – for the photo app Instagram that also lacked revenue but did represent a growing and passionate community). For one, Yahoo gets the summarisation algorithm that Mr D’Aloisio created with SRI International, the Silicon Valley lab that had originated the Siri personal assistant technology embedded in iPhones. Yahoo also gets the services of Mr D’Aloisio for the next 18 months. Mostly, it gets to show momentum in mobile technology to users and investors, but also to the developer talent that must believe working for Yahoo is as cool as working at Google or Twitter or any currently unknown pre-IPO start-up.

不过,雅虎既然打算关闭该应用的下载,那为什么还要为它支付3000万美元,或者说为每个用户掏30美元?记得一年前Facebook购买照片应用Instagram时,也差不多为每个用户支付了这么多(总计10亿美元)——Instagram同样没什么收益,但代表了一个不断成长而且充满活力的网络社区。雅虎收购的一个原因在于,可以得到达洛伊西奥与斯坦福国际咨询研究所(SRI International)共同开发的摘要算法。斯坦福国际咨询研究所正是那家发明嵌入iPhone的Siri个人助理技术的硅谷实验室。另外,雅虎还将获得达洛伊西奥未来18个月的服务。最重要的是,通过这一收购,雅虎不仅向用户和投资者,还向那些开发人才展示出雅虎发展移动技术的强大动力,它希望让这些开发人才相信,为雅虎工作与为谷歌(Google)、推特(Twitter)或任何还不知名的未上市创业公司工作一样酷。

Yahoo’s struggles in traditional internet search and advertising are well-documented but with the mobile environment still up for grabs, it has the chance to redeem itself there. The company does have strong content portfolio and its 186 million U.S. monthly unique visitors, according to comScore, surprisingly is ahead of Facebook and only slightly trails Google. And the stock is up 50 per cent since Marissa Mayer took the helm in July (though half of its equity value is tied to non-core Asian investments). It could be time to consider buying one of those web or mobile players, say Hulu, run by a full-fledged grown-up.

雅虎在传统互联网搜索与广告领域遭遇的困境已无需赘述。但移动领域目前仍处于群雄逐鹿的状态,雅虎有机会在这一领域一雪前耻。雅虎的内容组合十分出色。根据comScore的数据,其在美国每月1.86亿的独立访客数令人惊异地超过了Facebook,只比谷歌低一点。自梅里莎•梅尔(Marissa Mayer)去年7月份掌舵以来,雅虎股价已经上涨了50%(尽管其市值中有一半与非核心业务的亚洲投资关系密切)。如今,收购一个由成熟的成年人运营的互联网或移动领域公司,比如说Hulu,可能正是时候。


China has ousted the UK as the world’s fifth-largest arms exporter, mainly because of sales to Pakistan, according to a new report on global weapons sales.

The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on Monday said Chinese arms exports rose 162 per cent between 2008 to 2012, propelling China into the top five arms exporting countries for the first time since the cold war. This marks the first time that the UK has not been one of the top five conventional arms exporters since at least 1950, the earliest year covered by Sipri data.

Pakistan accounted for 55 per cent of Chinese arms exports between 2008 and 2012, according to Sipri. During that time, China’s share of global arms exports rose to 5 per cent from 2 per cent in the 2003-2007 period, boosting the country from eighth to fifth place in the global ranking.

“Military exports are one way for China to increase its international status,” said Li Hong, secretary-general of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association. “China needs to increase its influence in regional affairs and from that perspective it needs to increase weapons exports further.”

Chinese defence spending is now second only to US military outlays. At current growth rates, Chinese spending could catch up with the US – which accounts for more than 45 per cent of global military spending – by as early as 2025.

For now, however, Chinese exports lag behind other countries with much smaller populations and economies. The US share of global conventional arms exports is 30 per cent. Russia, meanwhile, accounts for 26 per cent, German exports constitute 7 per cent, and France accounts for 6 per cent.

The rapid expansion in Beijing’s military budget in recent years and a focus on technological advances have raised the sophistication and competitiveness of Chinese weapons. This allowed China to cut the volume of its weapons imports in half between 2008 and 2012, compared with the 2003-2007 period, when it was the world’s largest importer of conventional weapons.

In the 2008-2012 period, China ranked second behind India, with 69 per cent of all Chinese weapons imports originating in Russia. China’s rising influence and military spending have led to growing apprehension in Asia and helped spur large increases in military budgets throughout the region.

According to Sipri, India accounted for 12 per cent of all conventional arms imports between 2008 and 2012, which was more than double Chinese purchases of arms from overseas.


1.Word of the day

oust: If someone is ousted from a position of power, job, or place, they are forced to leave it. 罢黜;把……撤职;驱逐

ex:The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists.


2.Phrase of the day

conventional arms: conventional weapons do not involve nuclear explosives. 常规武器

ex:We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and conventional arms.



3.Sentence of the day

Chinese defence spending is now second only to US military outlays. At current growth rates, Chinese spending could catch up with the US – which accounts for more than 45 per cent of global military spending – by as early as 2025.


小编注:second to是“仅次于”的意思,如果说second to none,就是天下第一,首屈一指了。catch up with是从后面赶上的意思,需要注意的是和come up with(想到;提出)以及keep up with(始终保持一致;不落后)的区别。

4.Cultural point of the day

军事词汇。由于MAD(Mutual assured destruction 相互保证毁灭)机制的存在,现代世界已经不再有爆发世界大战的可能性了,而军事力量具有压倒性优势的国家也并不一定能够确保局部战争的胜利,因为弱国能够通过很多渠道获得同样先进的常规武器。美国饮恨越南和苏联入侵阿富汗的失败都印证了这一事实。下面是一部分新闻媒体上常见的军事词汇:

ballistic missile 弹道飞弹 battalion 军营;军队 cruise missile 巡航导弹

death toll 死亡人数 collateral damage 附带损害 disarmament 裁军

extremist 极端分子 pullback 撤军 retaliation 报复


5.Translation of the day

The rapid expansion in Beijing’s military budget in recent years and a focus on technological advances have raised the sophistication and competitiveness of Chinese weapons.



Swift said the growing sophistication amang biotech investors presented an opportunity for a more specialist investment fund.


China has ousted the UK as the world’s fifth-largest arms exporter, mainly because of sales to Pakistan, according to a new report on global weapons sales.


The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on Monday said Chinese arms exports rose 162 per cent between 2008 to 2012, propelling China into the top five arms exporting countries for the first time since the cold war. This marks the first time that the UK has not been one of the top five conventional arms exporters since at least 1950, the earliest year covered by Sipri data.


Pakistan accounted for 55 per cent of Chinese arms exports between 2008 and 2012, according to Sipri. During that time, China’s share of global arms exports rose to 5 per cent from 2 per cent in the 2003-2007 period, boosting the country from eighth to fifth place in the global ranking.


“Military exports are one way for China to increase its international status,” said Li Hong, secretary-general of the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association. “China needs to increase its influence in regional affairs and from that perspective it needs to increase weapons exports further.”


Chinese defence spending is now second only to US military outlays. At current growth rates, Chinese spending could catch up with the US – which accounts for more than 45 per cent of global military spending – by as early as 2025.


For now, however, Chinese exports lag behind other countries with much smaller populations and economies. The US share of global conventional arms exports is 30 per cent. Russia, meanwhile, accounts for 26 per cent, German exports constitute 7 per cent, and France accounts for 6 per cent.


The rapid expansion in Beijing’s military budget in recent years and a focus on technological advances have raised the sophistication and competitiveness of Chinese weapons. This allowed China to cut the volume of its weapons imports in half between 2008 and 2012, compared with the 2003-2007 period, when it was the world’s largest importer of conventional weapons.


In the 2008-2012 period, China ranked second behind India, with 69 per cent of all Chinese weapons imports originating in Russia. According to Sipri, India accounted for 12 per cent of all conventional arms imports between 2008 and 2012, which was more than double Chinese purchases of arms from overseas.


