Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.
You should say:
what animal it was
where you saw it
what happened when you saw it
and explain why you thought it was interesting.
As for the interesting animal, I’d like to tell you about the koi fish which is very popular in China, Japan and other Asian countries. As far as I know, the koi fish is colourful variation of the common carp. Some of the major colours are white, black, red, yellow and cream, so they look particularly fantastic.
The koi are hearty fish. They can thrive in cold, fresh waters. And they are opportunistic fish, which means they eat a wide range of food, including insects, fish eggs, juvenile fish of other species and a diverse range of plants. What surprise me most is that the koi fish can live up to 70-year-old, as long as human.
Chinese people feed the koi fish for more than 1000 years. In China, they symbolise bringing good fortune and wealth, that is probably the reason why some many Chinese people like to keep them as pets at home in the tanks or ponds, especially the businessmen. Besides, I once saw a great number of koi fish in the lake of Olympic Forest Park in Beijing, being fed by children and old people. They are very aggressive as they would struggle in water to get the food. Besides, they are quite human-friendly, they even are not afraid of being touched by people in the water.
Describe a dream you have had
You should say:
When you had this dream
What you saw in the dream
What you did or said in the dream
And explain why you had a dream like that
A couple of days ago, I had a dream about missing a train. It was something indicative to me. But I could not get the meaning clearly right that moment and later I realized that it was a sign of my negligence to my study. Later, I started focusing on my academic studies. This is a nice cue card for me and I will explain the matter in brief here.
It was a mixed feeling. In fact, for past couple of weeks, I had not been concentrating on my academic activities. I used to move around and bunk the college classes. Moreover, I got a couple of friends who were also similar to me and with their company, I failed to focus on my academic activities. So, when I saw the dream, I started feeling guilty. It was my subconscious mind that was telling me to improve my academic career.
Actually, the dream was a kind of symbolic instruction to me. I saw that I was missing a train as I was late to reach the station. I tried to catch the train, ran for a while but could not get into that for a few seconds. It could have been interpreted in several ways. But I discovered that it was my subconscious mind which was worried about me. Through the dream, it was warning me to come back on the track. If I do not follow the usual rules, I may experience some detrimental impacts.
I remember the dream very well as it was in my present condition. I was having some wonderful day with my mates and moved to different parts of the city. I made late to return home and followed the same routine in the next day. The dream warned me. And so I remember it.
Describe an event when someone apologised to you.
You should say:
who apologised to you
when it was
why this person apologised to you
and explain how you felt when this person apologised to you.
When I was at my school, a classmate of mine made some quarrels with me over a petty issue. Later he apologised to me for the incident and promised me that such events will never take place between us.
I was a student of Govt High School Kotwal Quetta in Balochistan under Pakistan. In my school, there were no chances for coeducation. It was only for boys. So, all the students were boys and thus the numbers of misdeeds were more than the other school of the locality. The majority of the boys were wicked and did not follow any rules and regulations. Khashru Ameer was one of them and loved to quarrel with some other boys. Unfortunately, he also got involved in a quarrel with me though I was not to be blamed.
He did the foul acts for his immaturity and nothing but the age was to be blamed. We were the students of eighth grade in the school. The activities we did were almost childish but the teachers used to advise us over not performing such acts. They advised that we have to behave gently as most of the students were disobedient. Most of the students were involved in some sort of monkey business and they did not follow the orders of their parents or teachers.
Khashru Ameer was one of the mischievous boys and he often started the quarrel by himself with the others. Since he was somewhat healthy than the other boys of the class, he used to dominate over them by force. But he could not dare to get engage with me because I was the only boy who knew the martial art. Initially, he could not understand the issue that what he was doing. So, he continued the quarrel with me and he had firm belief that I would leave the seat for him. But instead, I did not do so. Instead, I looked into his eyes directly.
Actually, I felt nervous in the beginning when he was quarrelling with me. I have seen that he is beating the other boys who were disobedient to him. But I had no interactions with him until he wanted to grab my seat. I knew that I could handle him very well, but I did not want to create a scene in the class.
I was also in a trouble that if I had to beat him, the issue would be publicised and then a mess will be created. So, with the apology, I got free from all the anxieties.
