中国的英语学习者在读英语单词时,常犯重音位移错误,主要表现为将第一个音节重音后移至第二个音节。英文的重音就像中文的四声,和单词的发音是不可分割 的,重音后移听起来会有非常的奇怪的声调。最常见的重音后移的单词是interesting,它的重音在最前面,而不是在t的前面。类似的还有 subject、mobile、recent等,这些单词的重音也都在最前面。
一直以来,受美剧的影响,加上雅思口语考试对语音的包容性,让很多考生选择了自己喜欢的美式英语,但这也意味着很多考生开始了对“儿”化音的情有独钟,即 不加区分地卷舌发儿化音。邓老师说济南环球雅思的很多学员都有这方面的毛病,如 “because”和“of course”并不一样,后者有“r”可以“儿”化;前者却没有,可很多学员都喜欢把它读成[bi’k?rz]。事实上,无论英式美式,它都发 [bi’k?z]。banana,Christmas,August,idea都是很典型的例子,单词的拼写中并没有“r”,但是考生却莫名其妙非要读出 “r”的音。通常我们所说的儿化音只有在单词中出现字母r时才会有相应的发音出现。
首当其冲的是th的发音,凡是遇到th我们都要咬舌头,比如the, think, this, mother, both, three, through, month, maths。绝大多数学生在遇到th时,都用/s/或/z/来替代,没有伸出舌尖。这样做的结果是自己说得很舒服,听的人很不舒服。
Neither father nor mother likes this weather.
还有两组非常常见的错误:/l//n/不分,/w//v/不分。南方人倾向于出现/l//n/不分,北方人/w//v/不分。邓老师说济南环球雅思(微 博)曾经有个贵州学员在第一次上课做自我介绍的时候居然说“My leim is …(My name is …)”,全班同学都忍着才能不笑出来。无疑这样的自我介绍也会给考官留下很不好的印象。
英语辅音/n//l/的发音部位和汉语的这两个音的发音部位基本是一致的,/l/是舌侧音,发音时舌尖抵住上齿龈,气流由舌头两旁出来,/n/是鼻音,发 音时也是舌尖抵住上齿龈,但气流是从鼻腔里出来的。这个区别如果不注意加以强调的话,学生一出口就容易犯错误,以name一词为代表。容易/n//l/淆 的常见词还有:let,like,live,light,low,night,ninenose,net等等。
Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. (八次张嘴,元音极其饱满!)
I like the shape of that mountain.(包含了四个容易混淆的元音)
双元音是指音标中的八个音[ei][ai][?i][au][?u] [i?][ε?][u?]。正确的双元音读法应该经历一个先升再降的抛物线式拖音过程,强弱分明,而不是很多同学的直线式发音,比如把[?u]读成“欧” 音,[ai]读成“爱”音,[au]读成“奥”音等等。发双元音时如果不注意强弱区别、饱和度不够的话,往往会影响听力理解。
Describe a new skill you’d like to learn.
You should say:
what it is
who you want to learn it from
how you are going to learn it
and explain why you want to learn it.
I think it would be really cool to learn kung fu!
Kung fu, known as gong fu in Chinese, is a form of Chinese martial arts. There are many different styles and I think it’d be great to know any of them.
I’ve grown up watching kung fu films, I’ve also visited the Shaolin temple in Henan and it’s always a thrill to see what they can do. I’d love to be able to study kung fu so that I could perform awesome flips and other moves and impress my friends. They’d be blown away if I could run up a wall or break bricks with my hand. It would also be great for my fitness and I’d probably end up with a six-pack! If I got really good I could be famous and there might be a statue of me, like the one of Bruce Lee in Hong Kong.
Ideally I’d like to learn from an old master, like you see in the movies and on TV. I can picture him having a long white beard which he plays with when he’s thinking; he’d say wise things and quote old proverbs. Even though he’s old and looks quite fragile, he can do amazing moves and is still very quick.
In all honesty, if we’re being realistic, I’d say it’d probably a bit of a pie-in-the-sky idea. I wouldn’t know where to start and I’m not exactly the most active person. I think I lack the dedication required, as I’d much rather be watching kung fu movies than exerting myself!
Describe a traditional festival.
You should say:
what it is
when it is celebrated
how it is celebrated
and explain how you feel about this traditional festival.
We have many traditional festivals in China, the most famous one being Spring Fes-tival, or Chinese New Year. But I’d like to talk about a festival that occurs every year around September or early October, called Zhong Qiu Jie, or Mid-Autumn Day. It is perhaps lesser-known outside of China, but it is personally one of my favourite fes-tivals and one that I look forward to every year.
As the name suggests, Mid-Autumn Day should take place around the middle of au-tumn. The reason the date changes is because it should be the fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar, and this changes in the Western calen-dar depending on the year.
The reason it is one of my favourite festivals is because we eat moon cakes! As well as being delicious, moon cakes have a special meaning. They are round, which is a symbol of family and togetherness. They usually have a sweet filling, which represents a sweet and happy life. Moon cakes are generally only around at this time of year, so it’s important to make the most of them while you can.
As you can tell, I’m a big fan of Mid-Autumn Day. It makes me feel warm, thinking about my family, and a little nostalgic as I remember all the years I have eaten moon cakes. I think it’s very important to keep these traditional festivals going as they rein-force Chinese culture and remind us to think about our families at a time when more and more people may live a long way from home.
Describe a book you liked to read in your childhood.
You should say:
who wrote this book
what it is about
hen you read it
and explain why you liked it.
I wasn’t much of a bookworm but I did occasionally read novels from time to time during my childhood. In fact, I’d like to talk about a book I read when I was 9 years old, written by Li Hong. Its English name translates as ‘Hero’.
I would have been in primary school at the time, I guess around grade 4, but I can’t remember exactly off the top of my head. Bear in mind that in those days I would rather go outside and play with my friends than read a book, but I remember this book in particular taking up a large portion of my time.
The book is actually the first in a series of 6 books that are set in a fantasy world of old magic, monsters and knights in shining armour. It is set on an epic scale across a vast, vibrant and immensely detailed world with each chapter dedicated to just one character’s viewpoint. It’s perfect for a young boy with a vivid imagination, looking for a bit of adventure.
In this way I think the book really stands out from the others I have read. The plot lines twist and turn with many surprises and cliff-hangers so I found it almost impossible to put down. The speed the story develops makes the book a real page-turner and even though it is nearly 1000 pages long I got through it in under a fortnight.