




TASK 1-2

首先,是答题思路,一般口语一二题就是缩小版的independent writing(可以在高分作文里找思路),而三四五六题是通过听力提取信息。一二题大家可以用机经来练习,一是可以熟悉题目,二是可以练习把握时间。三四五六题,则有模板可寻。










































托福口语TPO45 Task1:The most important quality for a university student

题目:Which of the following qualities do you think is most important for a university student to be successful?

●Highly motivated

●Hard working


Choose one of these qualities and explain why it is important.



Personally speaking, highly motivated quality is the most important for a university student to be successful. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, if a student is highly motived, he or she will have a strong ambition and set a goal for the future, which is a prerequisite for success. Secondly, students with highly motivated quality often participate in various kinds of social activities and work efficiently, which will lay a solid foundation for their future career development.

托福口语TPO45 Task2:Artists and musicians are important to a society

题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Artists and musicians are important to a society.

Use details and examples to explain your answer.



Yes, I agree with the statement that artists and musicians are significant to a society. My reasons are as follows. Firstly, artists and musicians can make the society more colorful by enriching the variety of culture. Secondly, people can benefit a lot from the works of artists and musicians. For example, they can draw some pictures or listen to some favorite music to have a good relaxation after a day’s hardwork.

托福口语TPO45 Task3(听力+阅读+题目):Close the Coffeehouse

阅读部分:Close the Coffeehouse

Like many people, I was happy when the universityopened a coffeehouse. A good coffeehouse is a perfectplace to meet people or to study while having acoffee. Unfortunately, our coffeehouse usually empty, so it is not a good place to meet people. And thelighting there is very poor, so it is not a good place to study, either. A coffeehouse seemed likea great idea, but it just has not worked out, and the time has come for the university to close it.


Marvin Baker

Listening 部分:

W : I disagree with this idea.

M : Why? It doesn't sound like it's doing very muchbusiness?

W: It's probably because it goes during the day butin the evening.

M : Oh, people go.

W : A lot of people. Students are really busy during the day with classes, jobs, studying. Goodnight places are often preformed. Students get together there all the time.

M : Really?

W: Yeah. It's not until night time students actually have a time to sit down and relax, you know , enjoy hot drink, getting something to eat or hanging out or reading for class.

M : so you can't read there.

W : yeah, I mean it's right. That used to be a problem. But recently they did some renovationsand now I think the lighting is as good as it is in the library.

M : really?

W : yeah, and now just that there are few tables. Just divide every table's got good lightingnow.

M : Sounds like this guy does nobody's talking about.

W : Definitely not.


The woman expresses her opinion on the proposal to close the coffeehouse. Explain the proposal and the reasons she gives for holding that opinion.


The student proposes that the university to close the coffeehouse because it is usually very empty and the lighting there is very poor. However, the woman disagrees with the student’s proposal for the following two reasons. Firstly, she says that only during daytime the coffeehouse is empty because students are busy with their classes, jobs and study but it is pretty full at night when students have time to sit down and relax. Secondly, the lighting in the coffeehouse is as good as it is in the library as they did some renovations recently.

托福口语TPO45 Task4(阅读+题目):Method of Loci

Reading Part:

Method of Loci

Special techniques, or memory devices, are oftenused to help us recall information. One technique, the method of loci (i.e., method of location), isparticularly helpful for remembering several pieces ofinformation in a particular order. To use thistechnique, we first imagine a familiar place such asa building or an outdoor area. This familiar place should have a series of landmarks or locationswithin it that we can imagine walking past in a predictable ,logical order. Once the landmarkshave been identified in a given order, we assign one piece of the information that we want tolater recall to each location. The information should be assigned in the order in which we wantto remember it. To later recall the new information in order, we imagine walking through thefamiliar place, recalling what is stored at each location along the way.


Using the professor’s example, explain how the method of loci is used to recall information in sequence.


Method of Loci is particularly helpful for remembering several pieces of information in a particular order. In the lecture, the professor uses learning the names of planets in order by distance from the sun as an example to illustrate this method. In order to do this, you memorize the landmarks from the dormitory to the student center. The first landmark is the front door of your dorm, which you assign as the Mercury, the closest planet to the sun. The second landmark is the tree in front of your dorm, which you assign as Venus. And the third landmark is the statue in front of the library, which you assign as Earth. In this way, when you take a test and have to write down the order of the planets from the Sun, you will recall the planet according to the association with the landmarks.

托福口语TPO45 Task5(听力+题目):The student film

Listen to a conversation between two students

M : Hey, Sara, how is it going.

W : Not great. It's the student film I've beendirecting. You know that project I've been working onfor my film class.

M : Right. You said you were directing a film. Sowhat's wrong?

W : Well, the project is due in two days. We aresupposed to film a final scene today. But it's raining. The scene is supposed to be set outsidewith two characters talking in the park on a beautiful sunny day.

M : Oh on. What are you gonna do?

W: Well, I could rewrite the scene I guess. I could revise it so it takes place inside the buildinginstead. Maybe here in the student center or somewhere.

M : Why don't you do that?

W : I could, but, I am happy with the scene as it's written now. The film has an optimistichappy ending. That's why I want the last scene of the movie to be outside on a bright sunnyday because it sets a positive mood.

M : Oh, I see. Well, the weather is supposed to be better tomorrow, sunny and warm. Whydon't you film that scene tomorrow instead?

W : Thought of that too. But since the project should due the day after tomorrow, I wasplanning on using tomorrow to review the film and do any final ending and, you know, all thelast minute's details.

M : That's true. There wouldn't much time for that.

W: Yeah, filming tomorrow might mean turning in my project to my professor that's not aspolished, not as good I'd like it to be.


Briefly summarize the problem the speakers arediscussing. Then state which solution you wouldrecommend. Explain the reasons for yourrecommendation.


The woman is directing a film project which is due in two days. She is supposed to film a scene today but it is raining. In the conversation, they talk about two solutions. The first solution is that she rewrites the scene, but she is happy with the scene as it’s written now because it sets a positive mood. The second solution is that she films it tomorrow, when the weather is better. But she is just planning on using tomorrow to review the film and do any final ending. Well, I would recommend her to choose the second solution. She can tell her professor about the situation and ask for an extension, in this way, she can not only still use the scene that has been written but also have enough time to make the project polished.

托福口语TPO45 Task6(听力+题目):A lecture in a Marine Biology class

Listen to part of a lecture in a Marine Biologyclass

So we've talked a little about how fish use senses likevision, touch. But what I want to talk about now is aspecial ability some fish have, the ability to produceelectricity in their bodies. You are probably familiarwith these fish, these fish that send out electriccurrents from their bodies naturally. So what's thepurpose of this. Well, as you might expect, it can serve some important roles in helping fishsurvive.

First, fish, like all animals, need food to survive. Well, the ability to produce electricity helpsome fish to catch some prey. You know, other organisms in the water that they eat. Take theelectric eel for example, the eel produces a strong electric current in its body. When the eelcomes into contact with one of the smaller fish it depends on for food, the electric current thatit sends out, shocks the smaller fish and paralyzes it. It' s not able to get away from the eel. The eel captures the fish easily and can eat it at its leisure. So this ability to use the electricityto capture prey ensures that the eel gets the food in need to survive.

The ability to produce electricity also helps fish to successfully navigate their environmentby detecting nearby objects'some fish have poorly developed eyes and the water they live in canbe muddy and dark. Now there is the fish called the knifefish that produces electricity. Thiscreates an electric field around the knifefish's body. When a knifefish swims close to, say, a rock, it senses the disturbance, and interferes its electric field. The fish then realizes there is a rocknearby and that it has to avoid crashing into it. Once this happens, the knifefish swings theway from the rock and also avoids harming itself.


Using the examples of the electric eel and the knifefish, explain how producing electricity benefits certain fish.


In the lecture, the professor talks about a special ability that fish has to produce electricity in their bodies. First, the ability to produce electricity helps some fish to capture prey. Take the electric eel for example. It can produce a strong electric current in its body. When it comes into contact with the smaller fish it depends on for food, it sends out electric current which shocks the smaller fish and paralyzes it. Second, the ability to produce electricity also helps fish to successfully navigate their environment by detecting nearby objects. Take knifefish for example. The fish creates an electric field around its body. When the knifefish swims close to a rock, it sends a disturbance. Then the fish realizes the rock nearby and avoid crashing into it.


话题: Talk about a special job you have had in the past or would like to have in the future.

范文:When I was in college, I worked in a non-profit organization as a volunteer. I tutored the homeless children and encouraged them to challenge the difficulties. First of all, the experience colored my campus life and inspired my enthusiasm to participate in extracurricular activities. What’s more, this volunteer experience enabled me to cherish the happiness and filled me with gratitude.

托福TPO独立口语44 task2题目+范文

话题: Some people believe that primary schools should no longer teach children how to write by hand, and instead should spend time teaching them how to type on a computer. Other people believe that it is still important for schools to teach children to have good handwriting. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why.

范文:It is unquestionable that primary students should learn how to write by hand, as computer continues barriers to people’s communication in the society. Firstly, writing things out by hand may be a critical way we train our brains. What’s more, handwriting helps children learn letters and shapes, improves their composition of ideas, and may also boost fine-motor skills development.

托福口语TPO44 Task3(阅读+题目+范文):Decide Funding for Student Organizations

Reading Part:

Create Student Committee to Decide Funding forStudent Organizations

I think students should be in charge of decidingwhich student organizations (for example, the jazzband or the hiking club) receive money from theuniversity. Students should also be in charge of howmuch money each organization receives. A specialcommittee made up of students could be created to make these decisions. Currently, thesefunding decisions are made by university administrators, but a student committee would knowbetter than the administrators which organizations are most important to students and mostdeserving of the financial support from the university. I am sure a lot of students would beinterested in serving on the committee, and those who do serve will gain valuable leadershipexperience.


The man expresses his opinion of the proposal given in the letter. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

范文:According to the reading, the university is planning to establish student committee. The man disagrees with the decision. His first reason is, students aren’t as fair as university administrators to make decisions. Students in the special committee have the chance to provide financial support to their friends or themselves. Also he argues that most students aren’t interested in the leadership positions. A number of students are too busy to do volunteer work on the serving organization.

托福口语TPO44 Task4(阅读+题目+范文):Scope Creep

Reading Part:

Scope Creep

Businesses that perform services or carry outprojects for clients generally come to an agreementwith their clients about the extent or scope of aproject before beginning the project. However, as aproject progresses, clients may ask for more than thebusiness originally expected to provide, and thescope of the project may grow larger than intended. This phenomenon is known as scopecreep, and it can cause conflict between businesses and their clients. Scope creep is especiallycommon when the terms or conditions of the initial agreement are not clearly defined, and aclient may expect more than the business had planned to provide.


Explain how the example in the lecture illustrates the concept of scope creep.

范文:Based on the reading, scope creep is the agreement that limit the extent or scope of a project before starting the project. When the conflict happened, it can be carried out as what concluded in the terms. The professor takes his friend as an example. His friend runs a construction company. He got a business recently to build fence for a woman. They come to an agreement with the work and price in verbal. Before he finished the job, the woman come up with that she need the fence painted white. His friend argued that he was responsible for the building rather than painting. In the end, his friend compromised on painting without any extra money.

托福口语TPO44 Task5(听力+题目+范文):New roommate

Listen部分 :

Man : Hey, didn't you get the new roommaterecently? Linda is her name, right? How's thatworking out?

Woman : oh, Linda is nice, but well, that is sort ofproblem .

Man : oh?

Woman : Yeah, our schedules are totally conflict. I'd like to do my studying late in the night at our room but she likes to go to sleep early. Sounfortunately, my studying, my typing on the computer is keeping her awake.

Man : What are you gonna do?

Woman : Wow, we have talked about it. When she has to get up early every morning for classso there is nothing she can do. So as I see it, I got two options.

Man : What are they ?

Woman : Wow, I could adjust my schedule, start going to get up earlier and doing mystudying either in the morning or sometimes during the day the way Linda does.

Man : So you change your daily schedule so it's more like your roommate's?

Woman : Yeah, that way I wouldn't be keeping her up in night.

Man : Sure.

Woman : The thing is I'm not really a morning person when I come to studying. So I'm notsure how much work I get done in the morning or at other times of the day since I tend to bebusy then doing other things.

Man : What is your other option?

Woman : Well, I could go to the library at night and do my studying there.

Man : Why not do that? Use the library ?

Woman : Well, the thing is I prefer the convenience in my own room. The Library is ok butyou know I got really comfortable desk and chair in my room and all my other stuffs are theretoo. My books, my notes, the stuff I really need to help me study.


Briefly summarize the problem the speaker are discussing. Then state which solution you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.

范文:The woman has a problem with her roommate: they have completely different schedules. Then the woman come up with two suggestions. Suggestion one is she catch up with Linda’s schedule. Suggestion two is she can go to library at night. Personally speaking, I prefer the first solution. This is because she can study either in the morning or afternoon and go to sleep earlier. In addition, her own room are more convenient and comfortable. She can easily use the stuff to help her study.

托福口语TPO44 Task6(听力+题目+范文):A lecture in the Biology class

Listen part :

So, we've been talking about forest fires and, usuallywhen the forest fire occurs, the animals in the areawill of course run away, flee as fast as they can soit's not to get hurt by the flames.

Some animals though actually benefit from forestfires and so will seek them out. Because forest firescan be helpful can help them fulfills certain survivalneeds. Let' s discuss two benefits forest fires can help these animals.

One benefit is that they can make it easier for predators to find food? A forest fire will forceanimals out of their hiding places and out into the open which predators take advantage of. Because fleeing animals are much easier to catch than they normally are when they are hiding. For example, scientists have observed wild turkeys doing this? These birds will go to the edge offorest fire and wait there in order to catch out the insects running out of the burning forest, which is a much easier way to catch insects than the normal way of pecking for themunderground.

Another benefit forest fires can have is to help provide a good place for the development of theyoung animals. Forest fires can make an otherwise harmful environment more suitable fortheir development.For example, some trees in the forest are poisonous to beetles. They havespecial chemical that keep beetles away. But after a fire, beetles will seek up these treesbecause trees are died and beetles are able to lay their eggs in the tree without being hurt bythe chemical. The young beetles use the trees' nourishment until they are mature into adultbeetles.


Using the examples of wild turkeys and beetles, explain two benefits of forest fires for animals.

范文:According to the lecture, the professor talked about two benefits forest fires for certain animals. The first is that the hiding animals are forced to run away. The predators can easily find their food in open area compared to wait for their food. For example, wild turkeys can chase the insects at the edge of a forest fire and catch them easily on the ground. The other benefit is young animals can get a suitable place to grow. For example, toxic chemical is included in some trees, which can threaten beetles. But the forest fires turn the dead trees to be the beetle’s homeland. The beetles can lay eggs in the trees without harmful chemical and young beetles can utilize the nutrition to grow into mature ones.


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