雅思口语1月part1新题预测之:sky 天空
1. Do you like to watch the sky?
2. What is the sky like at night in your hometown?
3. Have you ever taken a course about stars?
4. Is it important to study stars?
5. What’s your favourite star?
1. Yes, I am really into watching the sky especially at night to count the countless stars when I was a kid. I remember I sometimes laid down in the grass for hours to watch the shining stars when in summer because I was fond of imaging the folk stories about the stars.
2. Well, as my hometown is a tourism city and there is no any industrial pollution, the sky is always clean and clear, and I can see the stunning night sky with countless and glittering stars and sometimes even the galaxy. But unfortunately in a metropolis like Beijing light pollution makes the night sky invisible.
3. No, I have never been in any sorts of courses about stars because actually there was no such courses in the schools or university. But fortunately my grandmother once sent me an encyclopaedia about nature in which there were loads of stories about stars, I got the most of the knowledge about stars from it.
4. Yes, I believe that astronomy has always had a significant impact on our world view as it can help open our eyes, give context to our place in the cosmos and that can definitely reshape how we see the world.
5. My favourite star constellation is Orion. It’s very easy to spot on winter nights. Firstly, it has a huge red giant star, which may explode any time soon. Besides, it has a massive blue star which is very young. On top of that it also has a big nebula where new stars are being born – so it has everything!
1. Are you ever bothered by noise?
2. Where can you hear loud noise?
3. Do you think there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?
4. Do you think that cities will become noisy in the future?
5. What sounds do you like?
6. What sounds do you dislike?
7. What sounds remind you of your childhood?
8. Do you mind noises?
9. What types of noise you come across in your daily life?
10. Are there any sounds that you like?
11. Where can you hear loud noise?
12. Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?
13. Are cities becoming noisier?
1. Yes, just recently, my neighbour was decorating his apartment upstairs in our high-rise in the daytime. I was really bothered by the noise of the drill.
2. The noise can be frequently heard around the places such as airports, bus stations, and construction sites.
3. Yes, definitely right. As the city grows bigger and population bulge, our life has become more and more noisy.
4. I enjoy the sound of flowing water in the forest. I even recoded it in my mobile when I travelled in the forest park. I dislike the sound made by finger nails on blackboard because it annoys me and makes me feel nervous.
5. The train. Because there was a train track through my middle school, and we could hear the sound of trains every time they came through my school. I had been used to the sound, and even could not sleep well without it in the background.
6. It’s really hard for me to say no. I mean, I really can’t bear noisy people, noisy places or even noisy things. For me noise is the number-one distractor when it comes to studying or working. You know, they actually just go ahead and interrupt my flow of thoughts.
7. Well, I have to say that I face up to a rich variety of noises on a daily basis. The first type of noise is from traffic, especially during the rush hours. The second is noise from factories, construction sites which never fail to distract me from working, thereby reducing my productivity.
8. I think there is one sound that can always lull me to sleep, the rain sound. There are nights I was so stressed out that I can hardly sleep no matter how much I tried, and then I went online searching for some sound for deep sleep or relaxation, and rain sound is always one of the top choices. And since then rain sound has become my go-to on sleepless nights.
9. From a number of sources. It can come from the crazy drivers down there on the streets. It can come from a building being built. It can come from a music festivals or a DJ party where the crowd totally go wild. It can even come from a crying baby or a fight nextdoor.
10. Indeed. I do think the level of noise is increasing overtime mainly due to human activities. The situation gets even worse if you live in a big modern city at a young age. Your auditory must be trained so hard to tolerate such noise everyday. It is really alarming now to raise people’s awareness towards this “invisible” killer.
11. Most cities in our country are suffering serious noise pollution due to rapidly increasing population and a massive amount of daily transportation. The consistently intense presence of noise does serious harm to the public health.
Can’t bear Ving (expression) can’t tolerate something
Face up to (phrasal verb) to confront an unpleasant situation
Productivity (n) The quality of being productive
To lull SO to sleep (v) to calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements
To be stressed out (adj) a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances.
Top recommendations (n) to be highly recommended
Go-to (adj) ideal, first choice
Auditory (n) relating to the sense of hearing
Tolerate (v) to accept or endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked) with forbearance
To do (serious) harm to (v) to damage the health of
1. What types of bags do you like?
2. Do you usually carry a bag when you go out?
3. Do you have different bags for different occasions?
4. What do you put in these bags?
5. Have you lost bags?
1. Bag is not really must-have item to me. I just use a backpack due to its convenience. Probably I’ll spend some time getting to know more about bags later on.
2. I’m not a big fan of this item so the only bag I use from time to time is the backpack. I love backpack because I tend to put a lot of heavy stuff inside such as my laptop, my water bottles, etc. whenever I get outdoors. It’s the long-term convenience that makes high-quality backpacks worth my money.
3. As aforementioned I carry my backpack all the time, when I go to school or hang out with friends. Although it may not give me a fashionable look, I think comfort and convenience is the top priority to me.
4. Well I must say that at present I have no idea about different types of bags or that sort of things. And it also costs me an arm and a leg if I ever want to become a bag collector with, say, twenty different bags for different occasions. However, I do have one fashionable small satchel for special occasions. I’m also kind of afraid that wearing heavy bags all the time will somehow affect my spine and my shoulders.
5. Well, when I go out or go to work, I usually put my laptop, cellphone, charger, basic beauty products like lipsticks, lotions , water bottle and probably a pair of earphones. When I use the smaller backpack, I tend to leave everything at home but my makeup kit and water bottles.
6. I think every women regardless of age, occupation, tastes, needs, etc has at least one backpack with them. As I’ve already explained about its convenience, backpack is ideal for everyday life. However, the top favorite bag would be the well-designed handbag.
Get to know (phrase) to start to be familiar with someone or something
Later on (phrase) in the future, or after the time already mentioned
To give a fashionable look (v) to look fashionable with Sth
All the time (idiom) repeatedly; habitually
Spine (n) a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; the backbone