Putin, Vladimir 1952 -- (普金)
President of Russia. Born Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, on October 7, 1952, in Leningrad (later St. Petersburg), Russia. An only child, Putin grew up living with his mother and father, a factory foreman and World War II veteran, in a communal apartment with several other families. As a young boy, he began studying martial arts, and by age 16 had become an expert at sambo, a Russian combination of judo and wrestling. Around that same time, Putin was selected to attend Leningrad School No. 281, a college-preparatory school for the city best students. In 1970, he enrolled at the prestigious Leningrad State University, where he majored in civil law and continued his study of martial arts. He was Leningrad judo champion in 1974, and a year later graduated with honors from the university.
Upon his graduation, Putin was recruited by the KGB, the Soviet Union notorious national security organization, then led by Yuri Andropov, a notorious disciplinarian and later briefly the leader of the Soviet Union in 1983. After studying espionage and foreign intelligence in Moscow, where he learned German and earned a black belt in judo, Putin began working in counterintelligence, then joined the KGB First Directorate as a foreign intelligence agent.
In 1985, the KGB sent Putin to East Germany, where he lived in Dresden under a false name and with a cover-up job as the head of a so-called German-Soviet friendship society. The exact nature of his real work there is still a matter of some debate; his main duties certainly included spying on member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), recruiting informers and agents, and collecting and analyzing data to send to Moscow. During his time in the divided Germany, Putin was exposed to a number of Western ideas, both economic and political, that would play a pivotal role in his post-KGB career.
With the rise to power of Mikhail Gorbachev and his erestroika ? and the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe during the latter half of the 1980s, Putin work in East Germany was precipitously drawing to a close. He returned to Russia in 1990, after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany, as a decorated KGB agent. The agency rewarded him with an administrative post at his alma mater, Leningrad State University, that was largely a cover for him to continue intelligence work.
Shortly thereafter, Putin encountered his old law professor, Anatoly Sobchak, who by then had become chairman of the city council and one of Russia leading democrats. Drawn by the lure of politics, Putin left the KGB to become one of Sobchak key aides. After Sobchak won election as the first mayor of the newly renamed city of St. Petersburg in 1991, Putin was named deputy mayor in his administration. In addition to overseeing the daily operations of St. Petersburg, Putin was primarily responsible for opening the city to a good deal of foreign investment, including corporate giants such as Credit Lyonnais, Coca-Cola, and the Japanese electronics company NEC.
In 1996, Sobchak lost his reelection campaign; Putin subsequently resigned from the city government out of loyalty to his old teacher. Although Sobchak was charged with official corruption after leaving office, Putin remained virtually untouched by the allegations. He was offered a Kremlin post in 1997, as the deputy to Pavel Borodin, the head of the powerful Kremlin property department in Moscow.
The former KGB agent rise in the ranks of power in the Kremlin was swift and dramatic: in 1998, then-President Boris Yeltsin appointed Putin as chief of the Federal Security Service, the domestic successor to the KGB. In August 1999, as conflict in the southwestern Russian republic of Chechnya began to heat up, Yeltsin named the 47-year old Putin as prime minister (the latest in a string that Yeltsin had appointed to that office).
At first, few thought that Putin, as the ailing Yeltsin self-chosen successor, would be a viable candidate for president of Russia. But the new prime minister strong hand in both domestic and international politics specially his notoriously hard-line stance against Chechen rebels warned him skyrocketing approval ratings and the reputation as Russia most popular politician.
On December 31, 1999, Yeltsin resigned as president, six months before the end of his term. In a move clearly calculated to attract the most possible international attention, he appointed Putin acting president, announcing that Russia must enter the new millennium with new politicians, with new personalities and with new smart, strong and energetic people.? If Putin’s actual agenda for Russia remained unclear throughout the next several months, he nevertheless managed to ride the wave of popular support to a victory in the first round of the general elections on March 27, 2000, when he became Russia’s second president and its youngest leader since 1922, when Josef Stalin became general secretary of the Communist Party.
Though Putin remains somewhat of an inscrutable figure both personally and politically, it is widely believed that his presidency will continue the new course of Russian politics by Yeltsin into the twenty-first century.
Putin, who is determinedly private about his personal life, married his wife, Lyudmila, in the early 1980s. They have two daughters, Katya and Maria.
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (, originally Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov) 1870 -- 1924
Marxist revolutionary, born in Ulyanovsk (formerly, Simbirsk), Russia. He studied at Kazan and St Petersburg, where he graduated in law. From 1897 to 1900 he was exiled to Siberia for participating in underground revolutionary activities. At the Second Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (1903), he caused the split between the Bolshevik and Menshevik factions.
Following the February 1917 revolution, he returned to Petrograd (St Petersburg) from Zürich, and urged the immediate seizure of political power by the proletariat under the slogan "All Power to the Soviets'. In October 1917 he led the Bolshevik revolution and became head of the first Soviet government. At the end of the ensuing Civil War (1918--21), he introduced the New Economic Policy, which his critics in the Party saw as a "compromise with capitalism' and a retreat from strictly Socialist planning.
On his death, his body was embalmed and placed in a mausoleum near the Moscow Kremlin. In 1924 Petrograd was renamed Leningrad in his honour, but since the collapse of Communism the city is once more St Petersburg.
Stalin, Joseph 1879 -- 1953
Georgian Marxist revolutionary and later virtual dictator of the USSR (1928--53). Born in Gori, Georgia, the son of a cobbler and ex-serf. He studied at Tiflis Orthodox Theological Seminary, from which he was expelled in 1899. After joining a Georgian Social Democratic organization (1898), he became active in the revolutionary underground, and was twice exiled to Siberia (1902, 1913).
As a leading Bolshevik he played an active role in the October Revolution, and became people's commissar for nationalities in the first Soviet government and a member of the Communist Party Politburo. In 1922 he became general secretary of the Party Central Committee, a post he held until his death, and also occupied other key positions which enabled him to build up enormous personal power in the party and government apparatus.
After Lenin's death (1924) he pursued a policy of building "socialism in one country', and gradually isolated and disgraced his political rivals, notably Trotsky. In 1928 he launched the campaign for the collectivization of agriculture during which millions of peasants perished, and the first 5-year plan for the forced industrialization of the economy.
Between 1934 and 1938 he inaugurated a massive purge of the party, government, armed forces, and intelligentsia in which millions of so-called "enemies of the people' were imprisoned, exiled, or shot. In 1938 he signed the Non-Aggression Pact with Hitler which bought the Soviet Union two years respite from involvement in World War II. After the German invasion (1941), the USSR became a member of the Grand Alliance, and Stalin, as war leader, assumed the title of generalissimo. He took part in the conferences of Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam which resulted in Soviet military and political control over the liberated countries of postwar E and C Europe.
From 1945 until his death he resumed his repressive measures at home, and conducted foreign policies which contributed to the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the West. He was posthumously denounced by Khrushchev at the 20th Party Congress (1956) for crimes against the Party and for building a "cult of personality'. Under Gorbachev many of Stalin's victims were rehabilitated, and the whole phenomenon of "Stalinism' officially condemned by the Soviet authorities.