
若水1147 分享 时间:



Chuffed to bits 是英式俚语意思是对某事心满意足,美滋滋的。


The British Prime Minister David Cameron has been on an official visit to the USA this week. President Barack Obama greeted the PM with a speech filled with British slang, including today's phrase.


"Let me just say, David, we are chuffed to bits that you are here. I am looking forward to a great relationship, I am confident we will keep it absolutely top-notch."

I'm chuffed to bits with my new car!

Anna got three Cs for her A-level exam results. That was better than she was expecting - in fact, she was chuffed to bits!


注意在表达心满意足的时候你不一定非要加 to bits. 你完全可以单独使用 chuffed 意思也同样是心满意足。

I'm pretty chuffed about my new job.

另外 chuff 这个词也是一个象声词用来形容蒸汽机声。

The old train puffed and chuffed its way up the hill.


Going round in circles 这个短语的意思是没有进展总在原地兜圈子。


We've been talking about this for hours but we keep going round in circles.

I've been driving around for ages trying to find the station but I seem to keep going round in circles.

The work of art shown in the photo is displayed at the 2012 Armory show in New York. It displays influential contemporary artwork from around the world. The art show's name comes from the city's 69th Regiment Armory building where the first exhibition was held in 1913.


We've got to make a decision otherwise we'll be going round in circles all day.


To go full circle 意思是转了360 度,转了整整一圈儿,回到原地。

She's back working in the same office where she first started so her career has gone full circle.

My cake-making skills have gone full circle; I'm back to making the sort of cakes I first used to mak


英语段语 let off steam 意思是释放情感,特别表示把心里的话都一股脑地说出来。


The English city of Bath was founded by the Romans, who were attracted to the hot mineral springs in the area. The Great Bath in this photo used to be inside a hall that was 40 metres high. For visitors at that time, this was probably the largest building they had ever entered.


I shouldn’t shout at my husband but sometimes I need to let off steam.

Ruth spent the whole afternoon complaining about her boss. She needed to let off some steam.

We often go jogging after work to let off steam.


另一个短语 run out of steam 意思是对某事失去了兴趣:

My mum can talk for hours before she runs out of steam.

The beginning of his speech was fantastic but after a while he started to run out of steam.


在英语里人们往往用 chicken 这个词来表示一个胆小鬼。那么 Don't be a chicken 意思就是‘别害怕,别胆怯’。


The people in the photograph above were attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the most people wearing animal noses at a single venue. 607 people took part in the recent event in Grand Rapids, Michigan. It involved them wearing the beaks for 11 minutes and 39 seconds and breaking the record!

图中的人们试图打破一项吉尼斯世界纪录:在同一个时间同一个地点佩戴动物鼻子的人数最高。这项活动在美国密歇安州大瀑布城举行,总共有607人参加。他们佩戴鸡鼻的人坚持了 11 分钟 39 秒,打破了吉尼斯世界纪录。

You’re such a chicken, you won’t even give skiing a try!

He called me a chicken just because I didn’t want to swim in the ice cold water!

Don’t be such a chicken, just ask her out!


To play chicken - 意思是较量看看到底谁胜谁负 chicken out 意思是服输退出的意思。

The company chairman is playing chicken with the shareholders. He knows that the share price will go down if they sack him so he's betting they will back down.

