length有长度,长,时间的长短的意思。它在初中英语中是比较重点的单词,今天小编给大家带来了length的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
n. 长度,长,时间的长短,(语)音长,一段,一节
length作“一段,一节”解时,是单位词, length of可修饰名词,表示数量,如该名词是可数名词,变复数时length和该名词都要变;如该名词是不可数名词,变复数时只要变length即可。
plough the field
The room is 15 feet in length and 10 feet in breadth.这房间长15英尺,宽10英尺。
The length of your talk must be at least 10 minutes.你的演讲时间至少要保持在10分钟。
1、Strangely enough, you will automatically wake up after this length of time.
2、The length of the war is one of the biggest unknowns.
3、They trekked from shop to shop in search of white knee-length socks.
length词组 | 习惯用语
in length 长度
at length 最后,终于;详细地
length of time 持续时间,时限
total length 全长;总长度
focal length 焦距
full length 全长;标准长度
wave length 波长
arm's length 保持距离;公平地
path length [计]路径长度;软通路长度
chain length [化]链长
at arm's length 疏远;在手臂伸得到的地方
arc length 弧长
step length 步长
a length of 一段
crack length 裂纹长度;裂缝长度;裂隙长度
unit length 单位长度
at great length 详细地;细致地
effective length 有效长度;计算长度
length of service 服务年限
length of stay 住院时间;滞留时间
1.It is of medium length, neither cobby nor slack from excessive length.中等长度,既不矮胖、不松弛也不过长。
2.An inch is a measure of length.对是长度的度量单位。
3.She had to lengthen her stirrup leathers.她得放长马镫皮带。
4.A meter is a measure of length.米是长度单位。
5.All these sticks are of uniform length.所有这些手杖的长度都是一样的。
6.An aisle ran the length of the house.过道的长度等于房子的长度。
7.Length is one dimension, and breadth is another.长是一种度量, 宽又是另一种度量。
8.Lucy flung herself full length on the floor.露西一下子直挺挺地往地板上躺下。
9.Lewis tended to bowl short of a length.刘易斯老是投球不到位。
10.They logged the timber into 7-foot length.他们把那根木材锯成七英尺长。
11.They paced out the length of the garden.他们用步量出这个花园的长度。
12.He spliced the two lengths of film together.他把两段胶卷粘接起来。
13.At length, weary with wandering, they fell asleep.最后, 因为游逛得很疲乏, 他们都睡着了。
14.Velocity has the dimensions of length divided by time.速度为长度除以时间的量纲
15.I hope you'll pardon the length of this letter.我希望你不介意信的长短。
16.He skated the length of the rink without stopping.他一下子滑过了整个溜冰场。
17.Astronomers can accurately foretell the date,time,and length of future eclipses.天文学家能精确地预告未来日食月食的日期、时刻和时长。
18.Ciliatus forewing length and tilt, such as the caudate chicken.前翅缘毛长并翘起如鸡尾状。
19.The patient cannot endure chemotherapy for any length of time.病人对于化疗一会儿也不能忍受
20.Side cutters are useful for cutting electrical flex to length.切边钳适用于剪切电线。
★ 少儿英语故事集锦
★ 英文名人名言精选
