lay有放置,铺放,涂,敷,产卵的意思。它在初中英语中是比较重点的单词,今天小编给大家带来了lay的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。
vt. 放置,铺放,涂,敷,产卵
adj. 世俗的,外行的,没有经验的
n. 叙事诗,性伙伴
变形:过去式: laid; 现在分词:laying; 过去分词:laid;
lay的基本意思是“放置成水平位置”。可译为“放,搁,摆”“压倒,放倒”“铺设,敷设”等,引申可指“安排”“布置”“拟定”“提出”等。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接“(to be+) adj./v -ed”充当补足语的复合宾语。
You may lay it on the table.你可以把它放在桌子上。
I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.我躺下来与其说是要睡觉,倒不如说是要思考。
I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job.我以三比一的赔率打赌,他能得到那份工作。
1、On Sunday Cohen lay around the house all day.
2、Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.
3、Bob slid from his chair and lay prone on the floor.
lay词组 | 习惯用语
lay in 贮存
lay down 放下;制定;铺设;主张
lay a foundation 奠定基础;奠基;打下基础
lay eggs 产蛋
lay on 涂抹(颜料等);猛攻;加…于人
lay out 展示;安排;花钱;为…划样;提议
lay stress on 注意,重视;把重点放在
lay off 解雇;休息;停止工作
lay emphasis on 强调;把重点放在
lay claim to 要求;自以为
lay the foundation of 打下……的基础;奠定了……的基础
lay at 攻击;将…放置在…前面
lay up v. 贮存;搁置;卧床不起
lay asleep ◎使…入睡;◎埋葬,使永眠地下;◎使无足轻重,使无人过问;◎使入睡;◎使永眠地下,埋葬;◎使不受重视,使无人过问;
on the lay [黑话、行话]做(违法)买卖;干活(如偷、扒、抢等)
in lay ◎(母鸡)会下蛋[亦作 in full (或 good) lay];◎(母鸡的)产卵期;
lay back 使…向后;躺下休息
lay upon 随…而定;把重点放在
lay over 覆盖;胜过,压倒
lay hands on 得到;找到;攻击
1.They lay at anchor outside the harbour.他们在港外抛锚停泊。
2.He lay down and was asleep immediately.他躺下, 很快地睡着了。
3.Crops were laid flat by heavy rainstorms.作物被暴风雨击倒了。
4.She knew wherein her gross defects lay.她知道自己的重大缺点在哪里。
5.He lay face downwards on his bed.他脸向下伏在床上。
6.The duck laid ten eggs this month.这只鸭子本月下了十个蛋。
7.Don't lay your elbows on the desk.不要将两肘放在书桌上。
8.They laid the prisoner on the gridiron.他们使这个囚犯备受折磨。
9.They laid in hay for the winter.他们贮备干草以备过冬。
10.He lay completely inert on the floor.他一动不动地躺在地板上。
11.Some tropical fish reproduce by laying eggs.有些热带鱼靠产卵繁殖。
12.A grand meal was laid before them.一道奢华的菜肴摆在他们面前
13.They neglected to lay a good foundation.他们没有注意打下了一个良好的基础。
14.Operas were laid on for the delegates.为代表们安排观看歌剧演出。
15.Tiles are laid to overlap each other.屋瓦是一个压一个地重叠放置的。
16.He lay senseless out in the rain.他毫无知觉地躺在雨中。
17.The soldiers laid on with a will.战士们开始猛烈地进攻。
18.I laid the matter squarely before him.我把这一问题直截了当地向他提出来。
19.He laid two sticks across each other.他把两根棍子交叉地放着。
20.The new subway is now being laid.新的地铁正在铺设中。
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