1. 重复记忆缺乏科学性忽视记忆规则
2. 背单词深度不足印象太浅
3. 拼写/含义近似词汇太过干扰记忆
1. 制定合理的记忆规划
2. 记住英文含义和例句
3. 拼写含义近似词汇组队记忆
capricious: 善变的; governed or characterized by caprice
1) governed or characterized by caprice; characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable. arbitrary, INCONSTANT.
2) inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic, unpredictable
3) capriciously, capriciousness
4) impulsive, tending to act according to whim
5) changeable; fickle
6) changing one’s mind quickly and often
Synonyms: arbitrary, erratic, unpredictable
capricious <> persistent, predictable, pertinacious, stable, steadfast, immovable
capricious <> immovable, constant, deliberate, steadfast, pertinacious
capricious : deliberation
capriciousness <> pertinacity 善变<>顽固
He was so capricious that he rarely kept a job longer than a few months.
The capricious bride-to-be has a different church in mind for her wedding every few days.
capricious : deliberate = insubordinate : submissiveness(我选的这个,也有干扰项
capricious : whimsical = foresight : prudent
capricious : whim = objective : fact
dirge: 挽歌;a slow, mournful piece of music
1) (music) a. a funeral hymn or lament b. a slow, mournful musical composition
2) a mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work
3) a slow, mournful piece of music, especially one intended for a funeral or similar occasion
4) a hymn for a funeral; a song or poem expressing lament
5) a funeral hymn or mournful speech
dirge : grief
dirge : mourning
dirge : solemn
1. The mourners sang a traditional Irish dirge
2. The orchestra played the piece so slowly that it sounded like a dirge.
Synonyms: lament, requiem
dirge : music :: elegy : poetry 悲歌:音乐::挽诗:诗
dirge : grief :: paean : praise :: madrigal : love悲歌:悲伤::赞美歌:赞美::情歌:情
dirge : solemn :: polemic : contentious 悲歌:庄严的::辩论:有异议的
dirge: 挽歌;a slow, mournful piece of music
1) (music) a. a funeral hymn or lament b. a slow, mournful musical composition
2) a mournful or elegiac poem or other literary work
3) a slow, mournful piece of music, especially one intended for a funeral or similar occasion
4) a hymn for a funeral; a song or poem expressing lament
5) a funeral hymn or mournful speech
dirge : grief
dirge : mourning
dirge : solemn
1. The mourners sang a traditional Irish dirge
2. The orchestra played the piece so slowly that it sounded like a dirge.
Synonyms: lament, requiem
dirge : music :: elegy : poetry 悲歌:音乐::挽诗:诗
dirge : grief :: paean : praise :: madrigal : love悲歌:悲伤::赞美歌:赞美::情歌:情
dirge : solemn :: polemic : contentious 悲歌:庄严的::辩论:有异议的
impugn: 表示怀疑; to criticize or challenge as false or questionable in nature
1) to attack with words; to question the truthfulness or integrity
2) to challenge as false, to assail
impugn <> uphold 指责,攻击,反对<>支持
impugn <> consent
impugn <> extol 9
impugn <> vindicate 责难<>辩护
impugn <> champion攻击,指责<>拥护,支持
impugn <> endorse 攻击,指责<>认可
impugn <> approve, laud, compliment
impugn <> appease
impugn <> grantant
impugn = charge yMdu
impugn 责难, 非难, 驳斥 <> champion/vindicate/endorse
impugn (criticize) <> uphold (support) should be correct rather than appease (soothe).
inviolable<>impugn 不可侵犯的,不可征服的<>指责
The defense lawyer impugned the witness's testimony, which set back the prosecution's case.
If I believe the man is a fraud I will impugn his comments.
【考法1】v. 责难,攻击抨击: to attack as false or questionable; challenge in argument
【例】impugn a political opponent's character 就政治对手的人品发难
【近】 attack, assail, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, deny, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse onm
【反】 advocate, back, support, uphold 支持;authenticate 证实,证明
