所有英文解释均来自M-W词典 abode: to continue in a place; tolerate. Adobe: a brick or building material
abjure: reject solemnly; to abstain from adjure: urge or advice earnestly.
abeyance: suspension. Observance: 遵守。
advent: arrival advert: refer (to )
affected: artificially assumed to impress others affecting: arousing pity, sympathy or sorrow
aloft: in the air aloof: removed or distant either physically or emotionally
allay: calm, pacify. Alley: a narrow passageway esp. between building. Ally: associate. Alloy: 合金
allude: to refer indirectly allure: charm, entice
amenity: convenience , enjoyment amiability amnesty: 大赦 animation: vivacity, liveliness animosity: ill will, resentment
amoral: being neither moral or immoral immoral: not moral.
anemia: 贫血 insomnia:失眠症 amnesia:健忘症
Annals:纪年表 annul: declare or make legally invalid
anxious: worried; earnestly wishing anxiety: painful uneasiness; abnormal apprehension
Apathetic:冷漠的 antipathetic:引起反感的
Apocalyptic:预示灾祸的,启示的 apocrypha:伪经,伪书
Appreciable:可以察觉的,可估计的 apprehensible:可理解的 apprehensive:不安的,焦虑的,能领悟的 appreciative:感激的,有鉴赏力的
Approbation:称赞。 opprobrium:恶名声,侮辱
apparel: clothe adorn apparition: a supernatural appearance ghost
appraise: set a value on apprise: give notice to approve: express a favorable opinion
Arbiter: one having power to decide. Arbitrator: one chosen to settle differences between two parties in a controversy.
Aspiration:渴望,热望 respiration:呼吸 perspiration:出汗
assist: help, aid resist: to fight against, oppose; combat, repel.
brisk: 轻快 bristle: 硬毛,气势汹汹
barter: 物物交换 banter: speak to or address in a witty and teasing manner.
blight: withered, blast blithe: merry.
brazen : blatant blazon: armorial bearings; publish widely
blunder: a gross error blunt: not sharp, dull
brittle: easily broken, cracked, or snapped bristle: to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance (as in response to a slight)
boom: to make a deep hollow sound; to grow or cause to grow rapidly esp. in value, esteem, or importance. Boon: benefit, blessing
Calumniate: defame, malign libel Culmination: reach the highest point Fulmination: 攻击,指责
Canvas:油布 Canvass: to seek orders or votes: solicit
Cataclysm: a violent change or upheaval Catalysis: 加速
Cessation:终止,(短暂)停止] Cession:割让,转让 Concession:让步,特许权 Secession:脱离,退出
Cater:迎合,承办 crater:火山口,弹坑
Circumscribe:限制 Proscribe:禁止 Compass: an enclose space Compassion: pity
Competent:胜任的,有资格的 contentious:引起争议的
Contiguous: being in contact Contingent: possible; happening by chance conditional
Consensus:全体意见一致 Censure:责难
Conversant: 精通 Convergent:会聚的
Confluence: the meeting of two or more streams Influence:影响 Refluence:逆流
Consign:托运 Resign:辞职
Crate:板条箱 Crave:渴望得到 Craven:胆怯的
Crayon:彩色笔;粉笔或其绘画 Canyon:峡谷
Cozen: chest, defraud Cozy: snug, comfortable
Curb: hold in or back Curd: the thick protein rich part of coagulated milk Curdle: spoil, sour
Declamation: speech Acclamation: shouted approval
Duration: 持续的时间 Induration:硬化
Denounce:指责,揭发 Renounce:宣布放弃,抛弃
Decompose:使腐烂 Discompose:使失态,慌张
Depredation:劫掠 Depreciation:贬值
Deposition:免职,沉积 Disposition:处理,天性气质
Demur: take exception, object. Demure: decorous; shy, bashful
Dilatory: delaying; tardy, show Dilate: swell, distend , expand
Disaffected: alienate the affection or loyalty of Unaffected: natural, genuine
Decorum: orderliness, propriety Decoration: ornament
Dinghy: a small boat Dingy: dirty, shabby, discolored
Drudge: to do hard, menial, or monotonous work Dredge: a machine or barge for removing earth or silt
Discomfit: upset, frustrate mollify Discomfort: make uncomfortable or uneasy
Duplicity: the disguising of true; intentions by deceptive words or action Duplicate: to make double or two-fold or action
Equanimity: 沉着,镇静 Equality: 均匀,同等
Expire:期满,熄灭 Expiate:赎罪
Edifice:大厦 Edification:陶冶 Orifice:小孔
Eclipse:(日、月)蚀,失势 Ellipse:椭圆形 Ellipsis(ses):省略法
Exquisite:精致的 Perquisite:固定津贴
Emancipation:释放,解脱 Emaciation:消瘦 Emasculate:weaken
Equation:等式、方程式 Equitation:骑马术
Elicit:引出,探出 Explicit:清楚明确的
Exigency: requirements; urgent need Exiguous: scanty in amount
Ecumenical: worldwide Empiricism: 经验主义
Epigram: a short witty poem or saying Epilogue: a speech addressed to the spectators by an actor at the end of a play Episode: a unit of action in a dramatic or literary work; occurrence Epistle: one of the letters of the New Testament Epitaph: an inscription in memory of a dead person Epithet: a characterizing and often abusive word or phrase Epitome: abstract, summary; embodiment.
Eddy: whirlpool, a circular current Ebb: the reflux of the tide toward the sea; a point or condition of decline
Exhaustion: extreme weariness Exhaustive: covering all possibilities
Exonerate: 证明无罪 Exorable:可说服的,心软的
Fortuitous: accidental Fortitude: strength
Forfeit: 丧失 Surfeit:饮食过度
Fomentation:煽动,助长 Fermentation:发酵
Flounder: proceed clumsily Founder: collapse
Fractious: 易怒的,好争吵的, hard to handle or control Fractional:部分的,碎片的 Factious: 有派性的 Factitious:人为的,不真实的 Facetious:轻浮的
Fetid: having an offensive smell stinking Fetish: 神物
Fantasy: imaginative fiction Fascinate: be irresistibly attractive
Flush: to pour liquid over or through Fluster: upset
Gouge: 半圆凿,敲竹杠 Gauche:笨拙的,不会社交的 Gauge:标准尺寸
Gravel:碎石 Grovel:摇尾乞怜的 Gavel:a mallet used for commanding attention Grove: a small wood
Grate: to grind or rub against with a rasping noise Grateful thankful; pleasing Gratify: to afford pleasure to Gratis: without charge or recompense Gratuitous: free charge; unwarranted Gratitude: thankfulness
Gamble: 赌博,投机 Gable:山墙 Gambol:跳跃,嬉戏 Gobble: to swallow or eat greedily
Gall: vex, harass Gulled: deceive Guile: duplicity Guilt: 罪
Gloss:光泽 Gross:总的,粗野的,整体的
Hypnosis; 催眠术 Hypothesis:假说
Histrionics:演戏 Histology:组织学
Homely:长相一般的 Homily:a lecture of a moral theme
Hypercritical :meticulously or excessively critical Hypocritical :not sincerely
Halo:光圈 Hale: health, sound ,free from defect, disease
Incision: a cut Incite: start up, stir up
Impassioned:感激的,慷慨激昂的 Impassive:不为所动的
Imminence:急迫的 Eminence;卓越的
Ingrate:忘恩负义的 Ingratiate:逢迎,讨好
Insurrection:造反,叛乱 Resurrection:复活
