GRE词汇零距离 不择手段其实是这个单词
今天我们小站教育要讲的习惯用语都带有dirty这个词。大家一定知道dirty解释为“肮脏的,” 但是在习惯用语里意思转化了,常用来描述卑鄙的,不正当的手腕。例如,我们要学的第一个习惯用语:dirty pool.这里的Pool是指台球。这是一种风行的游戏。玩儿的人在特制的球台上用球竿击打母球来分别撞击十五个彩色的球。有些人在玩台球作赌博时会做手脚欺骗。这就叫做dirty pool.人们逐渐把dirty pool用到其它各种场合,指任何不正当的行为。
例句1:Some company we'd never heard of won the bid although their price was higher than most. Everyone thinks they played dirty pool and bribed the officials who awarded the contract.
他说:一家我们从没听说过的公司中了标,尽管他们出价高于其他多数公司。大家都认为他们作了不正当交易, 贿赂了授与合同的官员。
这里的dirty pool解释为“不正当手段。”
再学个含有dirty这个词的习惯用语:down and dirty.这里的dirty还是解释为不正当的,卑鄙的,而down在这儿的意思是下流阴险的。所以down and dirty表示的意思类似于dirty pool, 都指正派人不屑于做的卑鄙勾当。
例句-2:This guy ran a real down and dirty campaign; every day he started more rumors about our man's honesty and personal life. But the voters saw he was lying so we easily beat him.
这里的down and dirty意思是“卑鄙下流的。”
最后再学一个带有dirty这个词的习惯用语:dirty crack.Crack可以解释为俏皮话或者幽默的玩笑,但是前面加上dirty意思可就不同了。我们听个例子来琢磨它的含义是什么。这段话说的是Bob在看一场高中橄榄球赛的时候发生的事情,当时他的球队输了,他按捺不住站起身来对着场上的四分卫大叫。
例句-3:Finally Bob made a dirty crack about the quarterback -- he called him so dumb he couldn't add up two and two. At this the man next to him got up and hit him in the eye: it turns out the quarterback was his son.
在大庭广众间大声责骂别人蠢得连最简单的加法都不会,这种说法可不是什么无伤大雅的俏皮话,而是带有侮辱意味的挖苦,难怪那个父亲听了受不了。可见dirty crack是刺伤人的挖苦话。
timorous: 羞怯的; lacking courage; timid
1) lacking courage; timid
2) timid by nature or revealing timidity
timorous <> unflinching; audacious, scrappynerve <> daunted, timorous
timorous : assertiveness
1. The timorous child hid behind his parents.
2. Hillary came to accept him as a timorous soul who needed succor.
timorous <> scrappy 膽小<>好鬥
timorous <> intrepid/stalwart 膽小<>無畏/勇敢
impervious: 不能渗透的, Incapable of being penetrated
1) not allowing entrance, incapable of being harmed or disturbed
2) impenetrable; not allowing anything to pass through; unaffected
3) impossible to penetrate
Synonyms: immune, resistant, unaffectedHe was impervious to criticism, which enabled him to experiment freely in his artwork.
The vest that the policeman wears is impervious to bullets.
The child was impervious to the actions of the adult.
【考法1】adj. 不可渗透的,不可穿透的: not allowing entrance or passage
【例】 The material for this coat is supposed to be impervious to rain. 这件大衣的材料应该是能防雨的
【近】 impassable, impenetrable, impermeable, impregnable
【反】 passable, penetrable, permeable, pervious 可渗透的
【考法2】adj. 不能被破坏的: not capable of being damaged or harmed
【例】 a carpet impervious to rough treatment 耐用的地毯
【近】 bulletproof, imperishable, indestructible, inextinguishable, invulnerable
【反】 delicate, sensitive, vulnerable 脆弱的,敏感的
【考法3】adj. 不为所动的: not capable of being affected or disturbed
【例】 These sailors are impervious to fear. 这些水手无所畏惧
【近】 immune, insusceptible, unaffected, unresponsive
【反】 ductile, pliable, pliant, yielding 易受影响的
imperturbable: 冷静沉着的; marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness : SERENE
1) incapable of being disturbed
2) calm; not easily excited
3) marked by extreme calm, impassivity and steadiness
Synonyms: calm, composed, immovable, unexcited
imperturbable : composure
imperturbable <>touchy
imperturbable : NETTLE
By maintaining an imperturbable air throughout the crisis, she emerged as a steady and trustworthy leader.
The imperturbable West Point graduate made a fine negotiator.
【考法1】adj.沉着冷静的,淡定的: marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness
【例】 The chef was absolutely imperturbable—even when the kitchen caught on fire. 这个厨师可谓淡定到了极致——他连厨房着火的时候都依然沉着
【近】 collected, composed, cool, disimpassioned, nonchalant, unflappable, unruffled
【反】 choleric, touchy 暴躁的,易怒的
