Word count: 291
In the times when the consumerism pervades, the public are bombarded with relentless advertising in a wide range of media. Some cynics tend to regard advertisement as the source of some morbid behavior and trend, I hold the view that advertising can play an active part in many social and personal dimensions.
Some advertisement, if viewed in the light of art, is of great aesthetic value and can present the audience or the spectators a sense of enjoyment. A piece of meticulously-made advertisement is usually characterized by ingenious plot, unique protagonists and the first-class audio and visual effect. There is no doubt that this kind of advertisement is beyond the simple definition of marketing tool and the consumers who enjoy these can be well impressed and will be saturated in an atmosphere which can be evenly matched by the beauty of other forms of arts such as music and movies.
Besides, advertising is also an effective way which can proliferate information and narrow the gap between those who intend to send out the right information and the corresponding recipients. For example, some public service advertisement can inform the viewers of some advocated social values such as altruism, frugality and dedication to work. Some commercials, though it is more profit-oriented, can also convey the information concerning some specification of products.
The flipside of advertising lies in the occasional occurrence of misleading and deceptive information, which will undermine the basic rights of the consumers. Also, the individuality of consumers is likely to fade awayas the commercials endorsed by some celebrities will make consumers buy some similar products without considering their own needs.
In conclusion, advertising should be embraced in a more diverse and open society, though some minor drawbacks cannot be neglected.
第一个例子出自于剑桥雅思真题8(简称“剑8”)P52第39题: The sense of smell may involve response to……which do not smell, in addition to obvious odours.(题目要求答案只写一个单词)这个题目按照关键词和顺序原则可以定位到文中E段的第三句话: Researchers have still to decide whether smell is one sense or two—one responding to odours proper and the other registering odourless chemicals in the air.
相似的例子还出现在剑11P20第6题:One form of vertical farming involves planting in……which are not fixed.
我们之前看到的两个例子都是定语从句出现在题目当中,而下一个题目就稍有不同。请看剑5P18的第6题:According to his biographer, James Boswell, Johnson’s principal achievement was to bring……to the English language. (题目要求:答案不超过两个单词)
我们先判断答案的词性是名词,然后根据顺序原则和关键词答案能定位到原文17页倒数第二段最后一句话:It is the cornerstone of Standard English, an achievement which, in James Boswell’s words, conferred stability on the language of his country.通过观察题目与原文句子的关系能找出答案范围,就在“conferred stability on the language”这几个词中,不过介于对conferred这个词的意思比较陌生,大多数同学误以为这个词可能是动词过去分词,在文中起修饰作用,于是就把答案写成了“conferred stability”,而且似乎还很符合字数限制中所要求的两个单词。
其实,如果我们再分析一下文中的句子,就会发现achievement后面被which引导的定语从句所修饰,再把插入成分“in James Boswell’s words”去掉后,从句就变成了“an achievement which conferred stability on the language of his country”。
同学们不难从官网上找到评分的四项要求,其中有一项“Grammatical Range and Accuracy”,是同学们觉得比较难提高的。这一项对于满分的要求有一条的是“Uses a wide range of structures with full flexibility and accuracy.” 这一条要求的精髓就在于“wide range of structures”,也就是说同学们要能够在写作中体现出能运用各种句式结构的能力,包括简单句、各类从句、分词短语、并列句等等。
e.g. 举个栗子,在《剑8》的Test 2考官范文中的第一句话:
The charts show how much a UK school spent on different running costs in three separate years: 1981, 1991 and 2001.
还有《剑7》的Test 2范文中的最后一段:
the graph shows how the consumption of chicken increased dramatically while the popularity...
《剑7》的Test 4的最后一段:
it is clear that...
定语从句是同学们复合句中用的最普遍的,也是最容易掌握的句式。但如果想要满足对于定语从句的出彩使用,同学们可以参考《剑9》的Test 2范文中第四段的最后一句话:
e.g.《剑9》Test 2 This rise was particularly noticeable between 1990 and 2000, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled.
这里考官并没有用“常规”的which引导的定语从句,而是使用了“介词+关系词”的方式,使得句子变得高大上了许多。类似的用法在《剑5》的Test 1中最后一段话也有出现。
可以看出比较容易操作的方式是在句子后出现时间的时候,使用during which或者by which这样的结构,可以将具体图表变化的趋势写出来,或者可以直接使用关系副词中指代时间的when。
e.g.《剑8》Test 2 This cost decreased to only 5% of total expenditure in 1991 but rose dramatically in 2001 when it represented 23% of the school budget.
e.g.《剑7》Test 2 Although it remained the least popular food, consumption levels were the most stable.
比如这样一个句子Courses made up the largest proportion in factors that influenced students’ choice and its percentage decreased from 40% to 34%.
如果我们使用让步状语从句,就可以变成了:Although Courses made up the largest..., its percentage still decreased...这样,并列句就可以很好的转化成状语从句了。
e.g.《剑6》Test 3 This stage lasts for up to six weeks until the larva produces a cocoon of silk thread around itself.
时间状语从句是流程图中常用的句式,还有常用的连接词为while, since, when, after和before。
e.g.《剑5》Test 1While the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period.
在小作文的写作中,中国学生最常用到的除了简单句就是由and或者but, then引导的并列句。那么避免过多并列句重复的一个很好的方式就是使用非谓语动词,即:分词做状语或者独立主格。
《剑7》Test 2中,对于鸡肉这条线的描述,同学们都会描述为:鸡肉的消耗量显示出一个上升的趋势,并且在1980年超过羊肉,在1989年超过了牛肉。大部分同学第一反应的句子都是:The consumption of chicken showed an upward trend and it overtook lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989.
在这个句子中,and连接了两个并列的简单句,但两个简单句的主语是一样的,这个时候同学们就要想到分词作状语,省略其中的一个主语,这个被省略的主语和它的动词之间是主动关系。所以overtook变成现在分词的形式,那么这句话就合并为:The consumption of chicken showed an upward trend, overtaking that of lamb in 1980...
e.g.《剑8》Test 1 These causes affected different regions differently in the 1990s, with Europe having a much as 9.8% of degradation due to deforestation.
以上的这些改换句式的方式可以很好的起到避免句式重复的方式,但是如果满篇都是不同复合句的堆砌,多少会显的文章过于矫情,这个时候变换简单句就能很好的起到调节的作用。变换简单句最直接的方式就是变换主语。英文的主语不同重点也会发生变化,所以能够有效的起到避免重复的作用。最常用的变化主语就是there be句型。
e.g.《剑5》Test 1 A more dramatic rise is predicted between 2030 and 2040 in Japan.
e.g.《剑9》Test 2 This rise was particularly noticeable between 1999 and 2000.
最后一个可以当做替换主语的是常常被忽略的时间段。比如说1989到2000这一段时间内见证了一个急剧的上升,这句话就可以写成“The period of 1989 and 2000 witnessed a sharp increase.” 这样的话就可以避免了常规的“上升”句式了。