1. 明确雅思写作的性质和要求
2. 明确雅思写作训练的步骤
3. 明确思维水平与语言水平之间的关系
4. 关于雅思写作思维的三层次理论
所谓“三大层次”,指的是我们对任何一个话题,都可以从三个层次进行思考和讨论。这三个层次包括:物质(physical)层次、心理(psychological) 层次、社会(societal) 层次。物质层次指的是与我们的身体、时间、空间、金钱/成本等相关的层次,这是一种比较浅显的层次。比如看电视,从物质层次上来讲,坏处就是浪费我们的时间、电费(金钱),还可能伤害我们的眼睛(身体),但它的好处就是让我们了解各种信息等。心理层次指的是与我们心理、情感、精神等相关的层次,这是一种涉及到我们感情和思想的层次,比物质层次要深入一些。比如看电视,从心理层次上讲,坏处就是让我们养成被动接受信息不再自己思考的习惯,好处就是能陪伴我们度过空虚的时光等。社会层次指的是与我们的环境、社会、文化、道德等相关的层次,这个层次相当于脱离了与我们个人的关联,而进入到更宏大的社会之中,因此比心理层次显得更高。比如看电视,从社会层次上讲,坏处可能包括暴力节目引发犯罪、虚假广告可能误导消费者等,好处就是购买电视有利于促进国家的经济发展等。烤鸭们应该根据自己的英语表达水平来确定自己到底写哪一个或哪几个层次的内容。
5. “简单思维,自然接续”和“逻辑思维,句式灵动”
6. 提分训练不止写作练习,写作评改指导也很重要
雅思写作真题范文:Today many children spend a lot of time playing computer games and little time on sports. Why is it? Is it a positive or negative development?(今天许多孩子花很多时间玩电脑游戏,很少花时间做运动。为什么呢?它是积极的还是消极的发展?)2016年3月31日教育类雅思写作真题
Nowadays, it is common that a large number of children incline to spend more time on computer games than sports. Some people claim that it is acceptable and understandable, however, from my perspective, spending enormous time on computer games instead of sports is a negative development both for children’s growth and harmonious society. Therefore, the essay aims to explore factors influencing that unexpected phenomenon and reasons why it is a disadvantageous development.
The reasons for such a craze, come as follows. Firstly, the prosperity of Internet environment and prevalent advertisement campaign make it more convenient for cyber addicts to get access to various sorts of online games. In addition, the current students attach more importance to possess exciting experiences rather than healthy lives in order to release their study pressure, more often than not, it is computer games that meet their demands best.
Nevertheless, there seems to be some undesirable consequences under that phenomenon. To begin with, excessive use of Internet has been undermining our interpersonal relationship offline. Chances are that they are unconsciously leak their personal information by communicating with online players. That is why cyber fraud is becoming increasingly rampant there. What is worse, the addiction to playing online games, over-regraded as the virtual environment, may lead to impulsiveness and irrationality. Therefore, children are more likely to behave unethically and even commit crimes, contributing to destroy social harmony.
Another perceived disadvantage is that it is detrimental for their healthy growth. Unlike doing exercises, playing online games make kids form sedentary lifestyles, causing obesity which would induce illness, like high blood pressure and diabetes.
Consequently, spending substantial time on online game is a negative development both for the society and children’s growth. Kids are supposed to be encouraged to do more exercise to keep fit in the long run.
雅思写作真题范文:Multicultural societies, where people of different groups live together, can bring more benefits than drawbacks to a country. To what extent do you agree and disagree?(多元文化社会,不同群体的人们生活在一起,可以给国家带来更多的好处而不是缺点。你在多大程度上同意和反对
It is not uncommon in the new era that people with different nationalities and cultural background mingle together, as the globalization of economy and culture continue to become mainstream. This is an inevitable trend and I deem that it should be embraced with more optimism.
The interaction between citizens of diverse cultural backgrounds is likely to add more spice to the modern life. People coming from various countries lead quite distinct lifestyles due to different living habits and cultural heritage. The diversity of culture can bring continuous feeling of freshness and a novel, exotic experience to those who have no former access to the other cultures. Take New York for example, it is a noted metropolis renowned for its multitude of cultural complex and a bunch of cultural genres, which are the fusion of different ethnic groups’ beliefs and cultural outlooks. The residents in New York can hardly feel bored with the monotonous life because they are more accessible to a cultural melted pot.
Besides, a multicultural society is more tolerant. It is true that the openness of one country is closely related to how diverse the culture is for the reason that mutual understanding and empathy are the foundation of peaceful co-existence. Thus, the dissent is inclined to be set aside in order to gain more consensus and the society will become more open to the less dominant cultures.
As for the dark sides of multicultural trend is rather limited but still worth mentioning. One most conspicuous drawback might be the threat to the local culture, especially when other foreign cultures are too aggressive and dominant. But this problem can still be handled if some precautious measures are carried out.
To conclude, the exchange of different cultures is the unavoidable tendency and both individuals and the society as a whole can be beneficiaries.
真题范文:People’s shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factor. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(人们的购物习惯更多地取决于他们所属的年龄组,而不是其他因素。你在多大程度上同意或反对?)
One’s consumption pattern can be dictated by many factors including not only the environment where they live but also what they need in daily life. Thus, I tend to hold the view that age group is one of the many effects imposed on how people consume.
The reason why people purchase consumer products is a complicated issue but it is obvious to say that age plays a profound role in these behaviors because people in different life stages have different needs. For example, the elderly are more likely to go to grocery stores due to a more slow-paced living style, in comparison to younger generation, who are inclined to consume electronic gadgets for work or just as a tool to entertain themselves. There is an additional factor in this respect to be considered. People whose spending habits are formed to seek a sense of belonging to one group are common in society. They regard certain consumer goods as a token of their age culture so as to be recognized by peers.
However, demonstrating that age is an important factor does not mean that it is the only one that affects what people buy. Other factors such as latest fashion trend, brand images, or simply compulsoriness are accounted for purchasing behaviors. As well-designed advertising has invaded our daily life in forms of sponsorship, pop-up ads, billboard, flyers, or brochures, it is difficult to say they the public are immune to this. Commercials has the power of persuading consumers to buy what they produce nowadays regardless the practical uses. Luxury brands can be cited to illustrate this.
I therefore believe that shopping habits are the result of various elements. People need to figure out what they really need and what they can afford first before paying money.
