雅思口语的Dos and DON’Ts详解,小编家带来了雅思口语的Dos and DON’Ts详解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。
雅思口语的Dos and DON’Ts详解
你知道吗?雅思口语考试,很多考官做的就是加减法,你很自然的用英语表达了你的答案,给你加分,那是自然;但是你有没有想过,你出现的那些低级的错误或是不恰当地表达,亦或是不太合场地的行为,都会让你这些加分成为徒劳,因为这些不应该出现的错误会让你扣很多分。 如何hold住口语考试,你还需小编为大家整理的这些Ttips:
Tip 1: 重视你的趴1和趴3 其实之前也跟大家提过,作为local native的考官,在趴1中问题中的交流中,他就已经知道你是在什么样的水准上了,是6,还是6.5,他心里有数了。那么在趴2呢,你的确要把这部分的话题准备得非常充分,因为这里是考察你对问题的理解分析逻辑能力,通常我们都会提前准备过,只有少部分没有在口语题库中。其实考官们也都知道,你趴2准备过,所以在这一块,你表现好是自然的,表现不好也可能是问题太难,考官心里一直会有个数。 小编可以告诉大家一个经历,我在曾经一次考试中,我的趴2简直是到了八辈子霉运,没有准备过,我甚至没有说够一分钟,然后是考官补问了几个问题,我才补够了那个趴2回答问题的时间,但是我可以告诉你我在趴1和趴3都回答得还好,所以最后分数也还有6.5.所以大家不要轻视趴1和趴3,尽量能在我们很好准备的部分,回答得好一点让考官在趴1就给你定一个比较靠上的层次。
Tip 2: 好好准备趴2,你需要做到:新烤鸭可能还不知道,在趴2开始需要你回答以前,会给你1min准备,也就是需要你把你的答案做个提纲。这个提纲不单单是走个形式给考官看,因为他已经准备地滚瓜烂熟了这个话题。列提纲当然这个是必须的,你必须要在本子上写东西。 那么小编这里告诉大家,如何好好利用这1min。在话题那本子上,除了给你一个话题之外,你还能看到下面给你列出了几个小问题,千万不要忽视这个几个小问题,第一、你的答案必须要包括回答这些小问题,这是雅思考试中的考察项目;第二、最近雅思考试中,已经出现了,所给出的话题那是来自题库的,但是给出的这些小问题变了,那么也就意味着你所准备的答案可能需要修改,才能更好地回答曾问题。要不然你就会滔滔不绝地背完答案,然后你的分数很很低,因为你没有回答要求中的小问题啊。第三、这几个小问题,会帮你很好地理清你的思绪,你分别根据这几个小问题进行列提纲,避免出现中途忘掉答案,这些小问题就像一条线索一样,帮你很好滴理清自己答案的思绪。来看看我们的话题卡:
Tip 3: 如何自然地拓展答案—个人经历特别是在准备趴2时,往往需要你的回答有一定的时间,这个时候,我们的回答不光是要说出那些让你加分的表达,还有个问题就是你必须要让你的答案够长,有一定的篇幅啊。那么如何拓展我们的回答:第一、加入个人经历做一种描述性的回答的时候,像描述人物题,物品题,事件题,媒体题等等不同类型的题目时,加入个人经历,不管是你亲身经历,还是朋友,还是你构造的,在考试的时候,这就是你的亲身经历。雅思考试是语言应用考试,不是真的跟朋友聊天,告诉实情,不能说谎。记住,考官是不会去调查你说的是否是自己真实的事情,所以你大胆地打开脑洞,构造story,越有意思越好,当然千万不要太夸张,不能脱离现实。你不能跟他说你登录过月球,哈哈!第二、说出自己的感受之所以想让大家加入自己的感受,那是因为这是一个很主观的论述并且当你把这个东西想象在脑海里的时候,论述起来会更自在,不会存在太多逻辑上的偏差,最重要的是关于感官感受的词汇我们掌握的最多。像人物题的时候你可以谈论how do you feel,物品题可以是what does it smell/taste,媒体类的更是可以大片感受加鸡汤。 Tip 4: 如何自然地组织答案—logistic 一个人回答问题,需要你保持回答一定的长度,但是还有一个要求,就是logistic,你滔滔不绝地在那儿阐述一些没有逻辑的东西,左说说,右说说,这很容易让考官一脸问号,他到底想说什么,怎么还没听到重点。那么你的分数肯定不高。 记住,你需要有intro, body, conclusionfor example:比如一开始你需要介绍你的topic,你要去哪里玩啊,这个人是谁啊,我要买什么物品啊,然后举出你要说的points(类似于主干问题,一一回答)最后给出summary,这个旅行很棒很难忘,这个人我很敬佩,这个物品很实用我不后悔买它等等。起承转合不要求词汇得多高级,但是条理要清楚~~如果是趴2,你就跟着那几个小问题的思路展开即可。 Tip 5: 开场白你还是要有啊一开始要怎么把自己和考官引到这个topic上来,你需要一个过渡语句来让你展开最自然的论述。
简单的趴1和趴3,你可以用:as for, in terms of , when it comes to this....像趴2中,比较长的你可以用:I’m going to/I’d like to/I want to talk about...这样可以很自然的引导出你想说的topic,还有eg:I want to talk about my uncle who is good at English...I’d like to talk about the juicer I bought last summer...I’m going to talk about my trip to Thailand...
DON’Ts以上是你的加分项目,再来跟大家探讨一下你的减分项,那么不减就是加,同样可以提高咱们的口语分数,来,来看看。 Tip 1: 死背答案很多烤鸭没有时间准备口语,所以他们选择了买机经,然后背,死背下来。请问先生,这真的有效吗?等你浪费了1856的时候,我想你就知道了。
Tip 2: 趴1说太多在趴1中,大家只要保证自己能完全回答考官的问题就可以,不用罗里吧嗦地或是展开太多再那边discuss或是clarify。告诉大家,只要保持15-20秒的句子就可以了,也就是大概3-4句话。咱们回答的要点即可。考官每个问题都要打断你,也是非常尴尬的事情,以及他也会误解你没有真正理解问题,那么这就要扣分啦。但这里说的是趴1,而非趴3。
Tip 3: 趴3的回答只cover某一点跟趴1不同的就是,在趴3中不要花过多的时间在一个问题上,虽然论述中会有主次之分,但是要做到面面俱到。在趴3中,相信我,考官一般是不会打断你的,而且我也很想告诉大家,在趴3中,你回答问题长了的话,你背问到的问题就会变少,也就意味着你遇到新题,变态题的几率就会减小。所以,大家对于自己还能hold住的问题,多展开几个方面说,勇敢地有逻辑地表达自己的feel。 Tip 4: 回答问题来来回回就是那么几个boring单词当你回答考官的问题,从头至尾都用那么几个一样的词汇,一直I think, I think的,我想考官也会觉得枯燥乏味,首先你在词汇层面上就已经输了。所以告别口语单一枯燥,词汇拓展是基础。平时多多积累,口语考试的时候可以交换着用。特别是雅思口语有个很搞笑的问题,考官会问你很多类似的问题,遇到这种情况,就不会词穷了,可以用同义词来替换讲。
Tip 5: 回答得太短不管是趴1,还是趴23,你都需要回答句子,有些烤鸭对于问Do, is, are 这些开头的疑问句,就简简单单地回答yes or no.你要知道,考官要在短短的10几分钟来判断你是否有一定的掌握英语的能力在国外学习和生活,那你还不多说一点,你以为你的yes or no就可以得到考官的认可了吗?
雅思口语Part3话题范文:foreign food you ate
1.How can we encourage people to eat more healthily?
I think the best approach is to have everything in moderation … processed food won’t kill you if you only eat it occasionally … but people should also be encouraged to eat a balanced diet … try to cook fresh ingredients at home a few times a week …
2. Do you think people enjoy their food as much as they should?
I don’t know really … I suppose it’s true that people will often eat a quick snack because they’re bored not because they’re dying of hunger … and often they just bolt it down and don’t savour it … so yes … perhaps we could take more time over our food …
3. Do you think cooking is a pleasure or a chore for people who have busy lives?
Well … whether you follow a recipe or make something up as you go along … I think cooking is a very creative process … and cooking for other people is a particular pleasure … there’s nothing more satisfying than seeing people you love tucking into something you’ve cooked yourself …
4.How technology has changed the way we prepare our food these days?
Technology and digital media influence the taste, appearance and experience of food more than ever before. More consumers are thinking about how food looks, and how they can make it look, as evidenced by the huge number of photos hitting social media networks every day.This trend has helped democratise culinary creativity; we can’t all enjoy foods at top restaurants, but we can all share the inspiration for our own cooking.With the rise of apps and social media has come a rise in self-quantification, and this has entered the food domain.We can monitor our sleep and how we run, but we can monitor exactly what our food intake is as well.A lot of these gadgets and tools are helping us to decide what we are eating.
to be full up: to eat to the point that you can no longer eat any more
to be starving hungry: an exaggerated way of saying you are very hungry
to bolt something down: to eat something very quickly
to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are hungry
to eat a balanced diet: to eat the correct types and amounts of food
to eat like a horse: to eat a lot
to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions
to foot the bill: to pay the bill
a fussy eater: somebody who has their own very high standards about what to eat
to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly (when you’re in a rush)
to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy sugary food
home-cooked food: food cooked at home from individual ingredients
the main meal: the most important meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening
to make your mouth water: to make you feel very hungry for something
to play with your food: to push food around the plate to avoid eating it
processed food: commercially prepared food bought for convenience
a quick snack: to eat a small amount of food between meals
a ready meal: see ‘processed food’
a slap up meal: a large meal
to spoil your appetite: to eat something that will stop you feeling hungry when it’s meal-time.
a take away: a cooked meal prepared in a restaurant and eaten at home
to tuck into: to eat something with pleasure
to wine and dine: to entertain someone by treating them to food and drink
to work up an appetite: to do physical work that leads to you becoming hungry
雅思口语Part3话题范文:book you want to read again
1Q. How often do you read books?
Answer: Unfortunately, I don't read books very often. When I was younger my mom used to tell me stories from different books so this is the reason that I am aware of the fairytales. The only book I have read is 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer when I was 15 years old and the motivation to do that was the movie with the same name which was released in 2008. From another perspective, though, I read almost all of my books when I was at university but I was forced to do that. So I would come to the conclusion that, I don't read books in my free time but only when I have to.
Tip: You can either say that you don't or you do read books. If you are in the first category refer to the reasons why you don't do that. For example, you can say that you don't have time, many interesting books are expensive, you can't read online books because it's tiring and anything else comes to your mind.
If you are in the second category, just think of the kinds of books you have read and try to describe them in a few words. You can also include your university books.
2Q. How books can impact on a man's life?
Answer: Books are good sources of knowledge and they actually enlighten us. Reading a book is a really good and helpful way whenever you are bored or stressed out. It is preferable to me reading a book than to surfing the internet. Going further, in this way people can develop their imagination and nurture their mind and thinking skills. Moreover, there is a possibility for someone to change their view about specific things such as religious issues, gender parity, culture and so on and become more open-minded by reading books. For instance, somebody who isn't romantic may change his opinion after reading a book with a romantic story or someone who is narrow-minded and biassed may change their attitude. Finally, it's a good and effective way to practice a foreign language and this is something I did before coming to England.
3Q. Name some of the famous writers of your country?
Answer: Answer: One of the most famous English writers is JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. Her books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and were sold more than 400 million copies so far. John Milton whose poetry has been seen as the perfect poetic expression in the English language for four centuries is also from my country. Agatha Christie who is reputably known throughout the world as the "Queen of Crime" and Samuel Johnson who is known as 'arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history' are only some of the many meritorious English authors.
Tip: You can talk about a/few writer(s) of your own country who is successful and well-known even worldwide. They might be contemporary writers or might be from past centuries.
4Q. Have you ever thought about writing a book?
Answer: To be honest I haven't. My writing skills aren't so good so if I had decided to do something like that it would have been a moderate work. In fact, I wouldn't want that because I am a perfectionist. In addition, my imagination isn't that vivid to create a story myself so I would jump to the conclusion that I am not the proper person for this activity. Besides, my favourite types of books are biographies so this is the only plot that I could have written. However, I prefer sharing my personal stories and experiences with my family and friends in verbal from than written form.
Tip: You can also give a semi-negative answer by saying that you haven't written a book but you would like to and give examples and your idea about the story. You can also say that you have thought about writing a book and refer to its content. Finally, you can say that you have written a book if so give details when you wrote it, what was the story and how you were inspired to write this book.
5Q. How reading books is different from watching movies?
Answer: It is quite different indeed! While reading a book you can imagine the characters and the scenes you are reading about and adjust them to your desires. Everyone makes an image about the main characters' outer appearance, inner traits and so on and personally when I read a book I have a specific actor or actress in my mind. So, I would say that books give someone the chance to make stories based on their personality.
Movies, on the other hand, have some standards. There is the visual element which is absent in books and it can be either good or bad because in some cases watching a movie is much better than reading a book but the opposite can happen as well. Personally, I have seen movies having read the books before and some of them weren't as good as I expected.
雅思口语Part3话题范文:polite person you met
1.In your country’s culture, how do you show that you are being polite?
We really value politeness and good manners in the UK, and there are many types of polite behaviour. One of the first things we learn as children is to say "please" and "thank you". As adults, I think we are careful not to be too direct in the language we use. For example, we would never say "Bring me the bill" in a restaurant because this kind of direct instruction would sound rude. It would be much more polite to say "Could we have the bill, please?".
2.Are we less polite with members of our families than with people we don’t know?
I suppose it's normal to be a bit more relaxed about politeness with family members. Most people tend to speak in a more informal way at home; in the UK, we still say "please" and "thanks", but it's fine to use colloquial language and things like nicknames that you would never use with someone you didn't know.
3.What according to you is politeness?
Speaking Answer: According to me, it is just a way of interacting with people. Some people tend to be polite, means they speak softly and are less likely to use harsh words for others. It is for some the way that people treat others ,the way they want themselves to be treated. I agree with it. It is also about saying please, thank you and sorry whenever required.
4.Who taught you to be polite when you were a child?
Speaking Answer: I think no one actually taught me. I learnt it by seeing people around me. My mother is very polite and she talks to people very nicely, no matter what the other person is saying I don’t remember her losing her patience. She once told me, that don’t raise your voice in an argument, but rather improve your point. I have kept these things in mind and have benefited a lot because of my politeness.
5.Why is it important to be polite to people?
Speaking Answer: I think because of two simple reasons: first most people tend to react the way you talk to them. SO, if you want others to be nice to you, you have to start it by yourself. Secondly: because we all are living busy lives and it feels good when people talk nicely to each other.
6.Do you think people have become less or more polite since the time you were a child?
Speaking Answer: I believe, people have become more of open minded, less formal and more bold in making statements. So, they tend to just say as it is. But, this does not necessarily mean that they don’t respect their parents or elders. I think the problem is that people are not able to express what they feel in a better way.
7.Do you think we should be polite to those who are not being polite to us?
I remember reading somewhere that we should be pleasant to everyone, not because they’re nice, but because we are, and that “manners maketh man”. Just because someone is misbehaving doesn’t necessarily mean we should act as badly in return. There’s no point of downgrading our manners! This only makes other people look down on us. Instead, we’d better try to stay calm and courteous, even to those who don’t really deserve our politeness. And I said “try” because I know that it’s not always easy.
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