She: Have you seen the new Hannibal Lecter movie?
He: Oh, yes. You?
She: Yes. What did you think of it?
He: I thought it was better than the others --I really liked it. What did you think of it?
She: I liked it, too. It was scary, but not disgusting. Do you know what I mean?
He: Mmm. That's what I thought, too. And I always enjoy watching Anthony Hopkins.
She: Oh, yes. He's brilliant. What's the name of the young actor?
He: Uhm, Edward Norton, or something like that. Did you like him?
She: Yes. He was excellent. They worked well together, don't you think?
He: I don't know, I think the woman was better…
Conversation 2
She: A funny thing happened to me the other day.
He: Oh, yes?
She: 1 was just thinking about someone I went to school with friendly with in third grade. We used to hang out together -- he lived next door --but then my parents moved and I changed schools and never saw him again.
He: Mmm.
She: Well, I was walking down Nan Jing Dong Lu (Nan-jing E. Rd.)during my lunch break thinking about this boy. I have no idea why I was thinking about him.
He: Really?
She: Yes, and suddenly I heard someone call my name. I turned around and there was this man looking at me. I didn't recognize him at all, but he obviously knew who t was.
He: Oh yeah, that's embarrassing when that happens.
She: You got it. Well, he walked up to me and said my name again and then I realized it was the boy I had been thinking about, the one from third grade!
He: Wow, that's weird!