1. What are the advantages of living in the city?
2. What are the disadvantages of keeping a pet?
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of spending time in a foreign country?
Q1. What are the advantages of living in the city?
A1:In the city you can live a better life because there are moregreat places。
A2: Well, I suppose there are quite a few clear benefits.
First, an obvious advantage is that you can enjoy a more colorful life.
For example, the subway will bring you a lot of convenience and the shopping malls can add funto your life. Second, the city can also provide you with better educational resources. You know, the schoolsare equipped with modern facilities and qualified teachers, which enable you to get a bettereducation.
雅思口语part3答案2和答案1相比到底好在哪里呢?当然长度变长了,但更重要的是,答案2用更具象的例子把答案1中的 “a lot of great places”具体地从“购物广场”和“学校”描述。购物广场多有什么好处呢?显然更方便,学校更好有什么好处呢?当然是能收到更好的教育。这样就把一个观点拆成了两个。而在考官看来,你除了从“生活”角度进行了分析,还从“教育资源”角度进行了分析,就会给更高的分数。
对于雅思口语PART 3的问题,如果我们只有一个中心点,那么可以从这个中心点的对应面出发,寻找第二个中心点,来扩充语言。例如:生活 VS 学习,物质 VS 精神,个人 VS 社会等等。
Q2:What are the disadvantages of watchingTV?
A:Well, certain drawbacks do exist.
First, what bothers people most is that it may lead to poor health. You know, watching TVtoo long leads to a sedentary lifestyle which may increases the possibility ofgetting obesity. Exercise is necessary for maintaining a good physicalcondition.
Another big downside is that it will lower efficiency. I mean, watching TV isjust a recreational activity but it is easy to get addicted to it and itconsumes a lot of time. Plus, TV can divert your attention and sharplyreduce your work or study efficiency, that is to say, you have to spend moretime finishing your work.
Describe a successful small company.
You should say:
what it is
what it is like
how you knew it
and explain how you feel about it
The small company I would like to talk about is a business that my friend Gareth started. It’s a consulting company that helps to manage the marketing information and data for other large companies. The company also builds websites and helps to create marketing materials for companies. It’s a small company but fairly successful because it has a stable number of regular clients as well as all sorts of little side projects. There’s about 10 people in the office and the company culture is warm, friendly and energetic. I first heard about it because Gareth is my friend and he talked a lot about it as he was establishing the company, hiring employees and renovating the new office. Actually, I helped him out quite a bit at first and enjoyed watching Gareth’s idea and hard work because a successful and interesting business. I feel great to have been involved in it, and although I am now living in another city, I often talk to Gareth and he tells me about how the company is going, and shares his latest ideas with me.
1. Which would you prefer to work for, a family-run firm or bigger national company?
I’d prefer to work for a smaller family-run company. Although, in some ways they are not as prestigious, I actually think that smaller companies can offer more interesting and exciting experiences. You end doing a wider range of tasks and feeling a bit closer to the owners and managers of the company. There is a level of flexibility and warmth that you don’t really get in huge companies.
2. What are important factors in making a company successful?
There are a number of key factors that contribute to making a company successful. Firstly I think the owners, the founders or main managers need to have a sense of vision, a strong self-confidence and an ambitious personality. I also think that a company needs the right kind of employees. The managers need to have a good sense of who and who not to recruit. They also need to treat the employees well, give them fair salaries and other benefits and holidays that will ensure they will be loyal to the company and work as hard as possible.
3. What kinds of qualities should a successful businessman have?
A successful business person should, to be honest, be quite assertive, quite dominant in some ways, and know how to talk to a variety of people in the right ways. There are moments to be very dogmatic and firm, there are moments to be soft and diplomatic – a good business person should be able to gauge the different situations and adopt the correct attitude to suit what is best for the company. Being decisive is another quality that is important in a business person who wants to succeed and do well. Sometimes you have to make decisions, the best decisions possible, in a very short time – so being able to think fast, evaluate things quickly and be decisive, is very important.
4. What emerging industries do you know about at the moment?
The biggest industry that I know about right now is probably the technology field, especially AI … artificial intelligence. A lot of money is being invested in optimizing AI technology and using it in all number of different ways. Some people say that within just a decade computers will be doing most of the jobs which humans are doing today. I’m not sure if this will really happen, but it’s certainly an interesting thing to consider. Secondly, a fairly new industry is the development of renewable energy resources. Although people have been researching this for decades, it is only recently that there has been more of a drive to create alternative forms of energy and there have been some significant breakthroughs in solar power and electric and hybrid vehicles.
Describe a job you don't want to do in the future.
You should say:
what it is
where you knew it from
why you think it is difficult or easy
and explain why you don’t want to do it
There are lots of jobs that I wouldn’t want to do! But I think the worst of those would be a bus driver in a big city. I hate traffic. I really hate traffic in cities here – there are too many people, too many cars and too many bad drivers to be honest. I really do not like being in traffic here, so I cannot imagine how stressful it would be to actually be driving a bus all day long as a job. It would be my idea of a living nightmare!
I know about the job because everyone is aware of this, it’s a common profession, it’s not a strange or bizarre job. I think it’s a difficult job because it involves a massive test of one’s patience. Also, it’s tiring driving a bus all day. I actually drive a car and I find that really tiring after just an hour in this traffic, so I cannot imagine how tiring it would be to drive all day every day – especially something big like a bus – you have to pay very close attention to the road and be constantly aware of really bad drivers all around and ahead of you. I’d hate it, I really would hate it with a passion. I feel very sorry for city bus drivers, and I sincerely admire their patience!
1. What kind of job do young people prefer?
Young people like all sorts of jobs. It depends on the individual. Some people aspire to be bosses of companies, like technology companies or finance companies, others simply want a lower stress job that pays just okay. Other people want to start their own companies. Pretty much like any country, young people in China aspire to do lots of different things. There are all types of different young people with different skills, abilities and ambitions.
2. Which do you prefer, physical work or mental work?
I usually prefer mental work. I enjoy using my mind and if I am doing a job or a task which doesn’t require using my mind, then I tend to get very bored, frustrated and even depressed. My mind must be kept active most of the time. However, sometimes doing a physical task can be quite rewarding as well. It tires you out in a different way and gives you a good appetite too.
3. What factors should people consider when choosing jobs?
When choosing a job, we have to consider a few basic things. Firstly, whether we are capable of doing the job. It must be something that we are qualified and capable of actually doing. This sounds obvious but it’s true, some people don’t really think enough about their abilities and how they match, or do not match, a job they might want to do.
Secondly, it should be a job with some career development, I think, and one which we enjoy, to a certain extent anyway. I think these are the basic “rules” about how to approach choosing a job.
4. Which is more important when choosing a job, interest or salary?
Well, both are important, and it really also depends on your personal needs. Some people need a higher salary for a reason. I mean, some people really need the money, and others might not need the money as a top priority. So, in an ideal world, interest would be the most important factor, but in the real world, well, maybe the salary is the most important thing. Because that is why we work, to earn money!
5. Do you think it normal to move to another city for work? Why?
It’s very normal, yes, everyone does it. Most people move to a big city to find work because there are more work opportunities, often better facilities in terms of education, culture and all sorts.