雅思口语part2答题套路步骤1. 选定母题
游戏 运动健身 文学 阅读 美食 动漫 汽车摄影 历史 旅行 足球 篮球 音乐 电影 购物 社交 宠物(大家可以补充)
雅思口语part2答题套路步骤2. 代入角色
你将进入一个彻底的猫奴的躯体,用这种角色的视角来重构一个理想的猫世界。我自己的猫主子,我新结识的猫奴朋友,我敬仰的动物救助者,成功的宠物医院经营者,童年被猫咬的有趣经历,新生的小猫作为礼物送给他人,甚至包括我品尝的外国食物(某种猫粮),有趣的以猫为主题的咖啡馆,迷人的以猫闻名的城市,乃至一条奇怪的校规——不许带宠物进学校。其他母题类似操作。 此处脑洞很重要。
雅思口语part2答题套路步骤3. 准备好基本词汇
我能想到的一点:猫奴cat slave 主子 my owner 猫奴圈子 cat lover group 撸猫:petting the cat 如厕训练:potty training 梳理:groom 猫抓板:scratch board
pee/poop/puke on a sofa/carpet… 晚上活跃 active in the night
掉毛:to shed hair 喜欢黏着: love to cuddle 猫厕所 sand pot
Cats are not assholes. They just have a big personality and they pretty much do what they want.
If you pet them right at the young age they behave very nicely afterwards. You just have to show them whats right and whats not while they are kittens.
Older pets do not handle new arrivals well.
雅思口语part2答题套路步骤4. 构思故事线
基本词汇:购物狂:Shopaholic 刷爆信用卡:max out 拜金主义:money worship 促销promotion 打折 discount 特卖 for sail 新品 new arrival 等等…
雅思口语part2答题套路步骤 5. 打磨故事线
一个老外→一个超喜欢在中国网购的老外 一个休闲的地方→必须是可治愈疲惫的购物场
一个发明→ 必须得说淘宝网 身边人好决定→朋友果断下决定拯救了我的冲动消费
雅思口语part2答题套路步骤6. 叙事体系初成
1. What do you usually do on weekends?
On weekends I do a variety of things. I rest, I read, I go out with friends to a park or go to the cinema. Occasionally I go have dinner in a restaurant – there are lots of new restaurants opening up in my city so I often go with a group of friends to a restaurant, usually a hotpot restaurant. I like eating out with friends and family – it’s a popular communal activity in my country, actually.
2. Would you say weekends are important to us?
I think they’re very important. It’s when we get time to spend with family and friends and kick back and relax and forget about work or the hassles of daily life. Weekends are when we can wind down, recharge our batteries and relax a bit after a working week. I think everyone should have free weekends.
3. Do you often go to the cinema on weekends?
From time to time, depending on what’s on. I wouldn’t say I go that often, perhaps once every couple of months. But when I do go I enjoy it immensely. I love seeing a film on the big screen and eating popcorn and maybe going to dinner afterwards and discussing the movie with my friends.
4. What do you plan to do for next weekend?
I have no plans next weekend. In fact, I’ve got some work to catch up on so I will work half of the time and the other half of the time I’ll do odd jobs around the house, run some errands in town and then just get an early night. These days I don’t go out much on weekends really. It’s been a busy few months for me and I’ve got all sorts of random things to do by the time the weekend comes around.
Describe a piece of good news you received.
You should say:
When you received it
Where you received it
What the news was about
And explain how you felt about it after you received it
Some good news that I got recently was the news that my grandmother had recovered from a fairly serious illness. She has been ill, on and off, for a number of years, but this time she was really sick. I do not know exactly what the medical problem was, but it was quite serious and she had to be admitted to hospital for over a week. I was really worried because she’s pretty old, and as we all know, the older you are, the more difficult it is to deal with serious illness and the harder it is to make a good, speedy recovery. Anyway, after a week or so, she had an operation, and the doctors called us to inform us that it had gone really well and she had healed better than expected, and she was allowed to come home. This was great news and I felt massively relieved too, because, if I’m honest, there was a point when I thought she might die. So, it was a big day when we received this news and it made me really happy. We prepared a big meal and organized and cleaned the house, and made it as cozy as possible for her return. I think hearing the news of a family member’s recovery is probably one of the best types of good news a person can receive. Apart from maybe getting your final exam results and discovering you’ve done really well and can get into the university you wanted to get into! That’s also a very common piece of great news that people are elated to receive too, I guess.
1. When do companies should publicize new information to the public?
Companies usually publicise new information when they have a new product out. They usually do some kind of press release or something like that. It’s important that companies maintain a good relationship with the press and media and whenever there is a big change, like an IPO or a new product launch, or a take-over or a new CEO or something like this, they usually make some kind of external announcement to the public. Usually in the form of a press conference, an article in a newspaper or even a TV presentation. Apple are quite famous for giving quite big conferences before the launch of the latest model of iPhone or another key product, for example. This is what a lot of big companies usually do today.
2. When do we share good news with friends?
People often share good news with friends through a variety of means. It really depends entirely what kind of good news it is, when it comes and who it involves. Some good news is communicated by text message, some good news by a phone call. Other people, for example, if they are going to get married or something major like that, might actually arrange a big dinner with friends or family and then make a more formal announcement at that dinner – almost as a sort of surprise. This sometimes happens, too. So, it entirely depends on the kind of good news that we’re talking about, and how it affects the individuals in question.
3. How would you like to receive good news?
Again, it depends on the news. I’m a fairly laid-back person so frankly I don’t really stand on ceremony much – I’m happy to receive good news by phone, or by text, but generally I prefer to hear some really good news, especially if it’s sentimental or romantic, face-to-face. Like for example when my friend announced his engagement – he told me in person when we were walking in the park after lunch. It was a nice setting to hear such good news and it was quite touching, especially as it was a really sunny day and a beautiful park too. So, I guess if I was made to decide, I’d say that I prefer to receive particularly special good news face-to-face, in person.
4. Should companies release news online or in a real press conference?
Companies should ideally do both, as far as I’m aware. It’s not a subject I know an awful lot about really, because I don’t really follow much business and tech news, but I think that most companies often do both. They have some quite fancy and elaborate press conferences and events, as well as sometimes huge promotions on and offline. I think there is a lot of competition these days, too, which means that companies are increasingly aware that they have to have a range of marketing activities to keep their brand name high profile in potential customers minds. Press conferences are important because that’s when lots of journalists from key media outlets are invited and then those journalists go off and write articles, accompanied by high quality photos, and that helps to promote a company’s activities and new developments to the general public.
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