托福口语低分原因汇总 来看看你中了几条?
很多人完全不清楚独立题是否可以准备,以及如何准备,面对综合题目的一分钟复述,要不要记笔记,如何记笔记,要说出哪些信息、以何种顺序、以及是否要在一分钟内完成,这些基本概念也都非常模糊 ; 还有一个常见的掩耳盗铃的错误是,即便托福口语考试对每道题目的答题时间都进行了限制 ( 45 秒和 60 秒 ) ,很多同学在练习时,依旧不敢或不屑于开计时器,对于语速和时间的把控感很弱,这些错误的理念和练习方法只会让你南辕北辙,离高分越来越远。
独立题的现场 15 秒准备,对大部分同学而言,是很恐怖的大脑断片儿的前奏,所以,要保证现场高品质的输出,一定要在考前搭建自己的专属语料库,考场上的 15 秒准备时间,是用来将题目和你的语料库进行检索和信息匹配用的,而不是寄希望于有太多不确定性的临场发挥。
To teach old people to use the computer in the community, which do you think is better? To find a professional to teach them outside, or to find a student to teach them at home?
Sample Response
If an older person wants help learning to use a computer, it is better to find a professional teacher.
An experienced teacher has the specialized knowledge to answer all types of questions that the student might have. He or she can explain about different types of computers and related products.
In addition, teachers are experienced inpresenting information so that it is understandable. They will not get frustrated trying to explain the same thing in different ways.
A professional teacher with a solid understanding about computers who can explain things clearly is the best choice to teach an older person.
To teach old people to use the computer in the community, which do you think is better? To find a professional to teach them outside, or to find a student to teach them at home? Sample Response
If an older person wants help learning to use a computer, it is better to find a professional teacher.
An experienced teacher has the specialized knowledge to answer all types of questions that the student might have. He or she can explain about different types of computers and related products.
In addition, teachers are experienced inpresenting information so that it is understandable. They will not get frustrated trying to explain the same thing in different ways.
A professional teacher with a solid understanding about computers who can explain things clearly is the best choice to teach an older person.
Some supermarkets start to charge for the use of plastic shopping bags. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this.
Sample Response
There are advantages and disadvantages to the policy of charging customers for plastic bags at supermarkets.
One advantage is that it limits the use of bags to those that the customers really need. People may reuse them or bring their own bags. The policy does not waste as many valuable natural resources.
On the other hand, charging for bags can cause frustration. For example, if customers overpack the food to save money, delicate foods can be damaged.
Therefore, supermarkets that want to charge for the use of plastic shopping bags need to consider the positive and negative aspects of the policy.
★ 英语学习
★ 雅思难还是托福难