学习资料库 > 英语资料 > 英语口语 > 学习方法 > 详解托福综合口语TASK2出题思路和常见提问方式







形式:Campus-relatedIssue and Students’Attitude

此题目为综合口语部分的第一道题,分别有阅读,听力和口语三个部分组成,阅读为校方通知或者为学生的公开信,听力为学生对话讨论他们在学校里遇到的相关问题, 对校方通知或者公开信表达他们的观点,即赞同或者反对,并且会给出详细理由。


1. An announcement 大学校方通知,学校的规定 (policy)/计划(plan)

2. An open letter 学生公开信, 学生针对某个问题的提议(proposal)


--Listening (学生讨论大约1分钟)




--Speaking (准备时间30秒,陈述时间60秒)



Question: The man/woman expresses his/her opinion of Reading Passage.State his/her opinion and explain the reason he/she gives for holding this opinion.


由于阅读部分是有两种类型大学校方通知或布告(announcement/notice)和学生公开信或提议(openletter/proposal), 听力部分有同意和不同意两种情况,那么此题目就分为4大类别,分别为:

1. 阅读材料为通知或布告,听力材料学生讨论的观点为同意

2. 阅读材料为通知或布告,听力材料学生讨论的观点为不同意

3. 阅读材料为学生公开信或提议,听力材料学生讨论的观点为同意

4. 阅读材料为学生公开信或提议,听力材料学生讨论的观点为不同意


Describe a difficulty you once met and explain how you overcame it.

Well,when I was in high school,my math teacher was so boring that every time I was having her class,I would fall asleep.Since I've lost my interest.I couldn't do well in it.Definitely(副词强调)that's the hardship I have met before. (主题段)

To solve this problem,I come tomy ladybro Jessie who is a pretty smart person for help.She can always helps me copy with the problems in a much easier and more efficient way.For example,when I come across any Math problem, I'm gonna go to her for help directly(副词x2).And she will nail everything down within 10 mins which(必备从句) often takes me around half an hour,and it usually makes me save a lot of time.(段子-合作/朋友篇)


也可以说bff (Best Friend Forever)

copy with=处理

come across=遇到


nail down=确定


1.Describe one way of study you have that is different from others.

2.Agree or disagree that it is good to study with friends?

3.When you have a lot of homework to deal with ,describe one way you would do to have them finished on time.

4.What kind of personality do you admire the most?Creativity,courage or intelligence?

5.If one of your friends is about to study math,what suggestion do you have?

6.Describe a subject you want to do well in the future.

7.Describe a subject that you think is very important but you are not interested in.


Your friend is considering getting a new pet. What kind of animal would you suggest and why?

Well, I would suggest my friend raise a dog for the following two reasons. First of all, raising a dog you would have a companion and would not feel lonely. Dogs love spending time with their masters. They play with you or just snuggle on the couch while you are watching TV. You will feel happy to have your loyal partner around you at all times. Second, raising a dog motivate you to do more exercises. Walks in the park, hiking in the woods are the things dogs love to do with their owners. It greatly promotes your health since you are doing exercise outdoor while you are walking your dogs.

More information

You’ll feel less stressed.

There have been lots of studies that have shown how dogs decrease stress levels. Petting your dog, playing with your dog, and simply watching your dog can reduce your stress each day. Research shows that dog ownership reduces stress hormones and the effects usually outweigh the stress caused by caring for a dog.

Your social life may improve.

Not only does walking your dog help you to get exercise, it might also help you get a date. People are more likely to stop and talk with you when you’re walking a dog. Going to the dog park or taking your dogs to run errands can also lead to strangers striking up conversations with you about your dog.

You’ll feel safer.

Dogs can be an effective home security system. Studies show that barking dogs deter burglars. Just knowing that you’ve got a dog who can use its keen sense of hearing to detect anyone prowling around can help increase your sense of security, which is good for both your mental and physical health.



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