
“The speaker is fairly fluent and easy to comprehend. However, there is some hesitancy or choppiness, which seems to occur as she searches for ideas and do not because of linguistic breakdown. In this response, the speaker has more difficulty using effective pause structure. She has a tendency to complete one thought and immediately begin the next, without pausing in between. At times she then stops and restarts the next idea, giving a somewhat rambling quality to the response. Minor but systematic grammatical errors occur but do not interfere with overall comprehensibility. The speaker states the woman’s problem clearly and with ease. Despite minor grammatical errors, she supports her opinion with fairly sophisticated reason.”
这段点评对广大考生极具参考价值,它告诉了我们如何在自己发音及语言组织能力还有欠缺的情况下依旧取得高分。这是对一篇high level的回答做出的点评。我们从评论中不难看出,考官对于这段口语还是心存不满的,但是最终还是给了一个较高的分数。
1. 流利程度。流利与否是第一项评分点。流利不仅仅是指我们的在回答过程中是不是出现了长时间的break或者是无话可说,同时也要求考生不要一直不停地重复同一个词(这是一个非常常见的现象)甚至是重复刚才说的短语、句子。
2. 逻辑性。与写作一样,口语的回答也需要条理清晰,并且在说的时候要通过一些关联词将你听到的内容进行整理复述,使得听这段口语的人能够很容易就明白了你讲的是什么,这样就想他传达了一个强烈的信号:我听懂了。在上面这段文字中,ETS的考官向我们推荐了一个方法“pause structure”,即在回答完一个内容的时候做一个小小的停顿,告诉听者,下一个内容/观点要开始了。这样就可以弥补回答中逻辑词的发音不准或者是误用、漏用带来的失分。
准确性:综合口语考察的一个重点就是考试是不是能够准确、完整地复述出conversation或lecture中的内容。这就是中国考生在综合口语中最大的失分原因。通过对点评的解读,不难发现,我们需要做的就是“state … clearly and with ease”。只要做到了这点,把题目要求你复述的内同清晰并以一种简单的方式说出来了,那么尽管你的回答中存在一些小小的语法错误(despite minor grammatical errors…),也不会影响取得高分。
1. Describe a celebration, public event or moment that is most impressive to you.Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
2. Describe a ceremony or public event that you attended. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
3. Describe a challenging experience you had and how you overcame that challenge.Include reasons and examples to support your response.
4. Describe a disappointing event or experience in your life. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
5. Describe a leisure activity you often do in your spare time. Explain why you often do it. Please include reasons and examples to support your response.
6. Describe a memorable event that you experienced with you families or friends. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
7. Describe a memorial you attended. Explain why it was important to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
8. Describe a social or political event celebrated in your country. Explain how people in your country celebrate it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
9. Describe a successful event in your life. Explain how you made it. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
10. Describe the most enjoyable event in your childhood. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
11. Describe an activity you enjoyed most when you were a child. Explain why you enjoyed this activity most. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
12. Describe an experience that you worked well with others. Explain why that experience is important to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.
13. Describe an important experience you had recently. Explain why this experience was important to you. Include reasons and details to support your response.
14. Describe the most enjoyable event that happened in your school. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
15. Describe the most surprising event your friends did for you. Explain why it was memorable to you. Include reasons and examples in your response.
16. If you could do one thing for your community, what would you do and why? Include reasons and examples to support your response.
17. What do you do to keep yourself healthy? Explains why it is more important for you?Please include reasons and details in you explanation.
18. What is your favorite way to relax yourself? Explain why you like to use this way to relax yourself. Include reasons and details to support your response.
1. Some people think that TV plays a positive role in the modern society. Others think that TV plays a negative role in the modern society. What is your opinion and why?Include details and examples in your explanation.
2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should not be allowed to take their cell phones into classrooms. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Cell phone should be forbidden in some places. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
4. Some people prefer to keep in touch with their family members and friends by letters and e-mail. Others prefer to keep in touch with their family members and friends by telephone. Which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
5. Some people believe that modern technology has made our lives simpler. Others believe that modern technology has made our lives more complicated. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.
1. How are you doing? 你好吗?
美国人见面时候最常用的打招呼方式就是, "Hey! Howare you doing?" 或是 "How are you?" 不然 "How'sgoing?" 也很常见. 我觉得这种每天跟别人打招呼的习惯, 就是跟美国友人建立良好关系的开始. 很多人都觉得美国人很冷漠, 不跟自己打招呼, 但自己又何尝不是对美国友人很冷漠呢? 关于更多打招呼之间的应对, 请参照笔记本专题篇.
2. What's up? 什么事?
"What's up?" 也是很常用的一种打招呼方式. 比方说 Bob 在路上看到我跟我说 "Hey! " 那我通常就会答说 "Hi! Bob. What's up?" 这就是问对方近来怎样, 有什么事吗? 通常如果没什么事人家就会说 "Notmuch." 不过还有一种情况也很常见, 你先跟人家说 "Hey! What's up?" 那别人也不说 "Not much", 反而反问一句, "What's up?" 所以 "What's up?" 已经变成有点 Hello! 的味道在里面了.
"What's up?" 也常被用来问人家有什么事? 例如有人登门拜访, 你就会说 "What's up?" 到底有何贵干啊? 总之 "What's up?" 在美国应用的很广, 各位一定要熟记才是.
我有一个从南非来的朋友 David, 他对于我的笔记本提供了很多的帮忙和建议. 他说在南非的打招呼方式是 "How zit?" 这是从 "How's it?" 衍生变化而来. 所以同样是讲英文的国家, 打招呼的方式也有很大的不同.
3. Could you do me a favor? 能不能帮我一个忙?
人是不能独自一个人活的, 需要别人帮忙的地方总是很多, 所以我就会常讲, "Could you do me afavor?" 或是 "Could you give me a hand?" 这算是比较正式而礼貌的讲法. 有时候要请别人帮忙还不太好意思说, 我就会说 Could you do me a little favor? 能不能帮我一个小忙? 其实也许是帮大忙但也要先讲成小忙, 先让对方点头才是. (注意一下这里用 could you 会比 can you 来的客气一点.)
另外, "Can you help me?" 也很常见, 通常比如说我们去买东西, 可是店员自己在聊天, 我就会说, "Canyou help me?" (其实正常来说, 应该是他们主动会问 "Can I help you?" 或是 "May I help you?" 才对, 但有时实在等不急了, 就直接先问了 "Can you help me?"
4. What are you studying? 你主修什么的?
通常老美一听我是学生, 都会很自然地问, "What are you studying?" 其实这样的问法就是问你 "What's your major?" 但他们比较喜欢说 "What are you studying?" 如果说你遇见一个人, 你也不确定他是不是学生, 我们通常会问, "What do you do for living?" 你是作什么工作的? 或是简单地问, "What doyou do?" 一般不会说成 "What's your job? "
5. Where are you going? 你要去哪啊?
通常走在路上遇到好朋友, 除了打招呼之外, 我都还会问 "Where are you going?" 虽然刚来美国时我只听得懂自己的问题, 却听不懂对方的回答, 但是我还是佷喜欢问. 原因无它, 听久了自然就会了. 另外老美也很喜欢用 heading 这个字来代替 going. 所以你也可以问 "Where are you heading?" 同样都是你上哪去的意思.
6. What's your favorite ice cream? 你最喜欢的冰淇淋是什么?
这句话通常是当我遇到陌生人时, 又想不到其它话题的时候会最先想到的一句话. 试想二个人如果有共同的兴趣和嗜好是不是就很容易成为好朋友呢? 所以我就常问人家, "What's your favorite movie? Who's yourfavorite movie star?" 总之 favorite 之后可以接任何你有兴趣的话题.
Favorite 这个字很好用, 如果这句话你不用 favorite 的话, 就会变成 "What kind of ice cream do youlike the most?" 听来是不是很冗长? 还有一点值得一提, 比如我要回答, 我最喜欢香草冰淇淋, 再来是巧克力要怎么说? 那就是 "Vanilla is my favorite flavor and chocolate is my second favorite."
7. What color is your car? What's the color of your car? 你的车子是什么颜色.
个人觉得 What 后面接一个名词这样的问句好用的很, 可是不知道为什么刚来美国的人似乎对这样的问法都不太熟悉. 同样的句子我就曾说过, "What kind of color does your car have?" 听来是没错, 但我跟你保证老美绝不会这样问的啦! 他们就是 "What color is your car?" 有时候就乾脆只说 "What color?" 就完事了.
让我们再来练习几句, "What year is your car?" 问你的车是几年份的? "What area do you live?" 问你是住哪一区的. 同样的 How 后接一个形容词也很常用, 例如 "How big is your dog?" 你的狗有多大?
8. What's going on? 发生了什么事?
比如说你要用电脑, 可是不知为什么无法开机, 你就可以说. "Hey, What's going on?" 虽然这句就完全等于 "What happened?" 或是 "What's up with that?" 但是老美还是比较比喜欢说 "What's going on?" , 又比如人家问你说, "Why is our oven broken?" 你就可以推的一干二净地说. "I don't know what'sgoing on." (我不知发生了什么事)
9. How come? 为什么? (怎么会这样?)
How come 的用法大部份就等于 why 但是它的用法没有像 why 那么广, 它通常是用在你觉得奇怪, 而问为什么的时候, 比如说有人早上一大早要去 supermarket 你就会问他. "How come?" 另外, 当别人问你一个问题, 而你不想回答时可以说 "How come?" 相当于, "Why do you ask that?" 也就是说 "It's none ofyour business! "
虽然 how come 跟 why 的用法上差不多, 但二者的问法不同, 例如上句, "Why is our oven broken?" 换成 how come 的话, 要说成, "How come our oven is broken?" 注意一下, 这二句的 be 动词位置是不一样的.
10. You want to go to see a movie? 你要去看电影吗?
这样的句子看似不合文法, 但却是老美天天在用的句子. 他们有时候要说一个问句, 就直接把肯定句的尾音提高就成了疑问句. 其实正确的说法应该是, "Do you want to go to see a movie?" 但可能是太冗长了点, 所以老美才会直接说 "You want to go to see a movie?"
另外, 更口语的说法应该是 "You wanna go to see a movie?" 因为在口语中他们常会把 want to 省略成 wanna. 或是把 going to 省略成 gonna. 所以这句话也可以讲成 "Are you gonna see a movie?"
11. Anybody needs a fork? 有没有人要叉子的啊?
以前老师都教说英文中的问句只有 W-H 问句. 其实不然, 我发觉还有很多种问句, 例如这个我自己称它是anybody 问句. 例如有一次我们出去玩, 一下车, 有一个老美就问说有没有人要去上厕所, 我记得很清楚她是怎么说的, "Anybody has to pee?" 是不是简单易懂?
也有很多的问句是用 Any 开头的, 例如 "Any volunteer?" 有没有志愿的啊? 或是 "Any luck today?" 今天运气好不好啊?