

托福口语有不少题目和写作的独立作文要求相似,都需要考生选择立场论证观点。今天小编给大家带来了托福口语常考话题万能例子整理分享 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



There’s no trees, no grass in my community. It's very bare. So I have decided to give several hours each month to plant trees and grass in my community. After several years, there will be a lot of trees and grass in my community. It's very charming environment. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when sun is setting down and birds in the trees are singing. Second, Air pollution and noisy pollution are serious in my community. Planting trees and grass can reduce pollution.


Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work. Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension.


Music is also the best way to help me escape stress and trouble. You know, stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one. When I am listening music, I can forget all the difficulties of stress life.


To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with others is important to our success.


1、X.X.X can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so on.Through X.X.X, the adults can feel easy and happy.

2、Besides, …is my way of releasing my pressure. I mean, nowadays people are under a lot of pressure from work and life. So they have to do something to relax their mind. When I under much pressure, I read the travelling guide. I regard it as relaxation, for it’s amusing and attractive pictures……I will feel very relaxed and comfortable while reading it.


Playing games can be helpful to develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are the key qualities needed in our daily lives.


We can help each other. We I fall in trouble, I can get help from my companion in time. The most important is that my companion can provide me some useful advice to avoid some accidents.


1、If I could create a new holiday to honor a person, I would honor Edison. He is one of the greatest inventors that I respect. He is very brilliant. You know, he invented thousands of useful products, such as light bulb, phonograph, storage battery, telegraph system and so on. Without light bulb, we maybe live in a dark world at night. He has done great contribution to human.

2、If I could meet a famous athlete, I would choose to meet Yao Ming. Firstly, he is an excellent angel for china. In a sense, he brings the beautiful aspects of China into the world. Second, he is very nice and funny. in interviews you can see his good characteristics. He is always good temper. He seldom was angry for little thing. Furthermore, recently, he subscribes amount of money for SARS research. He has set a perfect example for all young people, both in china and the rest of the world.


1、I think, he should go Su Zhou Park. It has very beautiful environment. There are lots of trees, grass and fresh air. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when you are tired. Around the park, there are many famous restaurants that offer the best food in the China. The most important, is that the people in city are very nice and friendly. When the foreigner needs help, they would like to help him. Thus, I strongly recommend that foreign visitors should visit Su Zhou Park.

2、X.X is a full of breathtaking views. There’re verdant trees, blooming flowers and carpets of green grass. Take a casual walk, start some sweet chat and fresh air will get us refreshed. roam on the sidewalk, watch the water ripples in the lake, frolic near the artificial hill, sit on bench and enjoy the cool in summer. I can relax myself, and breath the flesh air or clear my mind。


1、I like honest people because they are easier to deal with. They open their heart to you, you feel safe to confide your problems to them, and they always offer their true opinion for your good.

2、The person who I admire should be good tempered. They hardly get annoyed and they smile to everybody. I is easy for them to forgive others.


1、…enable me to make friends. By exchanging our opinions, our friendship will get deeper. With communication, I could learn how to discuss, how to persuade, how to negotiate, and how to compromise.

2、It could be a great chance for us to make friends. You know ,I mean that you can meet many kind of people and learn many thing from them and even find bosom friends among them.


1、sense of achievement. boost my confidence. proud of myself. since then, I have the solid belief in myself that all difficulties, troubles and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.

2、It could be a great achievement for me. After that , I will not be afraid of difficult and challenges would be just a piece of cake to me.

托福口语第3题总结 校园事物议论题

ask3 校园事物议论题


The announcement from the university newspaper says the school is going to add computer classes in the evening. There are two reasons. Firstly, the students numbers are increasing rapidly, Secondly there are limited seats in the computer lab. The man disagrees with this new policy. He has two reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that the students have full classes in the daytime, and they want to live personal life in the evening. The second reason is the school must pay the professors extra money for working beyond the regular hours, with that money the school can afford additional computers to meet all the students’ requirement. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.


The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to close the art gallery and redecorate it into office building. There are two reasons. Firstly, art majors take advantage of the art gallery only occasionally. Secondly, less than half of the students visit the exhibition. The man disagrees with this new policy. He has two reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is art majors take the chance of exhibiting in the art gallery seriously, they won’t send works to the exhibition until everything is perfect. The second reason is the school publicity of the exhibition is late and inaccurate. There were quite a few time when the school newspaper would introduce the information of new exhibition.


The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to build off campus apartment. There are two benefits. Firstly, it can save limited campus areas and leave more space for students’ activities. Secondly, it increases students’ daily communications with local community. The woman disagrees with this new policy. She has two reasons for holding her opinion. The first reason is that if the students don’t live on campus, they will drive to campus, thus they need more parking spaces. The second reason is by doing this, the students will lose the chance to participate in the school activities, after all, school activities are more important than social contact. So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.


The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to postpone the school union election. There are two reasons. Firstly, many students are involved with finals and graduations in May. Secondly, new students are coming in September, they can vote for their favorite candidates. The man disagrees with this new policy. He has two reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that in September, they are equally busy, they have to select new courses, talk to professors and find new apartment. The second reason is the first year students’ No 1 issue is becoming familiar with the new environment, they are not familiar with the election candidates. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.


The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to renovate the students’ dormitory. Because the lodging rate of students’ dormitory has dropped 20 percent since last year, and many students keep moving out of the dormitory. The woman disagrees with this new policy. She has two reasons for holding her opinion. The first reason is that the whole renovations will last 2 years, and during this time, it will make a lot of noise, thus the students will be driven to move out. The second reason is the dormitory fee will increase soon after the dormitory is built because of the worker salary, new materials and new furniture. So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.


The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to implement online library service. There are several purposes. By doing this, registered students can log into their personal accounts and view digital versions of book online. The man agrees with this new policy. He has three reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that by doing this, the school doesn’t need to spend millions of money rebuilding the library. The second reason is it is cheaper and faster than the traditional one. The third reason is there are new desk tops in the living room of dormitories , thus the students can access to the reference without any procedure and trouble. So that’s why the man agrees with the new policy.


The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to expand its broadcasting. There are two benefits. Firstly, by doing this, more students would enjoy listening to the school radio. Secondly, the school can make more money by casting commercial advertisement. The woman agrees with this new policy. She has two reasons for holding her opinion. The first reason is that by doing this, it can not only broadcast the academic news but also diversify the channel of information, which can help us find job. The second reason is once the school makes money from the commercial, this money will be used to do research and set up the scholarship. So that’s why the woman disagrees with the new policy.

1 credits

The announcement from university newspaper says that the university has decided best undergraduate students can attend the course of graduate school and their credits can be taken into grad study in order to encourage more students to learn the grad course in this college. The man disagrees with this new policy. He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that if the undergraduate students take part in the seminar class, the class will be so large and harmful to everyone. The second reason is the students should change a university to study further, thus they can know new teachers and classmates and have a new experience. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

2 cafeteria

The announcement from university newspaper says that the university is going to improve the cafeteria. There are two policys. Firstly, the old cafeteria will improve their quality through bringing in another cafeteria. Secondly, the university will force the cafeteria to improve the quality in limited days. The man disagrees with this new policy. He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that there is no room for another cafeteria. The second reason is the time is so short for the cafeteria to improve the quality. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

3 computer class

The announcement from university newspaper says that the university is going to set up computer classes in the evening. There are several reasons. Firstly, there are two many students who choose the computer classes in the morning. Secondly, the computers are not enough. The man disagrees with this new policy. He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that many students may not choose the evening class, because they are busy in the activities, such as going to club and social activities. The second reason is it must pay the teacher extra wage, and it is better to buy more computers. The third reason is the computer room is large enough to place more computers. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

155 activity of protecting environment

The letter from professor says that the university should terminate recycle program, because the students do not pay attention to it and it’s a waste of money. The man disagrees with this new policy. He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that the university did not emphasize this program and the students didn’t know where the recycle sites were. The second reason is this program is supported by the city government, not the school, so this policy won’t save money for the university. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

149 computer class

The letter from professor says that the university should set up the computer classes and teach more computer knowledge, because he didn’t master the computer skills when he graduated from the university 25 yeas ago. The man disagrees with this new policy. He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that it is common to use computer, even in English class, so it is possible that almost everyone has master the computer skills and it’s a waste of money for the university to set up the class. The second reason is students who don’t master computer skills can learn them in the computer training organization after graduation. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

The announcement from university newspaper says the school is going to ___. There are two reasons. Firstly, ___. Secondly, ___.The man disagrees with this new policy. He has two reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that __.The second reason is __. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

The letter from the professor says that the university should ___. There are several reasons. Firstly, ___. Secondly, ___. The man disagrees with this new policy. He gives a couple of reasons for holding his opinion. The first reason is that ___. The second reason is___. So that’s why the man disagrees with the new policy.

托福口语第4题总结 课文主题与教授举例题



In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a theory, false consensus effect, which means when people work with others, they tend to believe others agree with what they believe and act. In this lecture, the professor uses one example to explain this theory. The example is about a recent research. In a crowded but quiet room, some students would discuss loudly, but others would not. Then these students were divided to two opposite groups, the first group who would discuss loudly thought others would talk loudly too, the second group who would keep silent thought most of the students would stand with them. So, people tend to think others would have similar points of view.


In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a definition, diffusion of responsibility, which means that people don’t want to help those who need help if there are many people seeing this. In the lecture, the professor uses two examples to explain this definition. The first example is driving on the high way during the heavy traffic, though many people want help the driver who has an accident, only a few will do, because they think other people will do this. The second example is driving on the country road in an early morning when there are a few cars in sight, and you will help people in trouble, because you think you are the only person who can help him under the very circumstance.


In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a principle, self- fulfilling prophecy, which means that if we make a prediction, we tend to change our activity and make our prediction true. In the lecture, the professor uses one example to explain this definition. The example is about a research in North America, some students were selected from some primary school across the country, they were as normal as other students, but their educators were instructed that they were the top students in the country and they should be educated as geniuses, so the teachers always praised and encouraged them. Five years later, the researchers found these students had higher IQ than other students.

11.3 marketing

In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a principle, buyer’s remorse, which means that after customers buy an expensive item, they will remorse. In the lecture, the professor uses one example to explain this principle. The example is from the professor’s experience. The professor bought a car last year because he thought it was pretty good, after a week, he thought he made a quick decision. Fortunately, a salesman called him to celebrate his right decision, and the salesman’s daughter bought the same car and loved it, the car had won a lot of prize for her. After that, the salesman sent mail regularly to ask his complaints and feedback, thus the professor felt better.


In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces two principles to increase a speaker’s credibility, which means that the speaker should be professional and contact with the audience for at least 3 seconds. In the lecture, the professor uses one example to explain the principles. The example is about Mr. Jancson, he was the candidate of the president in the twentieth century. He established himself as an esteemed expert in finance before going into politics, thus, when he talked finance, people thought he was professional. He improved his speech by memorizing what he was going to talk about, thus he could contact with the audiences’ eyes. As a result, he became even more popular and won the election at last.


In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a principle word framing, which means that different but logically equal words cause individuals to change their decisions. In the lecture, the professor uses two examples to explain this principle. The first example is about the weather forecast. If the weather is forecasted to be cloudy, and there are 50% possibilities of rain, people will take umbrella with them, if there are 50% possibilities of sunshine, people won’t prepare for rain. The second example is about the advertisement language. People prefer buying the medicine claimed to work for 90 percent of patients to buying other medicine claimed the failure to 10 percent of patients.

12.8[ www.exam8.com/toefl ]

In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a definition- outsider artists, which means that they teach themselves, but they have the artistic talents. In the lecture, the professor uses one example to explain this definition. The example is about Edison, he was one of the greatest outsiders in North America, his life was as unusual as his paintings, he only spent quite a while living alone in Chicago, he had no friends and was drunk everyday, he painted in secret conditions. His paintings were unique; he pasted 18 children figures from the magazines on his water color pictures. He liked making abnormally large paintings, his longest porch was as long as 8 feet, his works were famous after his death.3

In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces two reasons of losing temporary memory, which means that temporary can lose as time passes by or interference of other matters. In the lecture, the professor uses two examples to explain these reasons. The first example is a man forgot a phone number, and his roommate told him, but 2 hours later he forgot the number again. Memory can stay as long as you dial the phone. The second example is from the professor’s experience. He ran into a friend when he was in the bookstore, his friend recommended him a book list. Finally, he couldn‘t remember his book list. Because his friend’s recommended books took the place of his own list he previously made.

1 nonverbal behavior and verbal behavior

In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a principle about nonverbal behavior and verbal behavior, which means we can judge one’s feeling just through our behavior, even he say no words or the opposite feeling, In the lecture, the professor uses a couple of examples to explain this definition. The first example is from his experience, when he saw his uncle he hadn’t seen him for a long time, although he didn’t say he was happy, but his wife and uncle can see it through his jumping. The second example is playing hammer and snail with his daughter, although his finger was smashed, he said he is OK, his daughter see his pain through his behavior.

3method acting

In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a definition of method acting, which means that when you perform on the stage, you need to relate your experience to the role and you need to use the body language and imagine the scene. In the lecture, the professor uses one example to explain this definition. The example is from the professor’s experience, one day he had to act as Sam and perform a situation of reunite with an old friend, he imagined he saw his father who were away from home to gain the joy. If Sam was cold in North Pole, he imagined he was waiting the bus in the cold for four hours, and thus you could integrate into the role.

In this set of materials, the reading passage introduces a definition, which means that . In the lecture, the professor uses two examples to explain this definition.


托福口语有不少题目和写作的独立作文要求相似,都需要考生选择立场论证观点。今天小编给大家带来了托福口语常考话题万能例子整理分享 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享?
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