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托福听力学习学术类必备核心词汇例句汇总 ,这些词你都认识吗?今天小编给大家带来了托福听力学习学术类必备核心词汇例句汇总 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。



1. orientation meeting/session 新生情况介绍会

例句: The University has arranged an orientation session.

2. professor’s office hour 教授答疑时间

例句: Many freshmen are uncertain or shy about utilizing a professor’s office hours.

3. lecture n. 演讲,讲课

例句: Several hundred people are expected to attend the lecture.

4. lecture hall n. 讲堂,讲演厅,报告厅

例句: The lecture hall was jammed when the professor arrived at the very last moment.

5. tutorial n. 个别指导

例句: Small group tutorials are used to discuss problems which come up in lectures.

6. deadline ['dedlain] n. 最后期限,截止时间

例句: There's no way I can meet that deadline.

7. overdue ['uv'dju:] adj. 过期的

例句: I must take these books back to the library - they're overdue.

There is a fine if the reserved library books are even one hour overdue.

8. schedule n. 时间表,计划 v. 安排,计划,

例句: According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 am

The test is scheduled to begin in one hour.

9. time slot 时间空档

例句: If you have two final exams scheduled at the same time, you will have to move one exam to another time slot

10. signature n. 签字,签名

例句: Each child must obtain the signature of his or her parents

11. thesis ['θi:sis] n. 毕业论文

例句: a master's/doctoral thesis on the effects of global warming

12. dissertation n. 论文

例句: He wrote his dissertation on an obscure 16th-century poet.

13. course n. 课程

例句: compulsory/required/mandatory course; elective course, optional course;

foundation course, introductory course, intermediate level course, advanced course

14. elective [i'lektiv] n. 选修科目

例句: She took three electives last term.

15. option n. 选修科目

例句: She is taking French as an option next year

16. assignment ['sainmnt] n. 功课,任务

例句: I have a lot of reading assignments to complete before the end of term.


Psychologist Saho Takagi, a graduate student at Kyoto University in Japan, strolls into one of Japan's many cat cafes. These establishments allow customers to pay an hourly fee for the chance to cuddle some cats. They're popular in Japan because so many apartment buildings forbid pet ownership. But Takagi isn't a typical customer. She's not there for feline affection, but to probe their minds.

The psychology of domestic cats is still something of a mystery, despite our overwhelming familiarity with the critters. They have many skills, she tells me through an interpreter, that are not well known even to their owners.

Takagi and her colleagues wanted to see whether domestic cats have an intuitive understanding of cause-and-effect, but to make it a fair test, they decided to let the cats use their ears instead of only their eyes. Cats are ambush hunters, and rely on their sense of hearing to locate their prey.

The cats—30 of them, mostly from cat cafes, plus a few pets—were shown a series of demonstrations. For example, a researcher would shake a box, accompanied by the sound of an object bouncing around inside. Then the cat would be allowed to see inside the container.

If the cat expects to find a ball inside the box, it would stare longer if the box turned out to be empty, rather than if the ball was there as expected. Psychologists call this a "violation of expectation" response. If they expected a ball and were surprised not to find one—or vice versa—it suggests that cats have certain expectations about the physical realities of the world.

And the cats did stare longer at those containers that violated their expectations, as if to suggest that they realized that something in the situation was amiss. The findings were published in the journal Animal Cognition.

Takagi suspects that this ability might be related to cats'hunting skills. Despite years of domestication, we initially kept them around as a form of pest control, so it makes sense that cats would have retained their knack for hunting.

Next, Takagi wants to see just how much information domestic cats can extract about objects, like quantity or size, based on what they hear. Eventually, she hopes to do similar experiments with wild cats as well, to see whether her hunting hunch is right.










1. instead of 代替…;而不是…;

例句:The promotion of Russell instead of Sarah really made the sparks fly.


2. rely on 依赖;依靠;

例句:Don't rely on him to do anything he's just a talker.


3. turn out 原来是;结果发现;

例句:Even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.


4. vice versa 反之亦然;反过来也一样;

例句:Energy transmutes into matter and vice versa.


5. stare at 凝视;盯着看;

例句:He stared at me with sharp eyes.


6. as if 好像;仿佛;

例句:It seems as if he knows everything.


7. make sense (行为方式)有道理,合乎情理


Public lands in the U.S. are managed with two goals in mind: protecting biodiversity and providing people with recreational opportunities, a chance to connect with nature. But sometimes those two goals are at odds—especially if recreation, activities like hiking or hunting, disrupts wild animals enough to alter their use of those landscapes.

Indeed, several years ago, a study done in California found that hikers had a negative impact on wildlife.

"That kind of sounded a bit of an alarm to us as wildlife biologists and as people who like to go hiking ourselves."

Wildlife biologist Roland Kays, of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and N.C. State University.

"We were pretty worried that if this problem was as bad as it seemed from that study, and was widespread, then there could be a real conflict between outdoor recreation and wildlife conservation."

To find out, Kays and his team enlisted the help of more than 350 volunteer citizen scientists, who deployed camera traps at nearly 2,000 sites within 32 protected areas in six different states. Roughly half of the areas allowed hunting and half did not. What they discovered was something of a relief.

"We found relatively minor impacts of hunting and hiking on wildlife."

It's not that human activities didn't impact wildlife at all of course. Heavily hunted species, like white-tailed deer, grey squirrels, and raccoons, were photographed somewhat less often in hunted areas. Coyotes showed up more often in hunted areas. While most species didn't avoid hiking trails, the predators actually preferred them.

But they did find something that had a much bigger impact on wildlife: habitat quality. The best predictor of wildlife abundance was not human activity, but factors like forest connectivity, nearby housing density, and the amount of adjacent agriculture. The results were published in the Journal of Applied Ecology.

And they suggest that outdoor recreation, a 646-billion-dollar industry in the U.S., is currently managed in a sustainable way, but also that protecting the scattered patches of wild habitat that remain in the U.S. is vital—both for wildlife and for people.

"Recreation, including hunting and hiking, and wildlife conservation, can coexist in the same place at the same time, and we can go out there and enjoy nature, enjoy the woods, hope to catch a glimpse of wildlife, without worrying about hurting the populations in the process."























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