逻辑题在每个 Section 都会有1-2道,逻辑题标志是文章很短,大概 50-100 字左右,只有一题。但正常阅读文章中也有针对某些句子的逻辑题。
做逻辑题建议先读题干,再看文章。最重要的是在文章中找到 Core Argument 。在读文章时,要特别注意其中出现的 since, because, if 等表示命题之间的因果、条件关系的词汇,也要注意句子的谓语部分出现的表示相关和因果关系的词汇,例如 correlate with, coincide with,这些词汇构成了 Core Argument 。
Which one of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
Which of the following, if true, would support the author’s hypothesis?
Sparva, unlike Treland’s other provinces, requires automobile insurers to pay for any medical treatment sought by someone who has been involved in an accident; in the other provinces, insurers pay for nonemergency treatment only if they preapprove the treatment. Clearly, Sparva’s less restrictive policy must be the explanation for the fact that altogether insurers there pay for far more treatments after accidents than insurers in other provinces, even though Sparva does not have the largest population.
问题:Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?
A Car insurance costs more in Sparva than in any other province.
B The cost of medical care in Sparva is higher than the national average.
C Different insurance companies have different standards for determining what constitutes emergency treatment.
D Fewer insurance companies operate in Sparva than in any other province.
E There are fewer traffic accidents annually in Sparva than in any of the provinces of comparable or greater population.
文章的 Core Argument:Sparva 更加宽松的赔付政策导致了 Sparva 在人口很少的情况下承保人要支付更多的事故赔偿金,问加强这一论点。
分析:可以这样考虑,导致高事故赔偿金有几种因素,比如更多交通事故,更多人口等,而如果 Sparva 交通事故少,人口又少的情况下赔偿金还这么高,更加说明了 Sparva 宽松的赔付政策导致了 Sparva 的承保人支付更多的事故,这就加强了论点,因此选 E 。A 和 B 是弱化了论点,C 是和论点无关,D 的话,保险公司少了,但每家公司摊的多,所以总数量还是没变,依然很多。
Which of the following, if true, would most seriously weaken/undermine/cast doubt on the author’s assertion?
In 1998 the United States Department of Transportation received nearly 10,000 consumer complaints about airlines; in 1999 it received over 20,000. Moreover, the number of complaints per 100,000 passengers also more than doubled. In both years the vast majority of complaints concerned flight delays, cancellations, mishandled baggage, and customer service. Clearly, therefore, despite the United States airline industry’s serious efforts to improve performance in these areas, passenger dissatisfaction with airline service increased significantly in 1999.
问题:Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument?
A Although the percentage of flights that arrived on time dropped slightly overall, from 77 percent in 1998 to 76 percent in 1999, some United States airlines’ 1999 on-time rate was actually better than their 1998 on-time rate.
B The number of passengers flying on United States airlines was significantly higher in 1999 than in 1998.
C Fewer bags per 1,000 passengers flying on United States airlines were lost or delayed in 1999 than in 1998.
D The appearance in 1999 of many new Internet sites that relay complaints directly to the Department of Transportation has made filing a complaint about airlines much easier for consumers than ever before.
E Although the number of consumer complaints increased for every major United States airline in 1999, for some airlines the extent of the increase was substantial, whereas for others it was extremely small.
分析:可以这样考虑,有可能是1999年网站让人员更加容易投诉了,也就是说,或许1998年投诉人数比1999年还多,但由于信息渠道不发达,所以造成了1999年比1998年投诉更多的假象,其实是投诉无门。即D选项,而 A 和 E 是加强论点的,B 选项,文章已经说了 complaint/100,000 翻倍了,就和总人数无关了,而C只说了 mishandled baggage 这一项改进了,其他方面可能做的更差,所以不足以 weaken 。
assumption/explain the difference/reconcile the discrepancy/resolve the paradox
除了逻辑强化与弱化,逻辑单题也经常问到原文论证或理论的假设(assumption)。假设,按其定义,指的是如其不成立,则原推理不成立的条件,这时,答案要提供一个桥梁,连接推理的两端,好比 bridge the gap 。
另一种考法是,原文两个命题之间存在语言上的矛盾,比如,A 句说某事物增加,B 句说另一个相关事物减少。题干要求解释原文两个说法 A 和 B 之间的差别:explain the difference, 或者,由于 A、B 在这种情况下彼此似乎冲突,题干就问如何调节这种差异或冲突:reconcile the discrepancy, 或者解决或消除这种冲突或矛盾:resolve the paradox。这时的答案不能重复 A 或 B ,而是提供中间环节X,使得 A→X→B。
During the day in Lake Constance, the zooplankton D. hyalina departs for the depths where food is scarce and the water cold. D. galeata remains near the warm surface where food is abundant. Even though D. galeata grows and reproduces much faster, its population is often outnumbered by D. hyalina.
问题:Which of the following, if true, would help resolve the apparent paradox presented above?
A The number of species of zooplankton living at the bottom of the lake is twice that of species living at the surface.
B Predators of zooplankton, such as whitefish and perch, live and feed near the surface of the lake during the day.
C In order to make the most of scarce food resources, D. hyalina matures more slowly than D. galeata.
D D. galeata clusters under vegetation during the hottest part of the day to avoid the Sun’s rays.
E D. galeata produces twice as many offspring per individual in any given period of time as does D. hyalina.
分析:Bridge the gap: predators 在湖表面吃掉 g,导致 g 的数量下降,尽管 g 生存条件好,繁殖能力强,但是面临众多捕食者,后代数量必定下降,反倒不如生存条件差,但没有天敌的h,完美解决了 paradox,所以选 B 。A 的意思是 h 的数量是 g 的两倍, h 本来就多,所以这个是加强 paradox 的;C 的意思是 h 比 g 成熟慢,说明 h 的数量比 g 少,而文章得出结论 h > g,与文章不符,同理,D 和 E 也是可以得出 g > h,与文章不符。
1. 相反:比如,题干选强化,而选项是弱化等
2. 无关:与文章的 argument 无关
3. Out of Scope:扩大了 argument 的范围
3.9.3 管理员
custodian n. 管理员,监护人
ranger n. 森林管理员;巡逻骑警
technocrat n. 技术管理人员
warden n. 管理员,看守人
3.9.4 各种工匠
architect n. 建筑师 (architecture n. 建筑学)
bricklayer n. 泥瓦匠,砌砖盖房者
mason n. 泥瓦匠,石匠 (masonry n. 石工技术;石屋)
carpenter n. 木匠
chef n. 厨师
cobbler n. 补鞋匠
forger n. 打铁匠;伪造者
lapidary n. 宝石工,宝石专家
lumberjack n. 伐木工
plumber n. 管子工,铅管工
sartorial adj. 裁缝的,缝制的
silversmith n. 银匠
tinker n. 补锅工人;v. 拙劣修补
tonsorial adj. 理发师的,理发的
3.9.1 医疗
charlatan n. 江湖郎中,骗子
mountebank n. 江湖郎中,骗子
quack n. 庸医;冒充内行之人
apothecary n. 药剂师
cardiologist n. 心脏病专家
dermatologist n. 皮肤病学家
podiatrist n. 足病医生
surgeon n. 外科医生;军医,船上的医生
3.12 其它
aesthete n. 审美家 (aesthetically adv. 审美地,悦目地 aesthetics n. 美学)
anthropologist n. 人类学家
bibliophile n. 藏书家,爱书者
connoisseur n. 鉴赏家,行家
ecologist n. 生态学家,生态学者
geometrician n. 几何学家 (geometry n. 几何学)
herpetologist n. 爬行动物学家
numismatist n. 钱币学家,钱币收藏家
ornithologist n. 鸟类学家,鸟类学者
philatelist n. 集邮家
taxonomist n. 分类学家
anarchist n. 无政府主义者
authoritarian n. 独裁主义者;极权主义者
cosmopolitan n. 世界主义者,四海为家的人
cynic n. 犬儒主义者,愤世嫉俗者
defeatist n. 失败主义者
extremist n. 极端主义者
hedonist n. 享乐主义者
mystic n. 神秘主义者;adj. 神秘的,不可思议的
optimist n. 乐观主义者
pacifist n. 和平主义者,反战主义者 (pacifism n. 和平主义)
patriot n. 爱国主义者,爱国者
cineaste n. 影迷,热衷于电影的人
clientele n. (医生、律师的)顾客,(商店的)常客
curator n. (博物馆等)馆长
inebriate n. 酒鬼,酒徒;v. 使…醉 (inebriety n. 酗酒 inebriant adj. 令人陶醉的)
insider n. 局内人,圈内人
personnel n. 全体人员,员工
veterinary adj. 兽医的 (veterinarian n. 兽医)