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雅思听力机经小范围预测:Section Three

Section3 V101218

Questions 21-26

21.when the organization is first founded, there are B A. No clear objects

B. No formal structures

C. No premises

22. the reason they are unsatisfied is B A. Type of work

B. The way of work shared C. cannot be appreciated

23. the attitude towards the former leader is that C. he has done too much

24. the view on new recruit is that: C

25. how about the working result: A. children have all received the education

26. what problems have they solved: B

A. Employment

B. Administrator stop working

C. Financial training

Questions 27-30

27. culture of the organization

28.a role as a leader

29. management of change

30. the other article nature of voluntary

雅思听力机经小范围预测:Section Four

Section4 V110305s4 V06111s4 V7131S4

Questions 31-40

31. people get more nervous if the speech is important

32. The speech is not a gift but can be learned by people.

33. audience will only remember the last thing you said

34. Make sure your contents to be well-organized

35. Don’t start your speech until audience is paying attention

36. you can make your notes on cards or a sheet of paper

37. don’t need to write speech in full

38. People can only memorise one or two ideas

39. Make it short and time yourself

40. Not just read your talks

雅思听力小范围预测:Section One

Section One

场次 20150618 20110118 2007   场景 学校咨询

题型 填空 10

内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校

填空 10

1. from 8:10 to 9:00am

2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone

3. parents can attend art course with their kids

4. next gathering for parents: July

5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back

6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoes

do not wear boots.

7. Activities: cooking, music and chess

8. day trip: 8 summer camp in Countryside

9. a professional dentist emergency took place

10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.

雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two

Section Two

场次 20160813 2011097 20110813 20100520 20091205 2006

场景 旅游介绍

题型 填空 4 单选 2 配对 4

内容概述 关于 mitchell island 的 travelling advice

选择 2

1. 可以坐什么交通工具到小岛上? A

A. plane B. ferry C. hovercraft C. hover craft 为干扰项是,但是他又说这个项目被

取消了还是怎么了,所以 不能选。

2. 第二个选择题是问坐出租车需要彭彭提请注意什么?选 B.

A. uncomfortable B. unroadworth C. unregistered

配对 4

3-6.是 Matching 题,要求分别把 E-east coast;N-north coast;W-west coast 对


3. 第一个服务好像是什么餐饮之类的,self-cafeteria restaurant 这一项填 E

4. natural walk to amusing park,填 N

5. shop,不用填

6. 第四个高尔夫课程 Golf Course,填 N

填空 4

7. tropical diseases

8. 要带 bottles of water

9. snakes 原文:因为说是东海岸有危险动物,好像是例如西海岸的蛇

10. 岛上有犯罪记录的是 monkeys 原文:这里提到过的“犯罪”是谁干的,
