雅思听力替换原则1. 同义词替换。
如 scientist 和 researcher 之间的替换,disadvantage 和 drawback 的替换,sign和indication的替换。
雅思听力替换原则2. 同义词组的替换。
如:keep to oneself 替换 be not friendly
雅思听力替换原则3. 主动与被动的替换。
The passengers were rescued by boats and pleasure-craft 替换 Boats and pleasure-craft came to rescue the passengers.
雅思听力替换原则4. 加减关系的替换。
如,某题原文为 The bottles made in most places contain about three-quarters new glass and the rest is recycled.
该题题干为 Most bottle makers use about __% recycled glass.
用总数 1 减去 ? 得 ? ,再转换成百分数即得答案,正确答案为25%。
做到这4点 雅思听力高分手到擒来!
雅思听力小范围预测:Section Three
场次 20160605
题型 单选 6 配对 4
内容概述 师生针对研究报告进行交谈
单选 6
21.Why it is important to complete the report.
A. Go into personal profile
B. Help lesson option for next semester
C. Help next presentation
2. What is the tutor's suggestions for the first draft of the report?
A. revise some part
C. Some statistics are confusing
3. How did they choose course sites?
A. choose one which is easy to access to
B. Selected carefully in a map
C. Pick them at random
4. What's the personal aim of this field trip?
A. just to apply field techniques learned
B. Measuring a tree density
C. Find out the ingredient of the soil
5. Why do you want to include others data?
A. make report more valid
6. Which measures do you find easy to take?
A.use elevator to observe the height of the land
B. Measure the height of the vegetable
雅思听力小范围预测:Section Four
Section Four
场次 20110105 20110709 2009104 20081108
学科 教育
题型 单选 2 填空 8
内容概述 坚持能力研究,讨论 education 分组和所设计的一些学习项目
单选 2
1. samples in the subject course students have commom features:
选 an age group
2. elder students are more influenced by
选 impact from their family
(先说没想到学生不是考虑 Financial 什么的,最后提到了 family
雅思听力小范围预测:Section One
Section One
文章题目 Living with uncertainty
重复年份 20160109A 20140515
题材 自然环境
题型 判断 7+简答 6
文章大意 澳洲的气候变化无常,所以那里的生物需要很强的应变能力。有一种 P
鸟可以知道什么地方什么时候下雨,可以提前飞去找水喝。当地人为了狩猎把森林烧掉,另一种要吃 salt bush 的鸟就因此灭绝了。欧洲人来了之后大量种植
wheat,Emu 喜欢吃,所以繁殖很快。
1.Aboriginal 做了什么来方便他们打猎 lit fire
2. G 鸟灭绝的原因:salt bush
3. Emu 吃 wheat
雅思听力小范围预测:Section Two
Section Two
场次 2011046 20090704
场景 求职
题型 填空 5 单选 5
内容概述 job center of compus:学校为学生提供兼职 part-time job
填空 5
1. Special policy applies to overseas students.
2. It will locate in the Woodside Campus.
3. The enquiry office opens till 8:10 PM.
4. The lawyer is only available on Tuesdays.
5. University Website will show the job information.
单选 5
6. Where can find the latest news of new listed jobs?
A. ..B. IT faculty C. parking centre
7. Employers will visit the school
A. only in the first semester B. twice a year C. throughout the year
8. The advantage of doing part-time job:
A. does benefits to the full-time jobs in the future B. good record
C. to form the teamwork ability
9. Student salary will be
A. taxed B. paid by every week C. need to buy private insurance
10. You shall contact with the boss via (建议学生准备手机)
A. writing B. Email C. Mobile