1. Speaking of which:正好说到这件事……
很多烤鸭记住的可能是speak of which,但是这里要用其动名词形式,speaking of which.用来表达“既然说到这的话,我想说…”,表示两个人在展开讨论某一个问题或是谈及两个相关问题的时候,你继续往下说的欲望。
在part 3中经常会出现这样的情况,就是雅思考官很是希望你能用充分的理由说出自己的观点或是立场,那么很多时候他也会质疑你的观点,因为我们很多时候无法用正确的理由或是论据来支撑我们的观点,那么这个时候,考官就会就这个问题会继续深入问下去,想的就是能引导你更深入地思考,然后让你说出他想要的答案,那么这个时候,你就可以使用这个表达,一来可以为自己争取至少3到5秒的时间深入思考问题和真理要说的答案,二来也是个让自己口语更流利的一个衔接语。
1) While we are at it: 正好说到这个话题
2) On that subject: 说到这个话题
3) Since we are on that/the subject:既然我们正好谈到这件事
4) Since you brought that up:既然你正好提到这个
Speaking of which, let me give it another aspect in that regard.
A: We are running tight on time
B: Speaking of which, let's get our meeting started
2. With that/with that said:说到这里,下面......
这个表达很适合于在准备要总结一下自己建议(When you're wrapping things up),或者再次点一下自己的观点或者立场的时候,你就可以用with that打开头。还有个跟这个表达很相似的就是:On that note。
1. With that, let's welcome Catherine to the stage.
2. On that note, let's wrap up today's show.
3. In terms of :从这个角度说、说到这个方面
这个表达是我在国外教授口中听到最多的一个,他的相似的短语还有:As for…, when it comes to…都表示“说到…”,所以当雅思口语考官问你任何问题的时候,你就可以用这个打开头,也是一样的,这个表达能帮你争取5秒的时间进行思路的理清和整理答案,同时也是一个很好地话题衔接语,增加了你的流利度。
1. In terms of salary and benefits, what would you be comfortable with? 说到工资和福利,你比较满意的区间是什么?
2. When it comes to food, Catherine is the most knowledgeable one.说到吃,Catherine最在行
3. He is a good date. But as for marriage, he is just not the one.他是个约会的好对象。但是说到结婚,他不合适。
4.In that case: 既然如此
对于in that case, 很多烤鸭会理解成“在那种情况下”,其实也对哈,不过最好把他理解成“既然那样的话,既然如此”等,这是个非常口语化的说法。其对应有个更正式点的说法就是:If that's the case
Eg: You are busy on Monday? In that case, let's meet on Friday.
5. That said:不过,但是
很多烤鸭看到这个表达的时候,决定会理解成“这就是说”,然后顺承地说下去,没有任何的转折,反而有种解释的意思,It means.这里大家就要注意了,that said是个这种转折的意思。跟字面的意思不太一样,相当于That being said,不过比"that said"更婉转、更正式一些。这个用起来,很多烤鸭会比较陌生,很多人会讲其理解成“这就是说”,其实刚刚完全相反,感觉其字面上的意思跟转折没有很大的关系,那么其实that said,是引导让步说法,“即便如此”的意思。所以大家千万不要使用错了,that said在使用中常用的意思只有“即便如此,尽管如此”。
Eg: I love her movies. That said, I didn't really like the newest one.我喜欢他的电影,但我不太喜欢他最新的那部。
现在各位烤鸭除了by the way, anyway,这些,还可以积累这么多的过渡语,或者也叫衔接语,来提高自己的口语流利度。其实我还是最想告诉大家的是,不仅仅这些适用于雅思口语考试,更重要的是你以后的留学生活,你需要积累到更多这些,为你以后留学生活做好准备。其实如果你想我这样到了国外,你才知道,其实雅思真的没什么,更重要的而是你能在国外正常生活,正常学习,正常交往。
雅思口语中,你还是张口闭口的I want吗
在美国人口语中,如果你总是用I want,会给人一种你看起来很像小孩说的感觉,而已是那种特别淘气,特别热性的小孩(A bratty little kid)。给人一种,粗鲁的,没有礼貌(Rude),缺乏教养的(Poor manner),不懂事儿的小孩说的话。你试着想想,你作为一个成年人了,在人家西方人眼里,你满18周岁了,那你就是成年人了,你觉得你说话像个小屁孩,人家考官会怎么想呢?
所以大家戒掉那个I want吧。改成I would like吧。当你要表达“我想要…”的时候,最好还是用I would like… (较正式)亦或者I’d like ,其缩略版,更口语
1. 点餐不要用I want
记得小编第一次到达美国,几年前吧!我们去一家高档餐厅吃饭,美国小伙伴很gentle地让我先点菜喽(Ordering)!那个时候,我真的都饿了,也就没有注意那么多,那个时候我真应该问问我的小伙伴。小编在那个饥饿难耐的时候,一直在用I want.虽然人家服务员对我的态度真的很好,但是我一直在用这些没礼貌的用语,感觉好对不起那个美国小哥。还有我身边的美国小伙伴,那个时候也一定对我很无语,不过后面他还是告诉我,不应该用I want,而应该用以下这些,点菜时,别再说"I want"了,用下面这些表达最恰当:
1) I would like/I'd like...在你一般点餐的时候,就可以选择用这些较为正式的表达
2) 当你在一些fine dining(高级餐厅)或是舞会,酒会的时候,你就应该用:
Could I have?/Can I have?
May I have?: 比较正式、非常礼貌, 这两种表达是我最想推荐给大家的
I'd like a steak: 我想要一份牛排
I'd like it medium rare...: 要三成熟的
这三种表达都蛮正式的,下面来看看普通一点的,点快餐(in fast food joints)可以用更简洁的说法:
3)I'll have +你要点的吃的或喝的
Eg: Coca, please
这两种表达虽然没有那么正式,但是绝对还是有礼貌的,至少比I want有礼貌哒!
2. 购物也不要用I want
你进入店铺,需要买点东西的时候,如果有走过来的服务员说Could I help you,Sir/Mamm?
你就不要用I want这种表达了,可以用:
1) Do you have...?
2) I'm looking for...Do you have any?
3) I was wondering if you have... 小编经常用这句
1) I'm looking for a blue sweater. Do you have any? 我想买个新手机。你们有吗?
2) Do you have any canvas bags? 我想买包包,有吗?
3. I want to +…你才能用这个表达,但是还是建议使用would like
I want 在跟介词to搭配使用的时候,就没有那么不礼貌了。因为很多时候你也会听到这样的问句:
1)What do you want to be? 你想成为什么?
I want to be happy everyday: 我想每天都很快乐
I want to be + vocation: 我想做什么什么职业/工作
2)What do you want to do? 你想干什么?
对于回答这个问题,那么更好地回答也是用would like to +do的形式要好一点。
I'd like to improve my English indeed. 我非常想提高我的英语
I'd like to start my job: 我想开始我的工作了。
4. 当你表达你想上厕所 的时候,要不要用I want呢?
哈哈哈,其实你也会听到有人说,I want to pee.(我想去尿尿)但是这种确实非常不礼貌,只能用在自己非常熟悉的朋友之间或家人之间,在外面千万不要再用。
1) Nature calls: 婉转的上厕所说法
2) I need to use the washroom: 我要用一下洗手间
告诉了大家这么多I want的不礼貌的用法,是想告诉大家谨慎使用I want,大家在雅思口语考试中也不要滥用I want这样的表达,尝试着改成I would like这种,相比较I want,后面的这种要礼貌得多,正式得多。烤鸭们以后都要要留学的,以后的留学生活,你也应该谨记这些,不能显得自己没有礼貌哟
雅思口语Part2话题答案: city you’ve visited that you like
You should say:
Where is it
When did you go there
What did you do their
And explain why you like it
Ok right then, well after thinking for a little bit just now, um, the city that I’d like to talk to you about, which left a really strong impression on me, was um Wuyishan, which is….I’m not sure if you’ve been there, but it’s somewhere in Fujian Province, I think in the kind of north-eastern, no sorry, the north-western part of the province.
And um, I went there about…I think it was about 10 years ago or something, so it was quite a while ago. And what I liked about it was the fact that, um, first of all it just seemed like, um, I dunno, it’s really hard to describe! But it was just, kind of like, not so crowded, and you know, the locals were super friendly, um the food was great there, it just seemed like such a nice, relaxing city. I mean, everyone in the streets looked cheerful, for example, and um, you know it wasn’t like one of these huge cities with, like, a fast-paced life and everyone frantically getting to where they need to go. It wasn’t like that at all. Everyone was just chilled out, you know, the whole city had a really kind of laid-back atmosphere to it.
Um, and the other amazing thing about it that I shouldn’t forget to mention was the scenery. You know, it was just spectacular and uh, it’s not, um…..how can I put it…you know, before I went there, um, I never imagined it would be such a beautiful place. I mean, it’s not one of those places which everyone talks about, so going on all the walks around the nearby mountains and tea fields was just, like, incredible! It was a really great experience!
And uh…. Yeah..I’ve been back there a few times since my first visit, and it always has the same effect on me, you know, it’s just a really really nice place, and I always have a really cool time there! So yeah, that’s about it then, thanks for listening!
Dunno = don’t know (spoken English)
Like – here it means: 表示思考下面的话或用作口头禅some people say like when they are thinking about what to say next or because it has become their habit to say it.
Frantically = 疯狂地,狂热地 (I was exaggerating a bit in this sentence, so you could also say “everyone rushing to get where they need to go)
Chilled out = relaxed (spoken English)
Laid-back = 悠闲的,relaxed
雅思口语Part2话题答案:a place crowded with people
You should say
Where it was
When you went there
What you did there
And explain how you felt about the crowded place.
Ok, well the first place that came to mind when I saw this topic was the Shanghai Metro, because I remember it being unbelievably crowded, so that’s what I’m gonna talk to you about.
And as for when I went there, well it was pretty recently, I suppose probably only about two or three weeks ago, so it’s still pretty fresh in my memory.
And regarding what I was doing there, well basically, I was on my way to visit a friend who lives in Shanghai, and she had told me that by far the best and most convenient way to get around the city was using the subway, simply because the roads were so congested. So I took her advice, but it was a huge shock when I actually got into the subway station and saw just how many people there were. I mean, I knew that there would be a lot of people, but I never expected to see that many!
Although looking back on it now, I suppose what made it worse was the fact that I was travelling duringrush hour, so it was a lot more crowded than I’m sure it would have been during off-peak times. And when I saw how packed the train was when it was pulling into the station, I remember thinking there was no way I was going to be able to get on. But I was in a bit of a hurry, coz I was actually already running late, so I had no choice really but to join the huge queue of people waiting. Anyway, I did somehow manage to make it onto the train, but I was pressed up against people on all sides, so it was pretty uncomfortable to say the least!
Thankfully though, I didn’t have too far to travel, coz I was only on the train for about 4 stops. And when I finally got off, I remember feeling incredibly relieved, and also very grateful that I didn’t have to go through the same experience every day.
So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say!
it’s still pretty fresh in my memory - I can remember it pretty clearly
by far - without doubt / definitely
congested - 拥堵
I was in a bit of a hurry - 我有点赶时间了
pulling into the station - 进站
I was already running late - 我已经晚了
queue - 队伍、排队
I did make it onto the train - 我赶上了火车
to say the least - 至少可以这么说
incredibly relieved - 谢天谢地!
总结语:So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say! - 所以嗯,该说的差不多就这些吧!
