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雅思口语pat1话题预测配答案:Reading Books(阅读)变题不慌!

Reading Books 相关参考题目

1. Do you like to read books?

2. How often do you go to the cinema?

3. Do you prefer reading books or watching films?

4. Is reading as pleasurable in digital format?

5. Do you think bookshops will survive the digital revolution?

6. Statistics show that visits to the cinema are up despite the availability of DVDs and online downloads. Why do you think this might be?

7. Do you like reading books? Why or why not?

8. What (kinds of) books do you like to read?

9. Did you read much when you were a child?

10. What (kinds of) books did you like reading when you were a child?

11. Do (young) children like reading books?

12. For children, what do you think are the benefits of reading?

13. What do you think are the benefits of reading to children?


Marie: Yes … I love reading … I like nothing more than to be engrossed in a good book … I regularly take out books from the library and usually read them from cover to cover in no time … and I can’t go to sleep at night without some good bedtime reading …

Jemma: Unfortunately we don’t have a cinema near us so we have to go into the nearest town to catch the latest movie … I usually avoid seeing popular box-office hits which I’m not always keen on seeing … I prefer low-budget films … sci-fi especially … and there’s a great cinema I go to that has frequent showings of films like these …

Louisa: I’m not really a big reader … I find books quite heavy-going … so I much prefer to see a film … perhaps it’s the special effects or the soundtrack … I don’t know … I just prefer a film …

Alise: personally I prefer reading a paperback or hardback … especially if I’m reading a classic which I don’t think feels right as an e-book … but I can see it can be good for others … my grandmother has an e-reader and she loves the way you can enlarge the text …

Thomas: I think so … at least I hope so … I love flicking through books in a bookshop … online shopping is useful … finding out on Amazon if a book you want has got a good review … maybe getting one that is difficult to find … but I still love the experience of being in a bookshop …

Jamie: I think it’s the whole experience that the cinema offers … going out to see a film when it goes on general release … and seeing it on the big screen is more exciting than watching the film at home on TV … especially if it’s an action movie … and watching it with others makes it even more special …

Yes, I’m really into reading because I believe that reading can be both entertaining and educational. Reading broadens my knowledge by opening up the whole world to me. While I’m reading, I can be visiting another country or a different time period, or traveling through space. I can find out how people solve problems or think up new ideas.

Oh, it’s a tough question, or it should be more of what books I don’t read. I have a really open mind to books and what genre they are. Classic literature, novel, autobiography, historical story…whatever.

Yes, I remember when I was a kid, I’d like to take some historical books from my father’s bookshelf, and read the historical stories, which were really entertaining and educational to me. As a result, I’m very familiar with our Chinese ancient history.

It’s kind of hard to say but young children that I know around me tend to read fairy tales to cultivate their mental development, but maybe for others, they just want to watch TV and play toys.

I believe if you want your children to be smart, they have to acquire a love for reading, which has numerous benefits. Reading opens the door to child’s early academic success, imparts a love of learning and leads to higher grades in every subject. Besides, reading can help children Improve linguistic skills in the form of a richer vocabulary, correct grammar, and more articulate oral communication. On top of that, books teach child about relationships, situations, personalities, and what is good and what is bad in the world he lives in.


an action movie: a film with fast moving scenes, often containing violence

to be engrossed in: to be completely focused on one thing

bedtime reading: something to read in bed before you go to sleep

to be a big reader: someone who reads a lot

to be based on: to use as a modal

a box office hit: a financially successful film

to be heavy-going: difficult to read

a blockbuster: a film that is a big commercial success

to catch the latest movie: to see a film that has just come out

the central character: the main person in a film or book

a classic: of the highest quality

to come highly recommended: to be praised by another person

couldn’t put it down: wasn’t able to stop reading a book

an e-book: a digital book

an e-reader: a device for reading e-books

to flick through: to look quickly through a book

to get a good/bad review: to receive positive or negative feedback

to go on general release: when a film can be seen by the general public

hardback: a book with a rigid cover (see ‘paperback’ below)

a historical novel: a story set in the past

a low budget film: a film made with a small amount of money

on the big screen: at the cinema

a page turner: a book that you want to keep reading

paperback: a book with a flexible cover (see ‘hardback’ above)

plot: the main events in a film or book

to read something from cover to cover: to read a book from the first page to the last

sci-fi: science fiction

to see a film: to see a film at the cinema (see ‘watch a film’ below)

the setting: where the action takes place

showings: performances of a film

soundtrack: the music that accompanies a film

special effects: the visuals or sounds that are added to a film which are difficult to produce naturally

to take out (a book from the library): to borrow a book from the library

to tell the story of: to outline the details of someone’s life or an event

to watch a film: to watch a film on TV (see ‘to see a film’ above)

雅思口语pat1话题预测:Musical Instruments(乐器)

Musical Instruments 相关参考题目

1. Which musical instrument do you like listening to most? (Why?)

2. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

3. Do you think children should learn to play an instrument at school?

4. How easy would it be to learn to play an instrument without a teacher?

5. Did you ever learn a musical instrument as a child?

6. If you could learn to play any musical instrument, what would you choose?

7. What kind of music do you listen to?

8. Do you play any instruments?

9. Have you got any hobbies or interests?


My favourite musical instrument to listen to is the guitar. I like the fact that there are different types of guitar, like classical, acoustic and electric. I love the variety of sounds a guitar can make.

I took some guitar lessons when I was younger and still have a guitar at home. I don't play it much nowadays. I wish I had more time to practise.

Yes, I think it's a great skill and it's really enjoyable to be able to play a musical instrument. All children should be given this opportunity.

It would probably be more difficult without a teacher. You need someone to show you what to do and correct your mistakes. You need a lot of discipline to teach yourself.

No, I didn’t but I always wish I had. If I had had the chance, I would have learned the guitar. The problem was that my parents thought it was more important to focus on school work than learn to play an instrument.

I think I’d probably go for the violin. It’s such a beautiful stringed instrument and I think the music that can be played on it, can be really haunting and moving. Yes, I’d definitely choose that one.

Katherine: I’m a big fan of classical music … it doesn’t make me very popular with my children … their taste in music is completely different … they always want to listen to their favourite rock bands …

Jamie: No I don’t … I’ve always wished I’d taken up a musical instrument … I’d love to be able to play the guitar … but I think I’m a bit tone deaf so perhaps I’d find it hard …

Marco: I’m really into live music … I go to a lot of music festivals … I think a live performance always sounds more exciting than a recorded version … as long as the performers can sing and play well of course …


adoring fans: people who love a particular band or singer

background music: music that is played while something else is happening

a catchy tune: a song that is easy to remember and makes you want to sing it

classical music: music that is regarded as part of a long, formal tradition

to download tracks: to obtain music from the Internet

to have a great voice: to sing well

to go on tour: to go on a planned series of performances around a region or country

a huge following: a large number of fans

live music: music that is listened to while it is performed (not recorded)

live performance: (see live music)

a massive hit: a record that sells lots of copies

a music festival: music performances at a venue often over several days

musical talent: skilled at music

to be/sing out of tune: to not be in harmony/to sing the wrong notes

a piece of music: an item of music

to play by ear: to play without reading the musical notes

a pop group: a small group of people who play or sing pop music together

to read music: to understand and follow written musical notes

a rock band: a group of musicians that play rock music

to sing along to: to join in singing

a sing-song: to sing informally, often with other people

a slow number: a song with a slow tempo

to take up a musical instrument: to begin learning a musical instrument

taste in music: the music someone likes

to be tone deaf: to be unable to distinguish the different notes in music

Music is something we all hear. Some to get rid of stress, others to dance and some others to just pass time listening to something beautiful. And that is the topic for today.Let us have a look at some of the questions related to music and their possible answers.


1.Do you like music?

Yes, I do love listening music.

2.What kind of music do you like?

For most of it, I really like pop music, so you can see me hearing, lot of Katy Perry, Taylor Swift and other pop stars. Apart from them, I am mostly an artist fan. So, I would hear, one direction , rihanna, eminem and then there is kesha and nicki minaj. Also, I like to hear my country music. We have got great singers like A R Rehman, Mohit Chauhan, Lata Magneshkar, Ansuhka and so many more.

3.Do you think music has an effect on people’s lives?

I think music surely has an effect on people’s lives. It tends to make it lot more easier when you are stressed out or depressed about something. Apart form this, music is a good way of relaxing and feeling good about life.

4.When do you usually listen to music?

Often, I listen to music whenever I am feeling bored or low. I have my different playlists made that help me to get into a particular mood whenever I feel low. Also, I like listening to music when I am travelling. It becomes lot more fun when you are travelling and there is a travel song going on.

5.What kind of music did you like when you were younger?

As a child, I was not very particular about music as such. I used to listen to any of the songs that used to pop up in television or the ones that I heard in the local city bus.

6.What kind of music is popular in your country?

People in my country mostly like the bollywood songs. So, you could see them dancing to the beats of bollywood songs but then there are some regional songs and artists as well who are very famous. Even more, with the coming of internet, the youth is also listening to lot of international artists.

7.Do you play any musical instruments?

I have started playing guitar recently. So, I don’t play it very well but I have learnt playing some basic songs and few high nodes here and there.

8.Which is you favorite musical instrument?

I love the voice of flute. I find it very soothing and at the same time it brings lot of life to a song.

9.How do you listen to music?

For most of the time, I listen to music on my phone using headphones. But sometimes, I like listening to loud music, so then I listen using speakers.

10.Are your music taste varied?

Too an extent yes. This is because I for the lyrics of the song rather than the singer and the genre. So, there are some pop songs that I love, and then some rock and also some regional songs.

11.Do you like to sing along to your favorite songs?

I do that mostly. Although my voice is not that good, I usually just close the doors of my room and play my favorite songs and sing along in the loudest of my voice, dance with it. Sometimes I call my friends also, and we have these crazy karaoke parties.

12.Is live music popular in your country?

As far as I know, it was not very popular in earlier decades, but it is slowly gaining momentum with the new corporate culture and colleges and globalization happening around. People know more about their stars and the stars go on doing concerts to stay connected with their fans.

13.Do you wish you could play any musical instrument?

I would some day love to play drums. I really get gooze bumps when I see a drummer. I mean there is so much to do in that instruments, you need to beat on those different drums and then tap your feet to get that perfect rhythm and that sound. It is great to hear that base in the song, so yes, I would love to be a good drummer some day.


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