方法: 如果有两个空格,有一个空格我们拿不准,另外一个空格我们可以判断出哪个选项里的答案具有相对优势,但是与这个具有相对优势答案搭档的另一个词却是我们不怎么看好的,或者是说不会选的。这种情况下,我们可以优先考虑具有相对优势的选项,先确定有把握的空格,再去考虑另外一个。下面举两个例子。
To believe that a culture's achievement can be measured by the ------- of its written material requires one to accept that a page of junk mail is as ------- as a page of great literature.
A. nature readable
B. quality prevalent
C. timelessness understandable
D. applicability eloquent
E. volume valuable
2、 C中的prevalent 也不是很贴切,如果填prevalent的话,那就是说“将垃圾一样的信件看作与文学巨著一样遍布全世界就可以了。”这样的话,这个信件就更没有什么价值了,总不能说到处都是这种信件,那么就可以衡量一个文化的成就了?这个也不符合实际。只有选项E中的“有价值的”,才符合题意,文学巨著之所以是巨著,就是因为它的价值,所以综上分析,只有valuable 切合题意。
然而在考试中,虽然有些考生对后面的valuable 很有把握,但是他们对前面的volume 却不理解,对volume想不通,但是又不能说这个词肯定错,只能说不懂。这个nature看来好象有点通,但是又不是最好的,因为这个nature是万能词汇,很多地方可用。怎么办,许多时候我们的思维便开始保守。这个volume不懂什么意思,干脆就选a吧。Readable似乎也通。而且煞有介事的给readable找了一些成立的理由。
As the creation of new knowledge through science has become ---- resistance to innovation has become less ---- taking the form of inertia rather than direct attack.
A. controversial sporadic
B. institutionalized aggressive
C. essential effective
D. public circumspect
E. suspect lively
1、 A中的“sporadic”表示的是“零星的”意思,“resistance”怎么可以是“零星的”?填这个的话说不通,同样的将D中的“慎重的”和E中的“活泼的”放进去,同样是理解不了题意。所以简单的分析过后,我们就可以通过非常有把握的一个空将ADE三项排除,其他的BC两项也就是我们要研究的对象。
2、选项B中,把词放回句子中去,意思就是通过科学研究获得的知识越来越“规范”,抵制革新的力量也就不那么具有“侵略性”了,也就是说这种抵制渐渐少了。后面的这个空里填“aggressive”考生大部分都会选这个,可是前面的那空填“institutionalized”好像弄不懂,迷茫之时看看选项C,好像可以切合题意, “effective resistance”好像意思也不怎么好理解,但是前面填那个空很好理解啊! 而且用“effective”好像也勉强说得通,在这种思想下,很多考生就会选择C.
1. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ___ other forms.
(A) segregated from
(B) parallel to
(C) dependent on
(D) overshadowed by
(E) mimicked by
2. Copyright and patent laws attempt to encourage innovation by ensuring that inventors are paid for creative work, so it would be ___ if expanded protection under these laws discouraged entrepreneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.
(A) desirable
(B) coincidental
(C) ironic
(D) natural
(E) sensible
3. The legislators of 1563 realized the ___ of trying to regulate the flow of labor without securing its reasonable remuneration, and so the second part of the statute dealt with establishing wages.
(A) futility
(B) intricacy
(C) anxiety
(D) necessity
(E) decadence
4. Since most if not all learning occurs through ___ , relating one observation to another, it would be strange indeed if the study of other cultures did not also illuminate the study of our own.
(A) assumptions
(B) experiments
(C) comparisons
(D) repetitions
(E) impressions
5. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to ___ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.
(A) insular
(B) investigative
(C) synoptic
(D) subjective
(E) sensational
(F) compendious
6. Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian ___ later Greek civilization, it would be incorrect to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely independent creation.
(A) disdain for
(B) imitation of
(C) ambivalence about
(D) deference to
(E) influence on
(F) impact on
7. The commissions criticized the legislature for making college attendance dependent on the ability to pay, charging that, as a result, hundreds of qualified young people would be ___ further education.
(A) entitled to
(B) striving for
(C) deprived of
(D) withheld from
(E) uninterested in
(F) participating in
8. Broadway audiences have become inured to ___ and so ___ to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A cleverness
D reluctant
B condescension
E unlikely
C mediocrity
F desperate
9. Although he attempted repeatedly to ___ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained ___ in her judgment.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A remind
D unfeigned
B convince
E indulgent
C disabuse
F adamant
10. The old man could not have been accused of ___ his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his ___ her.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A promising
D adoration of
B stinting
E sympathy for
C lavishing
F tolerance of
1. There are no solitary, free-living creatures; every form of life is ___ other forms.
(A) segregated from
(B) parallel to
(C) dependent on
(D) overshadowed by
(E) mimicked by
free-living 生活放纵的;非固着的,能自由移动的;非寄生或共生的,代谢完全独立的
segregate 使分离,隔离(含强制性,如种族隔离)
parallel 平行的,相似的
overshadow 使(某物)被遮蔽、阴暗,使减少乐趣,使(某人)相形见绌或黯然失色
mimic 戏弄性模仿(某人某物),(某物)极似(某物)
2. Copyright and patent laws attempt to encourage innovation by ensuring that inventors are paid for creative work, so it would be ___ if expanded protection under these lawsdiscouraged entrepreneurial innovation by increasing fears of lawsuits.
(A) desirable
(B) coincidental
(C) ironic
(D) natural
(E) sensible
翻译:版权和专利法尝试通过 保障原创者因其原创 而获利来鼓励创新,则一个讽刺性的结果是,利用这些法律过度保护使对手害怕卷入诉讼,最终阻碍了企业创新。
desirable 可取的,值得要的,引起性趣的
coincidental 由巧合造成的,同时发生的
sensible 合理的,(作表语)察觉到某事物的,(作定语)可感觉到的
entrepreneurial 企业家的,具有创业才能、技巧的
3. The legislators of 1563 realized the ___ of trying to regulate the flow of labor without securing its reasonable remuneration, and so the second part of the statute dealt with establishing wages.
(A) futility
(B) intricacy
(C) anxiety
(D) necessity
(E) decadence
statute 法令,规则,章程
futility 无效,无意义 / uselessness bootlessness
intricacy 错综复杂
anxiety 焦虑,担心,急切渴望
necessity 必需品,必要性,自然规律
decadence 衰落,堕落(的行为)
4. Since most if not all learning occurs through ___ , relating one observation to another, it would be strange indeed if the study of other cultures did not also illuminate the study of our own.
(A) assumptions
(B) experiments
(C) comparisons
(D) repetitions
(E) impressions
repetition 重复(做),背诵,副本、拷贝
impression 印象,感觉、看法,印记,重印,对某人举止的滑稽模仿
5. The sheer bulk of data from the mass media seems to overpower us and drive us to ___ accounts for an easily and readily digestible portion of news.
(A) insular
(B) investigative
(C) synoptic
(D) subjective
(E) sensational
(F) compendious
sheer 彻底的,完全的,陡峭的,纯的,轻薄透明的
bulk (巨大的)体积、数量、容量,(巨大的)身躯,(事物的)主要部分
mass media 大众传媒,影响大量公众的媒介,如报纸电视网络等
overpower (力量或数量)压倒,使无法承受
account 报告、叙述(可以指媒体的报道)
readily 欣然地、毫不迟疑地,容易地、不费事地
digestible 容易消化的
insular 岛屿的,与世隔绝的,思想狭隘的
investigative (爱)调查的
synoptic 概述的
subjective 主观的
sensational 轰动的,耸人听闻的,极好的、杰出的、壮观的,感知的
compendious 简明扼要的
6. Given the evidence of Egyptian and Babylonian ___ later Greek civilization, it would be incorrect to view the work of Greek scientists as an entirely independent creation.
(A) disdain for
(B) imitation of
(C) ambivalence about
(D) deference to
(E) influence on
(F) impact on
given 考虑到,鉴于。因果关系指示词
Egyptian (古)埃及的
Babylonian 巴比伦的,奢华糜烂的
disdain 鄙弃
imitation 模仿
ambivalence 矛盾情绪,犹豫、举棋不定
deference 遵从,敬重
7. The commissions criticized the legislature for making college attendance dependent on the ability to pay, charging that, as a result, hundreds of qualified young people would be ___ further education.
(A) entitled to
(B) striving for
(C) deprived of
(D) withheld from
(E) uninterested in
(F) participating in
entitle 给…命名,使…有资格得到某物或做某事
strive 努力,力求,斗争
deprive 剥夺
withhold 拒绝给予,抑制,制止
uninterested 不关心的,漠然的
8. Broadway audiences have become inured to ___ and so ___ to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A cleverness
D reluctant
B condescension
E unlikely
C mediocrity
F desperate
ovation 热烈鼓掌或欢呼
condescension 屈尊俯就,恩赐态度(显得高高在上,常怀优越感待人)
mediocrity 平庸(的人或事物)
desperate 绝望而不顾一切的,(罪行等)凶暴的,极其严重的,孤注一掷的,强烈渴望的
9. Although he attempted repeatedly to ___ her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained ___ in her judgment.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A remind
D unfeigned
B convince
E indulgent
C disabuse
F adamant
disabuse 消除谬误,使醒悟
unfeigned 真诚的,不虚伪的
indulgent 宽容的,放纵的,仁慈的
adamant 坚决的,倔犟的
10. The old man could not have been accused of ___ his affection; his conduct toward the child betrayed his ___ her.
1. Because no comprehensive ___ exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.
(A) records
(B) instincts
(C) accounts
(D) remedies
(E) proposals
2. He was widely regarded as a ___ man because he revealed daily his distrust of human nature and human motives.
(A) disrespectful
(B) cynical
(C) confused
(D) misinformed
(E) fanatical
3. From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion — that of the ___ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit.
(A) promotion
(B) exploration
(C) surveying
(D) conservation
(E) enclosure
4. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable ___ through a complex network of producers and consumers.
(A) commodities
(B) dividends
(C) communications
(D) nutrients
(E) artifacts
5. Despite the fact that the two council members belonged to different political parties, they ___ the issue of how to finance the town debt.
(A) complicated
(B) avoided
(C) attested to
(D) reported on
(E) agreed on
(F) consent to
6. Hydrogen is the ___ element of the universe in that it provides the building blocks from which the other elements are produced.
(A) steadiest
(B) expendable
(C) lightest
(D) final
(E) fundamental
(F) essential
7. Paradoxically, Robinson’s excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite ___ them.
(A) enchanted by
(B) enamored of
(C) skeptical of
(D) encouraged by
(E) offended by
(F) reflective about
8. Even though in today’s Soviet Union the ___ the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little ___ to practice their religion.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A promising
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A dissidents within
D obligation
B leaders of
E inclination
C traditionalists among
F latitude
9. Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an ___ fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a ___ canary, safe and secure in its cage.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A angry
D well-fed
B imperious
E lethargic
C unfettered
F fragile
10. In failing to see that the justices pronouncement merely ___ previous decisions rather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk ___ the scope of the justices judgment.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A neglected
D overemphasized
B overturned
E nullified
C qualified
F underplay
1. Because no comprehensive ___ exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.
(A) records
(B) instincts
(C) accounts
(D) remedies
(E) proposals
在本题的另一个 6 选 2 版本中,accounts 也成了正确选项。
account 记述,报告,理由,账户,客户,存款
instinct 本能,冲动,天赋
remedy 药物,补救办法
proposal 建议,提案,求婚
2. He was widely regarded as a ___ man because he revealed daily his distrust of human nature and human motives.
(A) disrespectful
(B) cynical
(C) confused
(D) misinformed
(E) fanatical
本题可以被认为是一道刻板的单词题,因为韦氏大学词典对 cynical 的一种解释就是 contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives,完美地符合题干。
只有一点需要注意,cynical 不宜翻译成 “愤世嫉俗” ,准确地说,中文本来并没有一个现成的词对应 cynical 或者 cynic,最好还是直接翻译成 “犬儒主义(者)”。详细的解释请听上面的语音讲解。
disrespectful 无礼的,轻慢的
confused 迷惑的,混乱的
misinformed 被误导的
fanatical 狂热的
3. From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion — that of the ___ of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit.
(A) promotion
(B) exploration
(C) surveying
(D) conservation
(E) enclosure
freedom 自由,免于、独立于…的控制或影响
promotion 提升(职位等),促进
exploration 探测
survey 全面研究,仔细观察,勘测,意见调查(比如通过问卷或电话)
conservation 保护,保存
enclosure 圈地(并占有),包围
4. Ecology, like economics, concerns itself with the movement of valuable ___ through a complex network of producers and consumers.
(A) commodities
(B) dividends
(C) communications
(D) nutrients
(E) artifacts
dividend 股息,红利, 彩金
nutrient 营养品,滋养物质
artifact 人造物
5. Despite the fact that the two council members belonged to different political parties, they___ the issue of how to finance the town debt.
(A) complicated
(B) avoided
(C) attested to
(D) reported on
(E) agreed on
(F) consent to
council 议会,委员会
attest 作为或提供某事物的明证;作为某事物的见证,声称某事物属实或是真的
consent 赞同,允许
finance 为(计划等)提供资金
6. Hydrogen is the ___ element of the universe in that it provides the building blocksfrom which the other elements are produced.
(A) steadiest
(B) expendable
(C) lightest
(D) final
(E) fundamental
(F) essential
in that 因果关系
building block 建筑用的煤渣砖;积木玩具中用于组合的基本小件;事物的基本组成部分
steady 稳固的
expendable 可消耗的,可牺牲的,不值得保存的,不必要的
7. Paradoxically, Robinson’s excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite ___ them.
(A) enchanted by
(B) enamored of
(C) skeptical of
(D) encouraged by
(E) offended by
(F) reflective about
翻译:R 对早期科幻小说价值的过度否定,恰好说明她已经对其相当着迷,真是个悖论。
enchant 使…极度喜悦、着迷
enamor 使爱上,使被迷住
8. Even though in today‘s Soviet Union the ___ the Muslim clergy have been accorded power and privileges, the Muslim laity and the rank-and-file clergy still have little ___ to practice their religion.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A dissidents within
D obligation
B leaders of
E inclination
C traditionalists among
F latitude
dissident 持不同政见者
traditionalist 传统主义者
obligation 义务,契约,束缚
inclination 倾斜(面或角度),倾向,意愿,趋势
latitude 纬度(地区),(行动或意见等的)自由
9. Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an ___ fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a___ canary, safe and secure in its cage.
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A angry
D well-fed
B imperious
E lethargic
C unfettered
F fragile
imperious 傲慢专横的,飞扬跋扈的,紧急迫切的
lethargic 昏睡的,无精打采的
10. In failing to see that the justices pronouncement merely ___ previous decisionsrather than actually establishing a precedent, the novice law clerk ___ the scope of the justices judgment.
Blank (i)