托福考试网 鲤鱼小编 更新时间:2017-07-03
"Now I don't want to rub you the wrong way, young man, but you didn't put enough rug cleaner on over here.
I think you’re going to have to run across it again!" Ugh. Tommy hated this new job as a janitor!
He would much rather just run errands for some lawyer or businessman.
But he had to run against business majors for those jobs-he didn't stand a chance!
"Aw, Bill. It's running late and I’m feeling pretty run down. Can't we just run it up as done and over and get out of here?" Tommy asked.
"Nope. We can't run away from our responsibility. Do it again!"
When the cleaner ran out of power, Tommy thanked God. He had hoped it was running low on gas, and he was right.
"Aw, we ran the cleaner too hard! I guess I’ll have to get some more gas tomorrow morning before I come back to work,” Tommy said.
"You lucked out this time, son," Bill said with a frown as he scratched his gray head. "
After you get the gas tomorrow, run over and pick up some new mops too, okay?
And if you run into Mrs. Wilson at the supply store, tell her that old Bill said hi!"
Bill smiled. "Oh, and then stop by the copy store to run off some new flyers. We need to find some more business!"
"Sure. No problem. I'll say hi to your girlfriend for you old man!" Tommy replied. He was just glad to be done with work for the night.
Now to find his friends and go get a beer!
"She better get here soon," the manager said as she took a safety pin out of her mouth and attached it to the sign she was hanging on a sales rack.
"I'm sure she'll be here any minute," Terri said." She's probably…" "Save your breath," the manager interrupted. "Here she comes."
"Hi, boss," Kelly said. Her clothes were saturated with water. "Sorry, I'm late. It's raining outside and there was this terrible traffic accident and... "
"Save your explanation," the manager said. She liked to interrupt. "Your friend here has been trying to put in a good word for you,
but I've had enough. You're fired." "What?" Kelly said. "You can't do that!"
"Oh, yes, I can,”the manager replied. "Now save some face and don't make a scene. Just leave quietly."
"What," Kelly said angrily, "are you afraid that I will scare off some new potential employee? No way.
I only said yes to working here so that I could save on the clothes I can buy on employee discount.
But you've been rude from day one and I'm just glad to leave! "Now hold on,” the manager said.
"No, you hold on," Kelly continued. "You can't fire me. I just came in to say that I quit!" The manager was stunned.
"And any job that I find after this, even if it's working at McDonalds, will be a scale up from working with you!"
Then Kelly turned and began walking away. "Wait up," Terri said after her. "Save a seat in your car. I'm quitting too!"
"Me too," another employee said. "And me," a third said.
Altogether seven employees quit that day. Only one person was fired-the manager!
Scores of complaints flooded the office after the school newspaper reported that the school president was abusing the power of his position.
But the evidence against him was staggering: he had hundreds of dollars of school supplies in his locker.
There were also suspicions that he had taken supposedly "lost" money for a planned trip to the science museum.
But the school president's friends controlled the school radio station and they defended him every step of the way.
When they themselves moved from calling the accusations the views of a certain school of thought to accusing the school newspaper staff of searching for information to slander the school president,
the staff themselves started to be scared out of their wits! They had no power, no voice, and no way to fight unreasonable accusations. But they gathered together and continued their own investigation.
They found that they were just scratching the surface! As they searched high and low for further hints of corruption,
they found that the school president was paying his friends at the radio station, that they were stealing money themselves, and that the whole faculty was involved!
And then the school president shut down the newspaper office. All of the proof that was scattered about was scooped up and taken away.
When newspaper staff tried to search out where it was hidden they were told that it was sealed up as proof of their own wrongdoing!
It was a grand conspiracy! And there was nothing they could do about it!
板着脸put on a grave expression;
哭丧着脸with grief written all over his face;
拉长脸pull a long face;
脸红脖子粗flush with agitation;
脸气歪了face contorted with fury;
面有难色show signs of reluctance;
面如死灰look deathly pale;
吓得面无人色turn ghastly pale with frigh